Merge pull request #296384 from pennae/remove-docbook-docs-support

nixos/docs: remove docbook support machinery
This commit is contained in:
Silvan Mosberger 2024-03-28 18:03:31 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1f7ac8f58b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
9 changed files with 36 additions and 484 deletions

View file

@ -232,19 +232,5 @@ in rec {
echo "file json-br $dst/" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
optionsDocBook = lib.warn "optionsDocBook is deprecated since 23.11 and will be removed in 24.05"
(pkgs.runCommand "options-docbook.xml" {
nativeBuildInputs = [
} ''
nixos-render-docs -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES options docbook \
--manpage-urls ${pkgs.path + "/doc/manpage-urls.json"} \
--revision ${lib.escapeShellArg revision} \
--document-type ${lib.escapeShellArg documentType} \
--varlist-id ${lib.escapeShellArg variablelistId} \
--id-prefix ${lib.escapeShellArg optionIdPrefix} \
${optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json \
optionsDocBook = throw "optionsDocBook has been removed in 24.05";

View file

@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import cast, Optional, NamedTuple
from markdown_it.token import Token
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
from .md import Renderer
_xml_id_translate_table = {
ord('*'): ord('_'),
ord('<'): ord('_'),
ord(' '): ord('_'),
ord('>'): ord('_'),
ord('['): ord('_'),
ord(']'): ord('_'),
ord(':'): ord('_'),
ord('"'): ord('_'),
def make_xml_id(s: str) -> str:
return s.translate(_xml_id_translate_table)
class Deflist:
has_dd = False
class Heading(NamedTuple):
container_tag: str
level: int
# special handling for <part> titles: whether partinfo was already closed from elsewhere
# or still needs closing.
partintro_closed: bool = False
class DocBookRenderer(Renderer):
_link_tags: list[str]
_deflists: list[Deflist]
_headings: list[Heading]
_attrspans: list[str]
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str]):
self._link_tags = []
self._deflists = []
self._headings = []
self._attrspans = []
def render(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
result = super().render(tokens)
result += self._close_headings(None)
return result
def renderInline(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
# HACK to support docbook links and xrefs. link handling is only necessary because the docbook
# manpage stylesheet converts - in urls to a mathematical minus, which may be somewhat incorrect.
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token.type != 'link_open':
token.tag = 'link'
# turn [](#foo) into xrefs
if token.attrs['href'][0:1] == '#' and tokens[i + 1].type == 'link_close': # type: ignore[index]
token.tag = "xref"
# turn <x> into links without contents
if tokens[i + 1].type == 'text' and tokens[i + 1].content == token.attrs['href']:
tokens[i + 1].content = ''
return super().renderInline(tokens)
def text(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return escape(token.content)
def paragraph_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para>"
def paragraph_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</para>"
def hardbreak(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<literallayout>\n</literallayout>"
def softbreak(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
# should check options.breaks() and emit hard break if so
return "\n"
def code_inline(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f"<literal>{escape(token.content)}</literal>"
def code_block(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f"<programlisting>{escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
def link_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
href = cast(str, token.attrs['href'])
(attr, start) = ('linkend', 1) if href[0] == '#' else ('xlink:href', 0)
return f"<{token.tag} {attr}={quoteattr(href[start:])}>"
def link_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f"</{self._link_tags.pop()}>"
def list_item_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<listitem>"
def list_item_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</listitem>\n"
# HACK open and close para for docbook change size. remove soon.
def bullet_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
spacing = ' spacing="compact"' if token.meta.get('compact', False) else ''
return f"<para><itemizedlist{spacing}>\n"
def bullet_list_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "\n</itemizedlist></para>"
def em_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<emphasis>"
def em_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</emphasis>"
def strong_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<emphasis role=\"strong\">"
def strong_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</emphasis>"
def fence(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
info = f" language={quoteattr(}" if != "" else ""
return f"<programlisting{info}>{escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
def blockquote_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><blockquote>"
def blockquote_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</blockquote></para>"
def note_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><note>"
def note_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</note></para>"
def caution_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><caution>"
def caution_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</caution></para>"
def important_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><important>"
def important_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</important></para>"
def tip_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><tip>"
def tip_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</tip></para>"
def warning_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><warning>"
def warning_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</warning></para>"
# markdown-it emits tokens based on the html syntax tree, but docbook is
# slightly different. html has <dl>{<dt/>{<dd/>}}</dl>,
# docbook has <variablelist>{<varlistentry><term/><listitem/></varlistentry>}<variablelist>
# we have to reject multiple definitions for the same term for time being.
def dl_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<para><variablelist>"
def dl_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</variablelist></para>"
def dt_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
self._deflists[-1].has_dd = False
return "<varlistentry><term>"
def dt_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</term>"
def dd_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if self._deflists[-1].has_dd:
raise Exception("multiple definitions per term not supported")
self._deflists[-1].has_dd = True
return "<listitem>"
def dd_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</listitem></varlistentry>"
def myst_role(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if token.meta['name'] == 'command':
return f"<command>{escape(token.content)}</command>"
if token.meta['name'] == 'file':
return f"<filename>{escape(token.content)}</filename>"
if token.meta['name'] == 'var':
return f"<varname>{escape(token.content)}</varname>"
if token.meta['name'] == 'env':
return f"<envar>{escape(token.content)}</envar>"
if token.meta['name'] == 'option':
return f"<option>{escape(token.content)}</option>"
if token.meta['name'] == 'manpage':
[page, section] = [ s.strip() for s in token.content.rsplit('(', 1) ]
section = section[:-1]
man = f"{page}({section})"
title = f"<refentrytitle>{escape(page)}</refentrytitle>"
vol = f"<manvolnum>{escape(section)}</manvolnum>"
ref = f"<citerefentry>{title}{vol}</citerefentry>"
if man in self._manpage_urls:
return f"<link xlink:href={quoteattr(self._manpage_urls[man])}>{ref}</link>"
return ref
raise NotImplementedError("md node not supported yet", token)
def attr_span_begin(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
# we currently support *only* inline anchors and the special .keycap class to produce
# <keycap> docbook elements.
(id_part, class_part) = ("", "")
if s := token.attrs.get('id'):
id_part = f'<anchor xml:id={quoteattr(cast(str, s))} />'
if s := token.attrs.get('class'):
if s == 'keycap':
class_part = "<keycap>"
return super().attr_span_begin(token, tokens, i)
return id_part + class_part
def attr_span_end(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return self._attrspans.pop()
def ordered_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
start = f' startingnumber="{token.attrs["start"]}"' if 'start' in token.attrs else ""
spacing = ' spacing="compact"' if token.meta.get('compact', False) else ''
return f"<orderedlist{start}{spacing}>"
def ordered_list_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</orderedlist>"
def heading_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
hlevel = int(token.tag[1:])
result = self._close_headings(hlevel)
(tag, attrs) = self._heading_tag(token, tokens, i)
self._headings.append(Heading(tag, hlevel))
attrs_str = "".join([ f" {k}={quoteattr(v)}" for k, v in attrs.items() ])
return result + f'<{tag}{attrs_str}>\n<title>'
def heading_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
heading = self._headings[-1]
result = '</title>'
if heading.container_tag == 'part':
# generate the same ids as were previously assigned manually. if this collides we
# rely on outside schema validation to catch it!
maybe_id = ""
assert tokens[i - 2].type == 'heading_open'
if id := cast(str, tokens[i - 2].attrs.get('id', "")):
maybe_id = " xml:id=" + quoteattr(id + "-intro")
result += f"<partintro{maybe_id}>"
return result
def example_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', '')):
id = f'xml:id={quoteattr(id)}' if id else ''
return f'<example {id}>'
def example_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</example>"
def example_title_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<title>"
def example_title_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</title>"
def _close_headings(self, level: Optional[int]) -> str:
# we rely on markdown-it producing h{1..6} tags in token.tag for this to work
result = []
while len(self._headings):
if level is None or self._headings[-1].level >= level:
heading = self._headings.pop()
if heading.container_tag == 'part' and not heading.partintro_closed:
return "\n".join(result)
def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
attrs = {}
if id := token.attrs.get('id'):
attrs['xml:id'] = cast(str, id)
return ("section", attrs)

View file

@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ from typing import Any, Callable, cast, ClassVar, Generic, get_args, NamedTuple
from markdown_it.token import Token
from . import md, options
from .docbook import DocBookRenderer, Heading, make_xml_id
from .html import HTMLRenderer, UnresolvedXrefError
from .manual_structure import check_structure, FragmentType, is_include, TocEntry, TocEntryType, XrefTarget
from .manual_structure import check_structure, FragmentType, is_include, make_xml_id, TocEntry, TocEntryType, XrefTarget
from .md import Converter, Renderer
class BaseConverter(Converter[md.TR], Generic[md.TR]):
@ -200,74 +199,6 @@ class RendererMixin(Renderer):
def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ManualDocBookRenderer(RendererMixin, DocBookRenderer):
def __init__(self, toplevel_tag: str, revision: str, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str]):
super().__init__(toplevel_tag, revision, manpage_urls)
def _render_book(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
assert tokens[1].children
assert tokens[4].children
if (maybe_id := cast(str, tokens[0].attrs.get('id', ""))):
maybe_id = "xml:id=" + xml.quoteattr(maybe_id)
return (f'<book xmlns=""'
f' xmlns:xlink=""'
f' {maybe_id} version="5.0">'
f' <title>{self.renderInline(tokens[1].children)}</title>'
f' <subtitle>{self.renderInline(tokens[4].children)}</subtitle>'
f' {super(DocBookRenderer, self).render(tokens[6:])}'
def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
(tag, attrs) = super()._heading_tag(token, tokens, i)
# render() has already verified that we don't have supernumerary headings and since the
# book tag is handled specially we can leave the check this simple
if token.tag != 'h1':
return (tag, attrs)
return (self._toplevel_tag, attrs | {
'xmlns': "",
'xmlns:xlink': "",
def _included_thing(self, tag: str, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
result = []
# close existing partintro. the generic render doesn't really need this because
# it doesn't have a concept of structure in the way the manual does.
if self._headings and self._headings[-1] == Heading('part', 1):
self._headings[-1] = self._headings[-1]._replace(partintro_closed=True)
# must nest properly for structural includes. this requires saving at least
# the headings stack, but creating new renderers is cheap and much easier.
r = ManualDocBookRenderer(tag, self._revision, self._manpage_urls)
for (included, path) in token.meta['included']:
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"rendering {path}") from e
return "".join(result)
def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
conv = options.DocBookConverter(self._manpage_urls, self._revision, 'fragment',
token.meta['list-id'], token.meta['id-prefix'])
return conv.finalize(fragment=True)
# TODO minimize docbook diffs with existing conversions. remove soon.
def paragraph_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return super().paragraph_open(token, tokens, i) + "\n "
def paragraph_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "\n" + super().paragraph_close(token, tokens, i)
def code_block(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f"<programlisting>\n{xml.escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
def fence(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
info = f" language={xml.quoteattr(}" if != "" else ""
return f"<programlisting{info}>\n{xml.escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
class DocBookConverter(BaseConverter[ManualDocBookRenderer]):
INCLUDE_ARGS_NS = "docbook"
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str], revision: str):
self._renderer = ManualDocBookRenderer('book', revision, manpage_urls)
class HTMLParameters(NamedTuple):
generator: str
@ -457,7 +388,7 @@ class ManualHTMLRenderer(RendererMixin, HTMLRenderer):
f' </span>'
# we want to look straight through parts because docbook-xsl does too, but it
# we want to look straight through parts because docbook-xsl did too, but it
# also makes for more uesful top-level tocs.
next_level = walk_and_emit(child, depth - (0 if child.kind == 'part' else 1))
if next_level:
@ -477,7 +408,7 @@ class ManualHTMLRenderer(RendererMixin, HTMLRenderer):
# we don't want to generate the "Title of Contents" header for sections,
# docbook doesn't and it's only distracting clutter unless it's the main table.
# docbook didn't and it's only distracting clutter unless it's the main table.
# we also want to generate tocs only for a top-level section (ie, one that is
# not itself contained in another section)
print_title = toc.kind != 'section'
@ -506,12 +437,12 @@ class ManualHTMLRenderer(RendererMixin, HTMLRenderer):
def _make_hN(self, level: int) -> tuple[str, str]:
# for some reason chapters don't increase the hN nesting count in docbook xslts. duplicate
# this for consistency.
# for some reason chapters didn't increase the hN nesting count in docbook xslts.
# originally this was duplicated here for consistency with docbook rendering, but
# it could be reevaluated and changed now that docbook is gone.
if self._toplevel_tag == 'chapter':
level -= 1
# TODO docbook compat. these are never useful for us, but not having them breaks manual
# compare workflows while docbook is still allowed.
# this style setting is also for docbook compatibility only and could well go away.
style = ""
if level + self._hlevel_offset < 3 \
and (self._toplevel_tag == 'section' or (self._toplevel_tag == 'chapter' and level > 0)):
@ -537,7 +468,7 @@ class ManualHTMLRenderer(RendererMixin, HTMLRenderer):
if into:
toc = TocEntry.of(fragments[0][0][0])
# we do not set _hlevel_offset=0 because docbook doesn't either.
# we do not set _hlevel_offset=0 because docbook didn't either.
inner = outer
in_dir = self._in_dir
@ -742,12 +673,6 @@ class HTMLConverter(BaseConverter[ManualHTMLRenderer]):
def _build_cli_db(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
p.add_argument('infile', type=Path)
p.add_argument('outfile', type=Path)
def _build_cli_html(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
@ -761,11 +686,6 @@ def _build_cli_html(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('infile', type=Path)
p.add_argument('outfile', type=Path)
def _run_cli_db(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
md = DocBookConverter(json.load(manpage_urls), args.revision)
md.convert(args.infile, args.outfile)
def _run_cli_html(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
md = HTMLConverter(
@ -777,13 +697,10 @@ def _run_cli_html(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
def build_cli(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
formats = p.add_subparsers(dest='format', required=True)
def run_cli(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
if args.format == 'docbook':
elif args.format == 'html':
if args.format == 'html':
raise RuntimeError('format not hooked up', args)

View file

@ -201,3 +201,20 @@ class TocEntry(Freezeable):
while len(entries) > 1:
return (entries[0][1], examples, figures)
_xml_id_translate_table = {
ord('*'): ord('_'),
ord('<'): ord('_'),
ord(' '): ord('_'),
ord('>'): ord('_'),
ord('['): ord('_'),
ord(']'): ord('_'),
ord(':'): ord('_'),
ord('"'): ord('_'),
# this function is needed to generate option id attributes in the same format as
# the docbook toolchain did to not break existing links. we don't actually use
# xml any more, that's just the legacy we're dealing with and part of our structure
# now.
def make_xml_id(s: str) -> str:
return s.translate(_xml_id_translate_table)

View file

@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ from . import md
from . import parallel
from .asciidoc import AsciiDocRenderer, asciidoc_escape
from .commonmark import CommonMarkRenderer
from .docbook import DocBookRenderer, make_xml_id
from .html import HTMLRenderer
from .manpage import ManpageRenderer, man_escape
from .manual_structure import XrefTarget
from .manual_structure import make_xml_id, XrefTarget
from .md import Converter, md_escape, md_make_code
from .types import OptionLoc, Option, RenderedOption
@ -184,100 +183,6 @@ class OptionDocsRestrictions:
def example_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
raise RuntimeError("md token not supported in options doc", token)
class OptionsDocBookRenderer(OptionDocsRestrictions, DocBookRenderer):
# TODO keep optionsDocBook diff small. remove soon if rendering is still good.
def ordered_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
token.meta['compact'] = False
return super().ordered_list_open(token, tokens, i)
def bullet_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
token.meta['compact'] = False
return super().bullet_list_open(token, tokens, i)
class DocBookConverter(BaseConverter[OptionsDocBookRenderer]):
__option_block_separator__ = ""
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str],
revision: str,
document_type: str,
varlist_id: str,
id_prefix: str):
self._renderer = OptionsDocBookRenderer(manpage_urls)
self._document_type = document_type
self._varlist_id = varlist_id
self._id_prefix = id_prefix
def _parallel_render_prepare(self) -> Any:
return (self._renderer._manpage_urls, self._revision, self._document_type,
self._varlist_id, self._id_prefix)
def _parallel_render_init_worker(cls, a: Any) -> DocBookConverter:
return cls(*a)
def _related_packages_header(self) -> list[str]:
return [
" <emphasis>Related packages:</emphasis>",
def _decl_def_header(self, header: str) -> list[str]:
return [
def _decl_def_entry(self, href: Optional[str], name: str) -> list[str]:
if href is not None:
href = " xlink:href=" + xml.quoteattr(href)
return [
def _decl_def_footer(self) -> list[str]:
return [ "</simplelist>" ]
def finalize(self, *, fragment: bool = False) -> str:
result = []
if not fragment:
result.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
if self._document_type == 'appendix':
result += [
'<appendix xmlns=""',
' xml:id="appendix-configuration-options">',
' <title>Configuration Options</title>',
result += [
'<variablelist xmlns:xlink=""',
' xmlns:nixos=""',
' xmlns=""',
f' xml:id="{self._varlist_id}">',
for (name, opt) in self._sorted_options():
id = make_xml_id(self._id_prefix + name)
result += [
# NOTE adding extra spaces here introduces spaces into xref link expansions
(f"<term xlink:href={xml.quoteattr('#' + id)} xml:id={xml.quoteattr(id)}>" +
result += opt.lines
result += [
if self._document_type == 'appendix':
return "\n".join(result)
class OptionsManpageRenderer(OptionDocsRestrictions, ManpageRenderer):
@ -578,15 +483,6 @@ class HTMLConverter(BaseConverter[OptionsHTMLRenderer]):
return "\n".join(result)
def _build_cli_db(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
p.add_argument('--document-type', required=True)
p.add_argument('--varlist-id', required=True)
p.add_argument('--id-prefix', required=True)
def _build_cli_manpage(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
p.add_argument("--header", type=Path)
@ -606,20 +502,6 @@ def _build_cli_asciidoc(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
def _run_cli_db(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
md = DocBookConverter(
revision = args.revision,
document_type = args.document_type,
varlist_id = args.varlist_id,
id_prefix = args.id_prefix)
with open(args.infile, 'r') as f:
with open(args.outfile, 'w') as f:
def _run_cli_manpage(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
header = None
footer = None
@ -663,15 +545,12 @@ def _run_cli_asciidoc(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
def build_cli(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
formats = p.add_subparsers(dest='format', required=True)
def run_cli(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
if args.format == 'docbook':
elif args.format == 'manpage':
if args.format == 'manpage':
elif args.format == 'commonmark':

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import nixos_render_docs as nrd
from markdown_it.token import Token
class Converter([nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer]):
class Converter([nrd.html.HTMLRenderer]):
# actual renderer doesn't matter, we're just parsing.
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: dict[str, str]) -> None:
self._renderer = nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer(manpage_urls)
self._renderer = nrd.html.HTMLRenderer(manpage_urls, {})
def test_heading_id_absent() -> None:
c = Converter({})

View file

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import pytest
from markdown_it.token import Token
class Converter([nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer]):
class Converter([nrd.html.HTMLRenderer]):
# actual renderer doesn't matter, we're just parsing.
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: dict[str, str]) -> None:
self._renderer = nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer(manpage_urls)
self._renderer = nrd.html.HTMLRenderer(manpage_urls, {})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ordered", [True, False])
def test_list_wide(ordered: bool) -> None:

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from markdown_it.token import Token
import pytest
def test_option_headings() -> None:
c = nixos_render_docs.options.DocBookConverter({}, 'local', 'none', 'vars', 'opt-')
c = nixos_render_docs.options.HTMLConverter({}, 'local', 'vars', 'opt-', {})
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
c._render("# foo")
assert exc.value.args[0] == 'md token not supported in options doc'

View file

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import pytest
from markdown_it.token import Token
class Converter([nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer]):
class Converter([nrd.html.HTMLRenderer]):
# actual renderer doesn't matter, we're just parsing.
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: dict[str, str]) -> None:
self._renderer = nrd.docbook.DocBookRenderer(manpage_urls)
self._renderer = nrd.html.HTMLRenderer(manpage_urls, {})
def test_attr_span_parsing() -> None:
c = Converter({})