Update rubygems

Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
This commit is contained in:
Shea Levy 2013-03-15 09:22:52 -04:00
parent 82dc43c28b
commit cf20b47473

View file

@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
arel = g.arel_3_0_2;
atoulme_Antwrap = g.atoulme_Antwrap_0_7_4;
autotest_rails = g.autotest_rails_4_1_2;
aws_sdk = g.aws_sdk_1_8_3_1;
aws_sdk = g.aws_sdk_1_8_5;
bitbucket_backup = g.bitbucket_backup_0_2_2;
builder = g.builder_3_2_0;
buildr = g.buildr_1_4_10;
bundler = g.bundler_1_3_1;
bundler = g.bundler_1_3_4;
childprocess = g.childprocess_0_3_9;
daemons = g.daemons_1_1_9;
diff_lcs = g.diff_lcs_1_1_3;
dimensions = g.dimensions_1_2_0;
erubis = g.erubis_2_7_0;
eventmachine = g.eventmachine_1_0_1;
eventmachine = g.eventmachine_1_0_3;
fakes3 = g.fakes3_0_1_5;
ffi = g.ffi_1_4_0;
foreman = g.foreman_0_61_0;
foreman = g.foreman_0_62_0;
highline = g.highline_1_6_15;
hike = g.hike_1_2_1;
hoe = g.hoe_3_1_0;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
polyglot = g.polyglot_0_3_3;
rack = g.rack_1_5_2;
rack_cache = g.rack_cache_1_2;
rack_protection = g.rack_protection_1_4_0;
rack_protection = g.rack_protection_1_5_0;
rack_ssl = g.rack_ssl_1_3_3;
rack_test = g.rack_test_0_6_2;
rails = g.rails_3_2_12;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
rspec_mocks = g.rspec_mocks_2_11_3;
rubyforge = g.rubyforge_2_0_4;
rubyzip = g.rubyzip_0_9_9;
sass = g.sass_3_2_6;
sass = g.sass_3_2_7;
selenium_webdriver = g.selenium_webdriver_2_31_0;
sinatra = g.sinatra_1_3_2;
sprockets = g.sprockets_2_2_2;
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
therubyracer = g.therubyracer_0_10_2;
thin = g.thin_1_5_0;
thor = g.thor_0_17_0;
tilt = g.tilt_1_3_4;
tilt = g.tilt_1_3_5;
treetop = g.treetop_1_4_12;
tzinfo = g.tzinfo_0_3_36;
tzinfo = g.tzinfo_0_3_37;
uuid = g.uuid_2_3_7;
uuidtools = g.uuidtools_2_1_3;
websocket = g.websocket_1_0_7;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ installed versions.'';
longDescription = ''Databases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby classes. Strong conventions for associations, validations, aggregations, migrations, and testing come baked-in.'';
name = ''activerecord-3.2.12'';
requiredGems = [ g.activesupport_3_2_12 g.activemodel_3_2_12 g.arel_3_0_2 g.tzinfo_0_3_36 ];
requiredGems = [ g.activesupport_3_2_12 g.activemodel_3_2_12 g.arel_3_0_2 g.tzinfo_0_3_37 ];
sha256 = ''0fl8iyv3gcy72y79iv4ccyck8ik02rrl3pdy7yxfhlnqgryp8syi'';
activeresource_3_2_12 = {
@ -233,16 +233,16 @@ rails support and extra plugins for migrations and fixtures.'';
requiredGems = [ g.ZenTest_4_9_0 ];
sha256 = ''1wkb5jayb39yx0i8ly7sibygf9f9c3w24jg2z1qgm135zlb070v4'';
aws_sdk_1_8_3_1 = {
aws_sdk_1_8_5 = {
basename = ''aws_sdk'';
meta = {
description = ''AWS SDK for Ruby'';
homepage = ''http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby'';
longDescription = ''AWS SDK for Ruby'';
name = ''aws-sdk-'';
name = ''aws-sdk-1.8.5'';
requiredGems = [ g.uuidtools_2_1_3 g.nokogiri_1_5_6 g.json_1_7_7 ];
sha256 = ''1yiv2skrrwqw8ihznnqqznh4yax75hbv497xqllp7b5qqmnrpvy4'';
sha256 = ''0rhkkkfsw0qzckn99mnvpbnl7b1kysma3x8bbqwah2x438kwygpb'';
bitbucket_backup_0_2_2 = {
basename = ''bitbucket_backup'';
@ -316,19 +316,19 @@ for those one-off tasks, with a language that's a joy to use.
name = ''buildr-1.4.10'';
requiredGems = [ g.rake_0_9_2_2 g.builder_3_1_3 g.net_ssh_2_6_0 g.net_sftp_2_0_5 g.rubyzip_0_9_9 g.highline_1_6_2 g.json_pure_1_7_5 g.rubyforge_2_0_4 g.hoe_3_1_0 g.rjb_1_4_2 g.atoulme_Antwrap_0_7_4 g.diff_lcs_1_1_3 g.rspec_expectations_2_11_3 g.rspec_mocks_2_11_3 g.rspec_core_2_11_1 g.rspec_2_11_0 g.xml_simple_1_1_1 g.minitar_0_5_3 g.bundler_1_3_1 ];
requiredGems = [ g.rake_0_9_2_2 g.builder_3_1_3 g.net_ssh_2_6_0 g.net_sftp_2_0_5 g.rubyzip_0_9_9 g.highline_1_6_2 g.json_pure_1_7_5 g.rubyforge_2_0_4 g.hoe_3_1_0 g.rjb_1_4_2 g.atoulme_Antwrap_0_7_4 g.diff_lcs_1_1_3 g.rspec_expectations_2_11_3 g.rspec_mocks_2_11_3 g.rspec_core_2_11_1 g.rspec_2_11_0 g.xml_simple_1_1_1 g.minitar_0_5_3 g.bundler_1_3_4 ];
sha256 = ''1x192r8ab5zr9rlp1i9b3pi3y74f9pj2w491wkgshgwj22akh6vn'';
bundler_1_3_1 = {
bundler_1_3_4 = {
basename = ''bundler'';
meta = {
description = ''The best way to manage your application's dependencies'';
homepage = ''http://gembundler.com'';
longDescription = ''Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably'';
name = ''bundler-1.3.1'';
name = ''bundler-1.3.4'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1nmvfsk9148nkl0bdcs167kiihp89zwkyvjs0khvi4df6s9km725'';
sha256 = ''1vgrc71nhnqlrg08zvs63afa1z9kzn2vvn95b14dvy14k2br3qhj'';
childprocess_0_3_9 = {
basename = ''childprocess'';
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ is the MIT license.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1fj827xqjs91yqsydf0zmfyw9p4l2jz5yikg3mppz6d7fi8kyrb3'';
eventmachine_1_0_1 = {
eventmachine_1_0_3 = {
basename = ''eventmachine'';
meta = {
description = ''Ruby/EventMachine library'';
@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ are provided with the package, primarily to serve as examples. The real goal
of EventMachine is to enable programs to easily interface with other programs
using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required.'';
name = ''eventmachine-1.0.1'';
name = ''eventmachine-1.0.3'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1v7im8v9y5jb863794irgnlqzdg669w6v1g89sln0l511gjnjv52'';
sha256 = ''09sqlsb6x9ddlgfw5gsw7z0yjg5m2qfjiqkz2fx70zsizj3lqhil'';
fakes3_0_1_5 = {
basename = ''fakes3'';
@ -452,16 +452,16 @@ using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''06a29qvg487yk9pyi7wzyj5700mf7s3mjdqc6dsrh0467mjj9768'';
foreman_0_61_0 = {
foreman_0_62_0 = {
basename = ''foreman'';
meta = {
description = ''Process manager for applications with multiple components'';
homepage = ''http://github.com/ddollar/foreman'';
longDescription = ''Process manager for applications with multiple components'';
name = ''foreman-0.61.0'';
name = ''foreman-0.62.0'';
requiredGems = [ g.thor_0_17_0 ];
sha256 = ''1h9dmzq1cwz87qyzx2ibpjghsxjnnqbh485l3sdxyfh5k3v79k7z'';
sha256 = ''08i34rgs3bydk52zwpps4p0y2fvcnibp9lvfdhr75ppin7wv7lmr'';
highline_1_6_15 = {
basename = ''highline'';
@ -818,16 +818,16 @@ Also see http://rack.github.com/.
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 ];
sha256 = ''073ffpsqmy4nqxz178qisb3a4v3305c49ypj0jw6s9mkz02yvgq2'';
rack_protection_1_4_0 = {
rack_protection_1_5_0 = {
basename = ''rack_protection'';
meta = {
description = ''You should use protection!'';
homepage = ''http://github.com/rkh/rack-protection'';
longDescription = ''You should use protection!'';
name = ''rack-protection-1.4.0'';
name = ''rack-protection-1.5.0'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 ];
sha256 = ''0dfydg04fzj9rz34npy6cpp0827lij440s7fls0db41lz4vb94k0'';
sha256 = ''10wm67f2mp9pryg0s8qapbyxd2lcrpb8ywsbicg29cv2xprhbl4j'';
rack_ssl_1_3_3 = {
basename = ''rack_ssl'';
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ request helpers feature.'';
longDescription = ''Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It encourages beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.'';
name = ''rails-3.2.12'';
requiredGems = [ g.activesupport_3_2_12 g.actionpack_3_2_12 g.activerecord_3_2_12 g.activeresource_3_2_12 g.actionmailer_3_2_12 g.railties_3_2_12 g.bundler_1_3_1 ];
requiredGems = [ g.activesupport_3_2_12 g.actionpack_3_2_12 g.activerecord_3_2_12 g.activeresource_3_2_12 g.actionmailer_3_2_12 g.railties_3_2_12 g.bundler_1_3_4 ];
sha256 = ''1jjnm74nzl5v3461c0mrbpa471yd6s8hnkmnxb64c2rm95c61wxz'';
railties_3_2_12 = {
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1khf6d903agnwd8965f5f8b353rzmfvygxp53z1199rqzw8h46q2'';
sass_3_2_6 = {
sass_3_2_7 = {
basename = ''sass'';
meta = {
description = ''A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again.'';
@ -1053,9 +1053,9 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
name = ''sass-3.2.6'';
name = ''sass-3.2.7'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''10xy6k663399r881cj30fapbdsrq8jwzvnp97y8n3mhxmrvzpq28'';
sha256 = ''0c494gh1i4llk4lbi35vidsgclf3cgxind1a7nm499ac9sdz084s'';
selenium_webdriver_2_31_0 = {
basename = ''selenium_webdriver'';
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
longDescription = ''Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.'';
name = ''sinatra-1.3.2'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.rack_protection_1_4_0 g.tilt_1_3_4 ];
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.rack_protection_1_5_0 g.tilt_1_3_5 ];
sha256 = ''05blf915zpiwyz7agcn9rwdmddwxz0z4l3gd4qlqmrgd2vkw4sxc'';
sprockets_2_2_2 = {
@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
longDescription = ''Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, LESS, Sass, and SCSS.'';
name = ''sprockets-2.2.2'';
requiredGems = [ g.hike_1_2_1 g.multi_json_1_6_1 g.rack_1_5_2 g.tilt_1_3_4 ];
requiredGems = [ g.hike_1_2_1 g.multi_json_1_6_1 g.rack_1_5_2 g.tilt_1_3_5 ];
sha256 = ''15ngw3bjbyr31ygzmmdxxa30ylah6pdn8akgdy9w30vfx2vr7s7s'';
systemu_2_5_2 = {
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
longDescription = ''A thin and fast web server'';
name = ''thin-1.5.0'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.eventmachine_1_0_1 g.daemons_1_1_9 ];
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.eventmachine_1_0_3 g.daemons_1_1_9 ];
sha256 = ''14sd2qbbk6y108z6v723mh3f1mk8s4fwxmmn9f8dk4xkhk4rwvq1'';
thor_0_17_0 = {
@ -1134,16 +1134,16 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0gf46qafcfgmi20a2mnb3wkd9y6spgy2hq22h70377daj4zjxla2'';
tilt_1_3_4 = {
tilt_1_3_5 = {
basename = ''tilt'';
meta = {
description = ''Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines'';
homepage = ''http://github.com/rtomayko/tilt/'';
longDescription = ''Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines'';
name = ''tilt-1.3.4'';
name = ''tilt-1.3.5'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0hw59shnf3vgpx1jv24mj0d48m72h5cm1d4bianhhkjj82mc406a'';
sha256 = ''081saxdxnal4ky38a904jw3n2837m80g211w0zm5rx6m712mb6qd'';
treetop_1_4_12 = {
basename = ''treetop'';
@ -1155,16 +1155,16 @@ See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.'';
requiredGems = [ g.polyglot_0_3_3 g.polyglot_0_3_3 ];
sha256 = ''1jlfjq67n933sm0px0s2j965v1kl1rj8fbx6xk8y4yppkv6ygxc8'';
tzinfo_0_3_36 = {
tzinfo_0_3_37 = {
basename = ''tzinfo'';
meta = {
description = ''Daylight-savings aware timezone library'';
homepage = ''http://tzinfo.rubyforge.org/'';
longDescription = ''TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz (Olson) database to provide daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones.'';
name = ''tzinfo-0.3.36'';
name = ''tzinfo-0.3.37'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1dk7jnhrr5lbhckgq7bh6yxgy8j7vd13qb4kr4vlk76j5ngs2whv'';
sha256 = ''0pi2vabsg73h6z4wfwyd27k63issp2qp1nh0vd74rdk740gmb3kc'';
uuid_2_3_7 = {
basename = ''uuid'';