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2024-02-09 15:26:54 +01:00
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2024-02-17 11:33:14 +01:00
<title>What is Magnetic-core memory?</title>
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2024-02-18 12:51:04 +01:00
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<h1 class="text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-6xl">What is Magnetic-core memory?</h1>
<p class="mt-4 text-xl text-gray-500">Core memory uses
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroid">toroids</a>
(rings) of a
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_magnetic_material">hard
2024-02-18 12:53:24 +01:00
magnetic material</a>
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(usually a
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrite_(magnet)#Semi-hard_ferrites">semi-hard
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ferrite</a>). Each core stores one
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<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit">bit</a>
of information. Two or more wires pass through each core, forming an
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X-Y array of cores. When an electrical current above a certain
threshold is applied to the wires, the core will become magnetized.
The core to be written is selected by powering one X and one Y wire
to half of the required power, such that only the single core at the
intersection is written. Depending on the direction of the currents,
the core will pick up a clockwise or counterclockwise magnetic field,
storing a 1 or 0.
This writing process also causes electricity to be
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<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_induction">induced</a>
into nearby wires. If the new pulse being applied in the X-Y wires is
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the same as the last applied to that core, the existing field will do
nothing, and no induction will result. If the new pulse is in the
opposite direction, a pulse will be generated. This is normally
picked up in a separate &quot;sense&quot; wire, allowing the system
to know whether that core held a 1 or 0. As this readout process
requires the core to be written, this process is known as
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2024-02-18 12:53:24 +01:00
readout</i>, and requires additional circuitry to reset the core to
its original value if the process flipped it.
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<img class="h-full w-full object-cover object-center" src="./img/IMG_20240205_00.webp" alt="A Core memory Module showing the detailed structure of ferrite cores and copper wires.">
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2024-02-09 15:26:54 +01:00
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2024-02-17 11:33:14 +01:00