drop permission prestart from polipo service module

chowning the cache directory can timeout the service, permissions
on this directory should never change without user intervention
This commit is contained in:
Emery Hemingway 2014-10-16 10:54:12 -04:00
parent a3e5eca153
commit 32d6ae7ed9

View file

@ -103,12 +103,8 @@ in
description = "caching web proxy";
after = [ "network.target" "nss-lookup.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target"];
preStart = ''
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown polipo:polipo /var/cache/polipo -R
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.polipo}/bin/polipo -c ${polipoConfig}";
ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID";
User = "polipo";