manual: Document pkgsFooBar and more

There was a bunch of stuff in the cross section that haddn't had any
attention in a while. I might need to slim it down later, but this is
good for now.
This commit is contained in:
John Ericson 2019-03-20 18:21:00 -04:00 committed by John Ericson
parent 655a29ff9c
commit 5e5266f83f
2 changed files with 299 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -12,11 +12,12 @@
computing power and memory to compile their own programs. One might think
that cross-compilation is a fairly niche concern. However, there are
significant advantages to rigorously distinguishing between build-time and
run-time environments! This applies even when one is developing and
deploying on the same machine. Nixpkgs is increasingly adopting the opinion
that packages should be written with cross-compilation in mind, and nixpkgs
should evaluate in a similar way (by minimizing cross-compilation-specific
special cases) whether or not one is cross-compiling.
run-time environments! Significant, because the benefits apply even when one
is developing and deploying on the same machine. Nixpkgs is increasingly
adopting the opinion that packages should be written with cross-compilation
in mind, and nixpkgs should evaluate in a similar way (by minimizing
cross-compilation-specific special cases) whether or not one is
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
<section xml:id="sec-cross-packaging">
<title>Packaging in a cross-friendly manner</title>
<section xml:id="sec-cross-platform-parameters">
<section xml:id="ssec-cross-platform-parameters">
<title>Platform parameters</title>
@ -218,8 +219,20 @@
<section xml:id="sec-cross-specifying-dependencies">
<title>Specifying Dependencies</title>
<section xml:id="ssec-cross-dependency-categorization">
<title>Theory of dependency categorization</title>
This is a rather philosophical description that isn't very
Nixpkgs-specific. For an overview of all the relevant attributes given to
<varname>mkDerivation</varname>, see
linkend="ssec-stdenv-dependencies"/>. For a description of how
everything is implemented, see
<xref linkend="ssec-cross-dependency-implementation" />.
In this section we explore the relationship between both runtime and
@ -227,84 +240,98 @@
A runtime dependency between 2 packages implies that between them both the
host and target platforms match. This is directly implied by the meaning of
"host platform" and "runtime dependency": The package dependency exists
while both packages are running on a single host platform.
A run time dependency between two packages requires that their host
platforms match. This is directly implied by the meaning of "host platform"
and "runtime dependency": The package dependency exists while both packages
are running on a single host platform.
A build time dependency, however, implies a shift in platforms between the
depending package and the depended-on package. The meaning of a build time
dependency is that to build the depending package we need to be able to run
the depended-on's package. The depending package's build platform is
therefore equal to the depended-on package's host platform. Analogously,
the depending package's host platform is equal to the depended-on package's
target platform.
A build time dependency, however, has a shift in platforms between the
depending package and the depended-on package. "build time dependency"
means that to build the depending package we need to be able to run the
depended-on's package. The depending package's build platform is therefore
equal to the depended-on package's host platform.
In this manner, given the 3 platforms for one package, we can determine the
three platforms for all its transitive dependencies. This is the most
important guiding principle behind cross-compilation with Nixpkgs, and will
be called the <wordasword>sliding window principle</wordasword>.
If both the dependency and depending packages aren't compilers or other
machine-code-producing tools, we're done. And indeed
<varname>buildInputs</varname> and <varname>nativeBuildInputs</varname>
have covered these simpler build-time and run-time (respectively) changes
for many years. But if the depedency does produce machine code, we might
need to worry about it's target platform too. In principle, that target
platform might be any of the depending package's build, host, or target
platforms, but we prohibit dependencies from a "later" platform to an
earlier platform to limit confusion because we've never seen a legitimate
use for them.
Some examples will make this clearer. If a package is being built with a
<literal>(build, host, target)</literal> platform triple of <literal>(foo,
bar, bar)</literal>, then its build-time dependencies would have a triple
of <literal>(foo, foo, bar)</literal>, and <emphasis>those
packages'</emphasis> build-time dependencies would have a triple of
<literal>(foo, foo, foo)</literal>. In other words, it should take two
"rounds" of following build-time dependency edges before one reaches a
fixed point where, by the sliding window principle, the platform triple no
longer changes. Indeed, this happens with cross-compilation, where only
rounds of native dependencies starting with the second necessarily coincide
with native packages.
Finally, if the depending package is a compiler or other
machine-code-producing tool, it might need dependencies that run at "emit
time". This is for compilers that (regrettably) insist on being in built
together with their source langauges' standard libraries. Assuming build !=
host != target, a run-time dependency of the standard library cannot be run
at the compiler's build time or run time, but only at the run time of code
emitted by the compiler.
The depending package's target platform is unconstrained by the sliding
window principle, which makes sense in that one can in principle build
cross compilers targeting arbitrary platforms.
How does this work in practice? Nixpkgs is now structured so that
build-time dependencies are taken from <varname>buildPackages</varname>,
whereas run-time dependencies are taken from the top level attribute set.
For example, <varname>buildPackages.gcc</varname> should be used at
build-time, while <varname>gcc</varname> should be used at run-time. Now,
for most of Nixpkgs's history, there was no
<varname>buildPackages</varname>, and most packages have not been
refactored to use it explicitly. Instead, one can use the six
(<emphasis>gasp</emphasis>) attributes used for specifying dependencies as
documented in <xref linkend="ssec-stdenv-dependencies"/>. We "splice"
together the run-time and build-time package sets with
<varname>callPackage</varname>, and then <varname>mkDerivation</varname>
for each of four attributes pulls the right derivation out. This splicing
can be skipped when not cross-compiling as the package sets are the same,
but is a bit slow for cross-compiling. Because of this, a
best-of-both-worlds solution is in the works with no splicing or explicit
access of <varname>buildPackages</varname> needed. For now, feel free to
use either method.
Putting this all together, that means we have dependencies in the form
"host → target", in at most the following six combinations:
<caption>Possible dependency types</caption>
<th>Dependency's host platform</th>
<th>Dependency's target platform</th>
There is also a "backlink" <varname>targetPackages</varname>, yielding a
package set whose <varname>buildPackages</varname> is the current package
set. This is a hack, though, to accommodate compilers with lousy build
systems. Please do not use this unless you are absolutely sure you are
packaging such a compiler and there is no other way.
Some examples will make this table clearer. Suppose there's some package
that is being built with a <literal>(build, host, target)</literal>
platform triple of <literal>(foo, bar, baz)</literal>. If it has a
build-time library dependency, that would be a "host → build" dependency
with a triple of <literal>(foo, foo, *)</literal> (the target platform is
irrelevant). If it needs a compiler to be built, that would be a "build →
host" dependency with a triple of <literal>(foo, foo, *)</literal> (the
target platform is irrelevant). That compiler, would be built with another
compiler, also "build → host" dependency, with a triple of <literal>(foo,
foo, foo)</literal>.
<section xml:id="sec-cross-cookbook">
<section xml:id="ssec-cross-cookbook">
<title>Cross packaging cookbook</title>
@ -450,21 +477,202 @@ nix-build &lt;nixpkgs&gt; --arg crossSystem '{ config = "&lt;arch&gt;-&lt;os&gt;
<section xml:id="sec-cross-infra">
<title>Cross-compilation infrastructure</title>
To be written.
<section xml:id="ssec-cross-dependency-implementation">
<title>Implementation of dependencies</title>
If one explores Nixpkgs, they will see derivations with names like
<literal>gccCross</literal>. Such <literal>*Cross</literal> derivations is
a holdover from before we properly distinguished between the host and
target platforms—the derivation with "Cross" in the name covered the
<literal>build = host != target</literal> case, while the other covered the
<literal>host = target</literal>, with build platform the same or not based
on whether one was using its <literal>.nativeDrv</literal> or
<literal>.crossDrv</literal>. This ugliness will disappear soon.
The categorizes of dependencies developed in
linkend="ssec-cross-dependency-categorization"/> are specified as
lists of derivations given to <varname>mkDerivation</varname>, as
documented in <xref linkend="ssec-stdenv-dependencies"/>. In short, the
each list of dependencies for "host → target" of "foo → bar" is called
<varname>depsFooBar</varname>, with the exceptions for backwards
compatibility that <varname>depsBuildHost</varname> is instead called
<varname>nativeBuildInputs</varname> and <varname>depsHostTarget</varname>
is instead called <varname>buildInputs</varname>. Nixpkgs is now structured
so that each <varname>depsFooBar</varname> is automatically taken from
<varname>pkgsFooBar</varname>. (These <varname>pkgsFooBar</varname>s are
quite new, so there is no special case for
<varname>nativeBuildInputs</varname> and <varname>buildInputs</varname>.)
For example, <varname>pkgsBuildHost.gcc</varname> should be used at
build-time, while <varname>pkgsHostTarget.gcc</varname> should be used at
Now, for most of Nixpkgs's history, there was no
<varname>pkgsFooBar</varname> attributes, and most packages have not been
refactored to use it explicitly. Prior to those, there were just
<varname>buildPackages</varname>, <varname>pkgs</varname>, and
<varname>targetPackages</varname>. Those are now redefined as aliases to
<varname>pkgsBuildHost</varname>, <varname>pkgsHostTarget</varname>, and
<varname>pkgsTargetTarget</varname>. It is fine, indeed if anything
recommended, to use them for libraries to show that the host platform is
But before that, there was just <varname>pkgs</varname>, even though both
<varname>buildInputs</varname> and <varname>nativeBuildInputs</varname>
existed. [Cross barely worked, and those were implemented with some hacks
on <varname>mkDerivation</varname> to override dependencies.] What this
means is the vast majority of packages do not use any explicit package set
to populate their dependencies, just using whatever
<varname>callPackage</varname> gives them even if they do correctly sort
their dependencies into the multiple lists described above. And indeed,
asking that users both sort their dependencies, <emphasis>and</emphasis>
take them from the right attribute set, is both too onerous and redundant,
so the recommend approach (for now) is to continue just categorizing by
list and not using an explicit package set.
No make this work, we "splice" together the six
<varname>pkgsFooBar</varname> package sets and have
<varname>callPackage</varname> actually take its arguments from that. This
is currently implemented in <filename>pkgs/top-level/splice.nix</filename>.
<varname>mkDerivation</varname> then, for each dependency attribute, pulls
the right derivation out from the splice. This splicing can be skipped when
not cross-compiling as the package sets are the same, but still is a bit
slow for cross-compiling. We'd like to do something better, but haven't
come up with anything yet.
<section xml:id="ssec-bootstrapping">
Each of the package sets described above come from a single bootstrapping
stage. While <filename>pkgs/top-level/default.nix</filename>, coordinates
the composition of stages at a high level,
<filename>pkgs/top-level/stage.nix</filename> "ties the knot" (creates the
fixed point) of each stage. The package sets are defined per-stage however,
so they can be thought of as edges between stages (the nodes) in a graph.
Compositions like <literal>pkgsBuildTarget.TargetPackages</literal> can be
thought of as paths to this graph.
While there are many package sets, and thus many edges, the stages can also
be arranged in a linear chain. In other words, many of the edges are
redundant as far as connectivity is concerned. This hinges on the type of
bootstrapping we do. Currently for cross it is:
<literal>(native, native, native)</literal>
<literal>(native, native, foreign)</literal>
<literal>(native, foreign, foreign)</literal>
In each stage, <varname>pkgsBuildHost</varname> refers the the previous
stage, <varname>pkgsBuildBuild</varname> refers to the one before that, and
<varname>pkgsHostTarget</varname> refers to the current one, and
<varname>pkgsTargetTarget</varname> refers to the next one. When there is
no previous or next stage, they instead refer to the current stage. Note
how all the invariants about the mapping between dependency and depending
packages' build host and target platforms are preserved.
<varname>pkgsBuildTarget</varname> and <varname>pkgsHostHost</varname> are
more complex in that the stage fitting the requirements isn't always a
fixed chain of "prevs" and "nexts" away (modulo the "saturating"
self-references at the ends). We just special case instead. All the primary
edges are implemented is in <filename>pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix</filename>,
and secondarily aliases in <filename>pkgs/top-level/stage.nix</filename>.
Note the native stages are bootstrapped in legacy ways that predate the
current cross implementation. This is why the the bootstrapping stages
leading up to the final stages are ignored inthe previous paragraph.
If one looks at the 3 platform triples, one can see that they overlap such
that one could put them together into a chain like:
(native, native, native, foreign, foreign)
If one imagines the saturating self references at the end being replaced
with infinite stages, and then overlays those platform triples, one ends up
with the infinite tuple:
(native..., native, native, native, foreign, foreign, foreign...)
On can then imagine any sequence of platforms such that there are bootstrap
stages with their 3 platforms determined by "sliding a window" that is the
3 tuple through the sequence. This was the original model for
bootstrapping. Without a target platform (assume a better world where all
compilers are multi-target and all standard libraries are built in their
own derivation), this is sufficient. Conversely if one wishes to cross
compile "faster", with a "Canadian Cross" bootstraping stage where
<literal>build != host != target</literal>, more bootstrapping stages are
needed since no sliding window providess the pesky
<varname>pkgsBuildTarget</varname> package set since it skips the Canadian
cross stage's "host".
It is much better to refer to <varname>buildPackages</varname> than
<varname>targetPackages</varname>, or more broadly package sets that do
not mention "target". There are three reasons for this.
First, it is because bootstrapping stages do not have a unique
<varname>targetPackages</varname>. For example a <literal>(x86-linux,
x86-linux, arm-linux)</literal> and <literal>(x86-linux, x86-linux,
x86-windows)</literal> package set both have a <literal>(x86-linux,
x86-linux, x86-linux)</literal> package set. Because there is no canonical
<varname>targetPackages</varname> for such a native (<literal>build ==
host == target</literal>) package set, we set their
Second, it is because this is a frequent source of hard-to-follow
"infinite recursions" / cycles. When only packages sets that don't mention
target are used, the package set forms a directly acyclic graph. This
means that all cycles that exist are confirmed to one stage. This means
they are a lot smaller, so easier to follow in the code or a backtrace. It
also means they are present in native and cross builds alike, and so more
likely to be caught by CI and other users.
Thirdly, it is because everything target-mentioning only exists to
accommodate compilers with lousy build systems that insist on the compiler
itself and standard library being built together. Of course that is bad
because bigger derivation means longer rebuilds. It is also subpar because
it tends to make the standard libraries less like other libraries than
they could be, complicating code and build systems alike. Because of the
other problems, and because of these innate disadvantages, compilers ought
to be packaged another way where possible.
If one explores Nixpkgs, they will see derivations with names like
<literal>gccCross</literal>. Such <literal>*Cross</literal> derivations is
a holdover from before we properly distinguished between the host and
target platforms—the derivation with "Cross" in the name covered the
<literal>build = host != target</literal> case, while the other covered
the <literal>host = target</literal>, with build platform the same or not
based on whether one was using its <literal>.nativeDrv</literal> or
<literal>.crossDrv</literal>. This ugliness will disappear soon.

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@ -222,9 +222,10 @@ genericBuild
But even if one is not cross compiling, the platforms imply whether or not
the dependency is needed at run-time or build-time, a concept that makes
perfect sense outside of cross compilation. For now, the run-time/build-time
distinction is just a hint for mental clarity, but in the future it perhaps
could be enforced.
perfect sense outside of cross compilation. By default, the
run-time/build-time distinction is just a hint for mental clarity, but with
<varname>strictDeps</varname> set it is somewhat enforced even in the native
@ -348,7 +349,10 @@ let f(h, h + 1, i) = i + h
Overall, the unifying theme here is that propagation shouldn't be
introducing transitive dependencies involving platforms the depending
package is unaware of. The offset bounds checking and definition of
package is unaware of. [One can imagine the dependending package asking for
dependencies with the platforms it knows about; other platforms it doesn't
know how to ask for. The platform description in that scenario is a kind of
unforagable capability.] The offset bounds checking and definition of
<function>mapOffset</function> together ensure that this is the case.
Discovering a new offset is discovering a new platform, and since those
platforms weren't in the derivation "spec" of the needing package, they