Since years I'm not maintaining anything of the list below other
than some updates when I needed them for some reason. Other people
is doing that maintenance on my behalf so I better take me out but
for very few packages. Finally!
* Remove unneeded --enable-<JLINK_BASED_DEBUGGER> configure flags.
configure auto selects support for them now (and they're all enabled).
* Not everything is auto-detected; I asked on the openocd mailing list
and they suggested a set of ./configure flags for a "distro build"
(add them).
* Remove --enable-ft2232_libftdi because configure says that it's
deprecated and we should use libftdi (which we are using when *not*
passing --enable-ft2232_libftdi (or --enable-legacy-ft2232_libftdi as
the option is now known as)).
* Add needed pkgconfig build input.
* Udev rules file has been renamed in source archive: openocd.rules =>
* Remove commented out "GuruPlug installer" stuff that hasn't worked
since openocd 0.2.0 (according to the comments).
* Build with support for the following JTAG hardware:
- Segger J-Link
- Raisonance RLink
- Keil ULINK
- STMicroelectronics ST-Link