/* NixOS support 2 fontconfig versions, "support" and "latest". - "latest" refers to default fontconfig package (pkgs.fontconfig). configuration files are linked to /etc/fonts/VERSION/conf.d/ - "support" refers to supportPkg (pkgs."fontconfig_${supportVersion}"). configuration files are linked to /etc/fonts/conf.d/ This module generates a package containing configuration files and link it in /etc/fonts. Fontconfig reads files in folder name / file name order, so the number prepended to the configuration file name decide the order of parsing. Low number means high priority. */ { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.fonts.fontconfig; fcBool = x: "" + (if x then "true" else "false") + ""; # back-supported fontconfig version and package # version is used for font cache generation supportVersion = "210"; supportPkg = pkgs."fontconfig_${supportVersion}"; # latest fontconfig version and package # version is used for configuration folder name, /etc/fonts/VERSION/ # note: format differs from supportVersion and can not be used with makeCacheConf latestVersion = pkgs.fontconfig.configVersion; latestPkg = pkgs.fontconfig; # supported version fonts.conf supportFontsConf = pkgs.makeFontsConf { fontconfig = supportPkg; fontDirectories = config.fonts.fonts; }; # configuration file to read fontconfig cache # version dependent # priority 0 cacheConfSupport = makeCacheConf { version = supportVersion; }; cacheConfLatest = makeCacheConf {}; # generate the font cache setting file for a fontconfig version # use latest when no version is passed makeCacheConf = { version ? null }: let fcPackage = if builtins.isNull version then "fontconfig" else "fontconfig_${version}"; makeCache = fontconfig: pkgs.makeFontsCache { inherit fontconfig; fontDirectories = config.fonts.fonts; }; cache = makeCache pkgs."${fcPackage}"; cache32 = makeCache pkgs.pkgsi686Linux."${fcPackage}"; in pkgs.writeText "fc-00-nixos-cache.conf" '' ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (font: "${font}") config.fonts.fonts)} ${cache} ${optionalString (pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64 && cfg.cache32Bit) '' ${cache32} ''} ''; # rendering settings configuration file # priority 10 renderConf = pkgs.writeText "fc-10-nixos-rendering.conf" '' ${fcBool cfg.hinting.enable} ${fcBool cfg.hinting.autohint} hint${cfg.hinting.style} ${fcBool cfg.antialias} ${cfg.subpixel.rgba} lcd${cfg.subpixel.lcdfilter} ${optionalString (cfg.dpi != 0) '' ${toString cfg.dpi} ''} ''; # local configuration file # priority 51 localConf = pkgs.writeText "fc-local.conf" cfg.localConf; # default fonts configuration file # priority 52 defaultFontsConf = let genDefault = fonts: name: optionalString (fonts != []) '' ${name} ${concatStringsSep "" (map (font: '' ${font} '') fonts)} ''; in pkgs.writeText "fc-52-nixos-default-fonts.conf" '' ${genDefault cfg.defaultFonts.sansSerif "sans-serif"} ${genDefault cfg.defaultFonts.serif "serif"} ${genDefault cfg.defaultFonts.monospace "monospace"} ''; # fontconfig configuration package confPkg = pkgs.runCommand "fontconfig-conf" {} '' support_folder=$out/etc/fonts latest_folder=$out/etc/fonts/${latestVersion} mkdir -p $support_folder/conf.d mkdir -p $latest_folder/conf.d # fonts.conf ln -s ${supportFontsConf} $support_folder/fonts.conf ln -s ${latestPkg.out}/etc/fonts/fonts.conf \ $latest_folder/fonts.conf # fontconfig default config files ln -s ${supportPkg.out}/etc/fonts/conf.d/*.conf \ $support_folder/conf.d/ ln -s ${latestPkg.out}/etc/fonts/conf.d/*.conf \ $latest_folder/conf.d/ # update latest 51-local.conf path to look at the latest local.conf rm $latest_folder/conf.d/51-local.conf substitute ${latestPkg.out}/etc/fonts/conf.d/51-local.conf \ $latest_folder/conf.d/51-local.conf \ --replace local.conf /etc/fonts/${latestVersion}/local.conf # 00-nixos-cache.conf ln -s ${cacheConfSupport} \ $support_folder/conf.d/00-nixos-cache.conf ln -s ${cacheConfLatest} $latest_folder/conf.d/00-nixos-cache.conf # 10-nixos-rendering.conf ln -s ${renderConf} $support_folder/conf.d/10-nixos-rendering.conf ln -s ${renderConf} $latest_folder/conf.d/10-nixos-rendering.conf # 50-user.conf ${optionalString (! cfg.includeUserConf) '' rm $support_folder/conf.d/50-user.conf rm $latest_folder/conf.d/50-user.conf ''} # local.conf (indirect priority 51) ${optionalString (cfg.localConf != "") '' ln -s ${localConf} $support_folder/local.conf ln -s ${localConf} $latest_folder/local.conf ''} # 52-nixos-default-fonts.conf ln -s ${defaultFontsConf} $support_folder/conf.d/52-nixos-default-fonts.conf ln -s ${defaultFontsConf} $latest_folder/conf.d/52-nixos-default-fonts.conf ''; # Package with configuration files # this merge all the packages in the fonts.fontconfig.confPackages list fontconfigEtc = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "fontconfig-etc"; paths = cfg.confPackages; ignoreCollisions = true; }; in { options = { fonts = { fontconfig = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' If enabled, a Fontconfig configuration file will be built pointing to a set of default fonts. If you don't care about running X11 applications or any other program that uses Fontconfig, you can turn this option off and prevent a dependency on all those fonts. ''; }; confPackages = mkOption { internal = true; type = with types; listOf path; default = [ ]; description = '' Fontconfig configuration packages. ''; }; antialias = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Enable font antialiasing."; }; dpi = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 0; description = '' Force DPI setting. Setting to 0 disables DPI forcing; the DPI detected for the display will be used. ''; }; localConf = mkOption { type = types.lines; default = ""; description = '' System-wide customization file contents, has higher priority than defaultFonts settings. ''; }; defaultFonts = { monospace = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = ["DejaVu Sans Mono"]; description = '' System-wide default monospace font(s). Multiple fonts may be listed in case multiple languages must be supported. ''; }; sansSerif = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = ["DejaVu Sans"]; description = '' System-wide default sans serif font(s). Multiple fonts may be listed in case multiple languages must be supported. ''; }; serif = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = ["DejaVu Serif"]; description = '' System-wide default serif font(s). Multiple fonts may be listed in case multiple languages must be supported. ''; }; }; hinting = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Enable TrueType hinting."; }; autohint = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Enable the autohinter, which provides hinting for otherwise un-hinted fonts. The results are usually lower quality than correctly-hinted fonts. ''; }; style = mkOption { type = types.enum ["none" "slight" "medium" "full"]; default = "full"; description = '' TrueType hinting style, one of none, slight, medium, or full. ''; }; }; includeUserConf = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Include the user configuration from ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d. ''; }; subpixel = { rgba = mkOption { default = "rgb"; type = types.enum ["rgb" "bgr" "vrgb" "vbgr" "none"]; description = '' Subpixel order. ''; }; lcdfilter = mkOption { default = "default"; type = types.enum ["none" "default" "light" "legacy"]; description = '' FreeType LCD filter. ''; }; }; cache32Bit = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' Generate system fonts cache for 32-bit applications. ''; }; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { fonts.fontconfig.confPackages = [ confPkg ]; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.fontconfig ]; environment.etc.fonts.source = "${fontconfigEtc}/etc/fonts/"; }; }