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{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
with lib;
cfg =;
certDirOpt =;
isDefaultPathOption = opt: isOption opt && opt.type == types.path && opt.highestPrio >= 1500;
sslPolicies = mapAttrsToList (
name: conf: ''
dbms.ssl.policy.${name}.allow_key_generation=${boolToString conf.allowKeyGeneration}
${optionalString (conf.ciphers != null) ''
dbms.ssl.policy.${name}.ciphers=${concatStringsSep "," conf.ciphers}
${if length (splitString "/" conf.privateKey) > 1 then
${if length (splitString "/" conf.privateKey) > 1 then
dbms.ssl.policy.${name}.tls_versions=${concatStringsSep "," conf.tlsVersions}
dbms.ssl.policy.${name}.trust_all=${boolToString conf.trustAll}
) cfg.ssl.policies;
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
2016-10-11 23:58:54 +02:00
serverConfig = pkgs.writeText "neo4j.conf" ''
# General
dbms.allow_upgrade=${boolToString cfg.allowUpgrade}
dbms.read_only=${boolToString cfg.readOnly}
${optionalString (cfg.workerCount > 0) ''
dbms.threads.worker_count=${toString cfg.workerCount}
2016-10-11 23:58:54 +02:00
# Directories
${optionalString (cfg.constrainLoadCsv) ''
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
# HTTP Connector
${optionalString (cfg.http.enable) ''
dbms.connector.http.enabled=${boolToString cfg.http.enable}
${optionalString (!cfg.http.enable) ''
# It is not possible to disable the HTTP connector. To fully prevent
# clients from connecting to HTTP, block the HTTP port (7474 by default)
# via firewall. listen_address is set to the loopback interface to
# prevent remote clients from connecting.
# HTTPS Connector
dbms.connector.https.enabled=${boolToString cfg.https.enable}
# BOLT Connector
dbms.connector.bolt.enabled=${boolToString cfg.bolt.enable}
# neo4j-shell${boolToString}
# SSL Policies
${concatStringsSep "\n" sslPolicies}
# Default retention policy from neo4j.conf
dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy=1 days
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
# Default JVM parameters from neo4j.conf
2016-10-11 23:58:54 +02:00
# Usage Data Collector
dbms.udc.enabled=${boolToString cfg.udc.enable}
# Extra Configuration
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
in {
###### interface = {
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable Neo4j Community Edition.
allowUpgrade = mkOption {
2015-06-15 18:10:26 +02:00
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Allow upgrade of Neo4j database files from an older version.
constrainLoadCsv = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Sets the root directory for file URLs used with the Cypher
<literal>LOAD CSV</literal> clause to be that defined by
<option>directories.imports</option>. It restricts
access to only those files within that directory and its
Setting this option to <literal>false</literal> introduces
possible security problems.
defaultListenAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = ''
Default network interface to listen for incoming connections. To
listen for connections on all interfaces, use "".
Specifies the default IP address and address part of connector
specific <option>listenAddress</option> options. To bind specific
connectors to a specific network interfaces, specify the entire
<option>listenAddress</option> option for that connector.
extraServerConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Extra configuration for Neo4j Community server. Refer to the
<link xlink:href="">complete reference</link>
of Neo4j configuration settings.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
2014-10-18 13:18:37 +02:00
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
2014-10-18 13:18:37 +02:00
default = pkgs.neo4j;
defaultText = "pkgs.neo4j";
description = ''
Neo4j package to use.
2014-10-18 13:18:37 +02:00
readOnly = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Only allow read operations from this Neo4j instance.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
workerCount = mkOption {
type = types.ints.between 0 44738;
default = 0;
description = ''
Number of Neo4j worker threads, where the default of
<literal>0</literal> indicates a worker count equal to the number of
available processors.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
bolt = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Enable the BOLT connector for Neo4j. Setting this option to
<literal>false</literal> will stop Neo4j from listening for incoming
connections on the BOLT port (7687 by default).
listenAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = ":7687";
description = ''
Neo4j listen address for BOLT traffic. The listen address is
expressed in the format <literal>&lt;ip-address&gt;:&lt;port-number&gt;</literal>.
sslPolicy = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "legacy";
description = ''
Neo4j SSL policy for BOLT traffic.
The legacy policy is a special policy which is not defined in
the policy configuration section, but rather derives from
<option>directories.certificates</option> and
associated files (by default: <filename>neo4j.key</filename> and
<filename>neo4j.cert</filename>). Its use will be deprecated.
Note: This connector must be configured to support/require
SSL/TLS for the legacy policy to actually be utilized. See
tlsLevel = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "REQUIRED" "OPTIONAL" "DISABLED" ];
default = "OPTIONAL";
description = ''
SSL/TSL requirement level for BOLT traffic.
2016-10-11 23:58:54 +02:00
directories = {
certificates = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${cfg.directories.home}/certificates";
description = ''
Directory for storing certificates to be used by Neo4j for
TLS connections.
When setting this directory to something other than its default,
ensure the directory's existence, and that read/write permissions are
given to the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
Note that changing this directory from its default will prevent
the directory structure required for each SSL policy from being
automatically generated. A policy's directory structure as defined by
its <option>baseDirectory</option>,<option>revokedDir</option> and
<option>trustedDir</option> must then be setup manually. The
existence of these directories is mandatory, as well as the presence
of the certificate file and the private key. Ensure the correct
permissions are set on these directories and files.
data = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${cfg.directories.home}/data";
description = ''
Path of the data directory. You must not configure more than one
Neo4j installation to use the same data directory.
When setting this directory to something other than its default,
ensure the directory's existence, and that read/write permissions are
given to the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
home = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/lib/neo4j";
description = ''
Path of the Neo4j home directory. Other default directories are
subdirectories of this path. This directory will be created if
non-existent, and its ownership will be <command>chown</command> to
the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
imports = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${cfg.directories.home}/import";
description = ''
The root directory for file URLs used with the Cypher
<literal>LOAD CSV</literal> clause. Only meaningful when
<option>constrainLoadCvs</option> is set to
When setting this directory to something other than its default,
ensure the directory's existence, and that read permission is
given to the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
plugins = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${cfg.directories.home}/plugins";
description = ''
Path of the database plugin directory. Compiled Java JAR files that
contain database procedures will be loaded if they are placed in
this directory.
When setting this directory to something other than its default,
ensure the directory's existence, and that read permission is
given to the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
2016-10-11 23:58:54 +02:00
http = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
The HTTP connector is required for Neo4j, and cannot be disabled.
Setting this option to <literal>false</literal> will force the HTTP
connector's <option>listenAddress</option> to the loopback
interface to prevent connection of remote clients. To prevent all
clients from connecting, block the HTTP port (7474 by default) by
listenAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = ":7474";
description = ''
Neo4j listen address for HTTP traffic. The listen address is
expressed in the format <literal>&lt;ip-address&gt;:&lt;port-number&gt;</literal>.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
https = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Enable the HTTPS connector for Neo4j. Setting this option to
<literal>false</literal> will stop Neo4j from listening for incoming
connections on the HTTPS port (7473 by default).
listenAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = ":7473";
description = ''
Neo4j listen address for HTTPS traffic. The listen address is
expressed in the format <literal>&lt;ip-address&gt;:&lt;port-number&gt;</literal>.
sslPolicy = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "legacy";
description = ''
Neo4j SSL policy for HTTPS traffic.
The legacy policy is a special policy which is not defined in the
policy configuration section, but rather derives from
<option>directories.certificates</option> and
associated files (by default: <filename>neo4j.key</filename> and
<filename>neo4j.cert</filename>). Its use will be deprecated.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
shell = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable a remote shell server which Neo4j Shell clients can log in to.
Only applicable to <command>neo4j-shell</command>.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
ssl.policies = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf (submodule ({ name, config, options, ... }: {
options = {
allowKeyGeneration = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Allows the generation of a private key and associated self-signed
certificate. Only performed when both objects cannot be found for
this policy. It is recommended to turn this off again after keys
have been generated.
The public certificate is required to be duplicated to the
directory holding trusted certificates as defined by the
<option>trustedDir</option> option.
Keys should in general be generated and distributed offline by a
trusted certificate authority and not by utilizing this mode.
baseDirectory = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${cfg.directories.certificates}/${name}";
description = ''
The mandatory base directory for cryptographic objects of this
policy. This path is only automatically generated when this
option as well as <option>directories.certificates</option> are
left at their default. Ensure read/write permissions are given
to the Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
It is also possible to override each individual
configuration with absolute paths. See the
<option>privateKey</option> and <option>publicCertificate</option>
policy options.
ciphers = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr (types.listOf types.str);
default = null;
description = ''
Restrict the allowed ciphers of this policy to those defined
here. The default ciphers are those of the JVM platform.
clientAuth = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "NONE" "OPTIONAL" "REQUIRE" ];
default = "REQUIRE";
description = ''
The client authentication stance for this policy.
privateKey = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "private.key";
description = ''
The name of private PKCS #8 key file for this policy to be found
in the <option>baseDirectory</option>, or the absolute path to
the key file. It is mandatory that a key can be found or generated.
publicCertificate = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "public.crt";
description = ''
The name of public X.509 certificate (chain) file in PEM format
for this policy to be found in the <option>baseDirectory</option>,
or the absolute path to the certificate file. It is mandatory
that a certificate can be found or generated.
The public certificate is required to be duplicated to the
directory holding trusted certificates as defined by the
<option>trustedDir</option> option.
revokedDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${config.baseDirectory}/revoked";
description = ''
Path to directory of CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) in
PEM format. Must be an absolute path. The existence of this
directory is mandatory and will need to be created manually when:
setting this option to something other than its default; setting
either this policy's <option>baseDirectory</option> or
<option>directories.certificates</option> to something other than
their default. Ensure read/write permissions are given to the
Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
tlsVersions = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [ "TLSv1.2" ];
description = ''
Restrict the TLS protocol versions of this policy to those
defined here.
trustAll = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Makes this policy trust all remote parties. Enabling this is not
recommended and the policy's trusted directory will be ignored.
Use of this mode is discouraged. It would offer encryption but
no security.
trustedDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${config.baseDirectory}/trusted";
description = ''
Path to directory of X.509 certificates in PEM format for
trusted parties. Must be an absolute path. The existence of this
directory is mandatory and will need to be created manually when:
setting this option to something other than its default; setting
either this policy's <option>baseDirectory</option> or
<option>directories.certificates</option> to something other than
their default. Ensure read/write permissions are given to the
Neo4j daemon user <literal>neo4j</literal>.
The public certificate as defined by
<option>publicCertificate</option> is required to be duplicated
to this directory.
directoriesToCreate = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.path;
internal = true;
readOnly = true;
description = ''
Directories of this policy that will be created automatically
when the certificates directory is left at its default value.
This includes all options of type path that are left at their
default value.
config.directoriesToCreate = optionals
(certDirOpt.highestPrio >= 1500 && options.baseDirectory.highestPrio >= 1500)
(map (opt: opt.value) (filter isDefaultPathOption (attrValues options)));
default = {};
description = ''
Defines the SSL policies for use with Neo4j connectors. Each attribute
of this set defines a policy, with the attribute name defining the name
of the policy and its namespace. Refer to the operations manual section
on Neo4j's
<link xlink:href="">SSL Framework</link>
for further details.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
udc = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable the Usage Data Collector which Neo4j uses to collect usage
data. Refer to the operations manual section on the
<link xlink:href="">Usage Data Collector</link>
for more information.
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
###### implementation
config =
# Assertion helpers
policyNameList = attrNames cfg.ssl.policies;
validPolicyNameList = [ "legacy" ] ++ policyNameList;
validPolicyNameString = concatStringsSep ", " validPolicyNameList;
# Capture various directories left at their default so they can be created.
defaultDirectoriesToCreate = map (opt: opt.value) (filter isDefaultPathOption (attrValues;
policyDirectoriesToCreate = concatMap (pol: pol.directoriesToCreate) (attrValues cfg.ssl.policies);
mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
{ assertion = !elem "legacy" policyNameList;
message = "The policy 'legacy' is special to Neo4j, and its name is reserved."; }
{ assertion = elem cfg.bolt.sslPolicy validPolicyNameList;
message = "Invalid policy assigned: `services.neo4j.bolt.sslPolicy = \"${cfg.bolt.sslPolicy}\"`, defined policies are: ${validPolicyNameString}"; }
{ assertion = elem cfg.https.sslPolicy validPolicyNameList;
message = "Invalid policy assigned: `services.neo4j.https.sslPolicy = \"${cfg.https.sslPolicy}\"`, defined policies are: ${validPolicyNameString}"; }
]; = {
description = "Neo4j Daemon";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
environment = {
NEO4J_HOME = "${cfg.package}/share/neo4j";
NEO4J_CONF = "${cfg.directories.home}/conf";
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/neo4j console";
User = "neo4j";
PermissionsStartOnly = true;
LimitNOFILE = 40000;
preStart = ''
# Directories Setup
# Always ensure home exists with nested conf, logs directories.
mkdir -m 0700 -p ${cfg.directories.home}/{conf,logs}
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
# Create other sub-directories and policy directories that have been left at their default.
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (
dir: ''
mkdir -m 0700 -p ${dir}
'') (defaultDirectoriesToCreate ++ policyDirectoriesToCreate)}
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
# Place the configuration where Neo4j can find it.
ln -fs ${serverConfig} ${cfg.directories.home}/conf/neo4j.conf
# Ensure neo4j user ownership
chown -R neo4j ${cfg.directories.home}
environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ];
users.users = singleton {
name = "neo4j";
uid = config.ids.uids.neo4j;
description = "Neo4j daemon user";
home = cfg.directories.home;
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00
meta = {
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ patternspandemic ];
2014-08-16 23:53:26 +02:00