# COMMON OVERRIDES FOR THE HASKELL PACKAGE SET IN NIXPKGS # # This file contains haskell package overrides that are shared by all # haskell package sets provided by nixpkgs and distributed via the official # NixOS hydra instance. # # Overrides that would also make sense for custom haskell package sets not provided # as part of nixpkgs and that are specific to Nix should go in configuration-nix.nix # # See comment at the top of configuration-nix.nix for more information about this # distinction. { pkgs, haskellLib }: with haskellLib; self: super: { # Arion's test suite needs a Nixpkgs, which is cumbersome to do from Nixpkgs # itself. For instance, pkgs.path has dirty sources and puts a huge .git in the # store. Testing is done upstream. arion-compose = dontCheck super.arion-compose; # This used to be a core package provided by GHC, but then the compiler # dropped it. We define the name here to make sure that old packages which # depend on this library still evaluate (even though they won't compile # successfully with recent versions of the compiler). bin-package-db = null; # Some Hackage packages reference this attribute, which exists only in the # GHCJS package set. We provide a dummy version here to fix potential # evaluation errors. ghcjs-base = null; ghcjs-prim = null; # Some packages add this (non-existent) dependency to express that they # cannot compile in a given configuration. Win32 does this, for example, when # compiled on Linux. We provide the name to avoid evaluation errors. unbuildable = throw "package depends on meta package 'unbuildable'"; # The test suite depends on old versions of tasty and QuickCheck. hackage-security = dontCheck super.hackage-security; # enable using a local hoogle with extra packagages in the database # nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.hoogleLocal { packages = with haskellPackages; [ mtl lens ]; }" # $ hoogle server hoogleLocal = { packages ? [] }: self.callPackage ./hoogle.nix { inherit packages; }; # Needs older QuickCheck version attoparsec-varword = dontCheck super.attoparsec-varword; # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/1778 ShellCheck = overrideCabal super.ShellCheck (drv: { patches = [ # cabal 3.0 support ( pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/commit/2c026f1ec7c205c731ff2a0ccd85365f37245.patch"; sha256 = "0z6yf350ngr6rwfkvdy670c476fgzj8a0n4ppdm1xr8r1lij7sfz"; excludes = [ "Dockerfile" ]; }) ]; }); # Tests are failing # https://github.com/bos/statistics/issues/123 statistics = dontCheck super.statistics; # These packages (and their reverse deps) cannot be built with profiling enabled. ghc-heap-view = disableLibraryProfiling super.ghc-heap-view; ghc-datasize = disableLibraryProfiling super.ghc-datasize; # This test keeps being aborted because it runs too quietly for too long Lazy-Pbkdf2 = if pkgs.stdenv.isi686 then dontCheck super.Lazy-Pbkdf2 else super.Lazy-Pbkdf2; # check requires mysql server mysql-simple = dontCheck super.mysql-simple; mysql-haskell = dontCheck super.mysql-haskell; # Tests failing, fixed once 0.8.0 is in stackage # https://gitlab.com/twittner/zeromq-haskell/issues/63 zeromq4-haskell = dontCheck super.zeromq4-haskell; # The Hackage tarball is purposefully broken, because it's not intended to be, like, useful. # https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/bash_completion_file_is_missing_in_the_6.20160527_tarball_on_hackage/ git-annex = (overrideSrc (appendPatch super.git-annex ./patches/git-annex-fix-build-with-ghc-8.8.x.patch) { src = pkgs.fetchgit { name = "git-annex-${super.git-annex.version}-src"; url = "git://git-annex.branchable.com/"; rev = "refs/tags/" + super.git-annex.version; sha256 = "0pl0yip7zp4i78cj9jqkmm33wqaaaxjq3ggnfmv95y79yijd6yh4"; }; }).override { dbus = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.dbus else null; fdo-notify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.fdo-notify else null; hinotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.hinotify else self.fsnotify; }; # Fix test trying to access /home directory shell-conduit = overrideCabal super.shell-conduit (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i s/home/tmp/ test/Spec.hs"; # the tests for shell-conduit on Darwin illegitimatey assume non-GNU echo # see: https://github.com/psibi/shell-conduit/issues/12 doCheck = !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin; }); # https://github.com/froozen/kademlia/issues/2 kademlia = dontCheck super.kademlia; # Tests require older tasty hzk = dontCheck super.hzk; # Tests require a Kafka broker running locally haskakafka = dontCheck super.haskakafka; # Depends on broken "lss" package. snaplet-lss = dontDistribute super.snaplet-lss; # Depends on broken "NewBinary" package. ASN1 = dontDistribute super.ASN1; # Depends on broken "frame" package. frame-markdown = dontDistribute super.frame-markdown; # Depends on broken "Elm" package. hakyll-elm = dontDistribute super.hakyll-elm; haskelm = dontDistribute super.haskelm; snap-elm = dontDistribute super.snap-elm; # Depends on broken "hails" package. hails-bin = dontDistribute super.hails-bin; # Switch levmar build to openblas. bindings-levmar = overrideCabal super.bindings-levmar (drv: { preConfigure = '' sed -i bindings-levmar.cabal \ -e 's,extra-libraries: lapack blas,extra-libraries: openblas,' ''; extraLibraries = [ pkgs.openblasCompat ]; }); # The Haddock phase fails for one reason or another. bytestring-progress = dontHaddock super.bytestring-progress; deepseq-magic = dontHaddock super.deepseq-magic; feldspar-signal = dontHaddock super.feldspar-signal; # https://github.com/markus-git/feldspar-signal/issues/1 hoodle-core = dontHaddock super.hoodle-core; hsc3-db = dontHaddock super.hsc3-db; classy-prelude-yesod = dontHaddock super.classy-prelude-yesod; # https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/979 # https://github.com/techtangents/ablist/issues/1 ABList = dontCheck super.ABList; # sse2 flag due to https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/47. # dontCheck due to https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/138 vector = dontCheck (if pkgs.stdenv.isi686 then appendConfigureFlag super.vector "--ghc-options=-msse2" else super.vector); conduit-extra = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then super.conduit-extra.overrideAttrs (drv: { __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true; }) else super.conduit-extra; # Fix Darwin build. halive = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then addBuildDepend super.halive pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit else super.halive; barbly = addBuildDepend super.barbly pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit; # Hakyll's tests are broken on Darwin (3 failures); and they require util-linux hakyll = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then dontCheck (overrideCabal super.hakyll (drv: { testToolDepends = []; })) else super.hakyll; double-conversion = if !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then super.double-conversion else addExtraLibrary super.double-conversion pkgs.libcxx; inline-c-cpp = overrideCabal super.inline-c-cpp (drv: { postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace inline-c-cpp.cabal --replace "-optc-std=c++11" "" ''; }); inline-java = addBuildDepend super.inline-java pkgs.jdk; # Upstream notified by e-mail. permutation = dontCheck super.permutation; # https://github.com/jputcu/serialport/issues/25 serialport = dontCheck super.serialport; # Test suite build depends on ancient tasty 0.11.x. cryptohash-sha512 = dontCheck super.cryptohash-sha512; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/simple-sendfile/issues/17 simple-sendfile = dontCheck super.simple-sendfile; # Fails no apparent reason. Upstream has been notified by e-mail. assertions = dontCheck super.assertions; # These packages try to execute non-existent external programs. cmaes = dontCheck super.cmaes; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498725/log/raw dbmigrations = dontCheck super.dbmigrations; euler = dontCheck super.euler; # https://github.com/decomputed/euler/issues/1 filestore = dontCheck super.filestore; getopt-generics = dontCheck super.getopt-generics; graceful = dontCheck super.graceful; Hclip = dontCheck super.Hclip; HList = dontCheck super.HList; ide-backend = dontCheck super.ide-backend; marquise = dontCheck super.marquise; # https://github.com/anchor/marquise/issues/69 memcached-binary = dontCheck super.memcached-binary; msgpack-rpc = dontCheck super.msgpack-rpc; persistent-zookeeper = dontCheck super.persistent-zookeeper; pocket-dns = dontCheck super.pocket-dns; postgresql-simple = dontCheck super.postgresql-simple; postgrest = dontCheck super.postgrest; postgrest-ws = dontCheck super.postgrest-ws; snowball = dontCheck super.snowball; sophia = dontCheck super.sophia; test-sandbox = dontCheck super.test-sandbox; texrunner = dontCheck super.texrunner; users-postgresql-simple = dontCheck super.users-postgresql-simple; wai-middleware-hmac = dontCheck super.wai-middleware-hmac; xkbcommon = dontCheck super.xkbcommon; xmlgen = dontCheck super.xmlgen; HerbiePlugin = dontCheck super.HerbiePlugin; wai-cors = dontCheck super.wai-cors; # base bound digit = doJailbreak super.digit; # Needs older version of QuickCheck. these_0_7_6 = doJailbreak super.these_0_7_6; # dontCheck: Can be removed once https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/commit/471712f is in (5.2 probably) # This is due to GenList having been removed from generic-random in # doJailbreak: Can be removed once https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/329 is in (5.2 probably) # This is due to hnix currently having an upper bound of <0.5 on deriving-compat, works just fine with our current version 0.5.1 though # Does not support recent versions of "these". # https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues/514 hnix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "hnix" ( dontCheck (doJailbreak (super.hnix.override { these = self.these_0_7_6; })) ); # Fails for non-obvious reasons while attempting to use doctest. search = dontCheck super.search; # see https://github.com/LumiGuide/haskell-opencv/commit/cd613e200aa20887ded83256cf67d6903c207a60 opencv = dontCheck (appendPatch super.opencv ./patches/opencv-fix-116.patch); opencv-extra = dontCheck (appendPatch super.opencv-extra ./patches/opencv-fix-116.patch); # https://github.com/ekmett/structures/issues/3 structures = dontCheck super.structures; # Disable test suites to fix the build. acme-year = dontCheck super.acme-year; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497858/log/raw aeson-lens = dontCheck super.aeson-lens; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496769/log/raw aeson-schema = dontCheck super.aeson-schema; # https://github.com/timjb/aeson-schema/issues/9 angel = dontCheck super.angel; apache-md5 = dontCheck super.apache-md5; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498709/nixlog/1/raw app-settings = dontCheck super.app-settings; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497327/log/raw aws = dontCheck super.aws; # needs aws credentials aws-kinesis = dontCheck super.aws-kinesis; # needs aws credentials for testing binary-protocol = dontCheck super.binary-protocol; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499749/log/raw binary-search = dontCheck super.binary-search; bits = dontCheck super.bits; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/500239/log/raw bloodhound = dontCheck super.bloodhound; buildwrapper = dontCheck super.buildwrapper; burst-detection = dontCheck super.burst-detection; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496948/log/raw cabal-bounds = dontCheck super.cabal-bounds; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496935/nixlog/1/raw cabal-meta = dontCheck super.cabal-meta; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497892/log/raw camfort = dontCheck super.camfort; cjk = dontCheck super.cjk; CLI = dontCheck super.CLI; # Upstream has no issue tracker. command-qq = dontCheck super.command-qq; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499042/log/raw conduit-connection = dontCheck super.conduit-connection; craftwerk = dontCheck super.craftwerk; css-text = dontCheck super.css-text; damnpacket = dontCheck super.damnpacket; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496923/log data-hash = dontCheck super.data-hash; Deadpan-DDP = dontCheck super.Deadpan-DDP; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496418/log/raw DigitalOcean = dontCheck super.DigitalOcean; direct-sqlite = dontCheck super.direct-sqlite; directory-layout = dontCheck super.directory-layout; dlist = dontCheck super.dlist; docopt = dontCheck super.docopt; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499172/log/raw dom-selector = dontCheck super.dom-selector; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497670/log/raw dotenv = dontCheck super.dotenv; # Tests fail because of missing test file on version fixed on version dotfs = dontCheck super.dotfs; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498599/log/raw DRBG = dontCheck super.DRBG; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498245/nixlog/1/raw ed25519 = dontCheck super.ed25519; etcd = dontCheck super.etcd; fb = dontCheck super.fb; # needs credentials for Facebook fptest = dontCheck super.fptest; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499124/log/raw friday-juicypixels = dontCheck super.friday-juicypixels; #tarball missing test/rgba8.png ghc-events = dontCheck super.ghc-events; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498226/log/raw ghc-events-parallel = dontCheck super.ghc-events-parallel; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496828/log/raw ghc-imported-from = dontCheck super.ghc-imported-from; ghc-parmake = dontCheck super.ghc-parmake; ghcid = dontCheck super.ghcid; git-vogue = dontCheck super.git-vogue; github-rest = dontCheck super.github-rest; # test suite needs the network gitlib-cmdline = dontCheck super.gitlib-cmdline; GLFW-b = dontCheck super.GLFW-b; # https://github.com/bsl/GLFW-b/issues/50 hackport = dontCheck super.hackport; hadoop-formats = dontCheck super.hadoop-formats; haeredes = dontCheck super.haeredes; hashed-storage = dontCheck super.hashed-storage; hashring = dontCheck super.hashring; hath = dontCheck super.hath; haxl = dontCheck super.haxl; # non-deterministic failure https://github.com/facebook/Haxl/issues/85 haxl-facebook = dontCheck super.haxl-facebook; # needs facebook credentials for testing hdbi-postgresql = dontCheck super.hdbi-postgresql; hedis = dontCheck super.hedis; hedis-pile = dontCheck super.hedis-pile; hedis-tags = dontCheck super.hedis-tags; hedn = dontCheck super.hedn; hgdbmi = dontCheck super.hgdbmi; hi = dontCheck super.hi; hierarchical-clustering = dontCheck super.hierarchical-clustering; hlibgit2 = disableHardening super.hlibgit2 [ "format" ]; hmatrix-tests = dontCheck super.hmatrix-tests; hquery = dontCheck super.hquery; hs2048 = dontCheck super.hs2048; hsbencher = dontCheck super.hsbencher; hsexif = dontCheck super.hsexif; hspec-server = dontCheck super.hspec-server; HTF = dontCheck super.HTF; htsn = dontCheck super.htsn; htsn-import = dontCheck super.htsn-import; http-link-header = dontCheck super.http-link-header; # non deterministic failure https://hydra.nixos.org/build/75041105 ihaskell = dontCheck super.ihaskell; influxdb = dontCheck super.influxdb; itanium-abi = dontCheck super.itanium-abi; katt = dontCheck super.katt; language-nix = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isi686) then dontCheck super.language-nix else super.language-nix; # aarch64: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15275 language-slice = dontCheck super.language-slice; ldap-client = dontCheck super.ldap-client; lensref = dontCheck super.lensref; lucid = dontCheck super.lucid; #https://github.com/chrisdone/lucid/issues/25 lvmrun = disableHardening (dontCheck super.lvmrun) ["format"]; matplotlib = dontCheck super.matplotlib; memcache = dontCheck super.memcache; metrics = dontCheck super.metrics; milena = dontCheck super.milena; modular-arithmetic = dontCheck super.modular-arithmetic; # tests require a very old Glob (0.7.*) nats-queue = dontCheck super.nats-queue; netpbm = dontCheck super.netpbm; network = dontCheck super.network; network-dbus = dontCheck super.network-dbus; notcpp = dontCheck super.notcpp; ntp-control = dontCheck super.ntp-control; numerals = dontCheck super.numerals; odpic-raw = dontCheck super.odpic-raw; # needs a running oracle database server opaleye = dontCheck super.opaleye; openpgp = dontCheck super.openpgp; optional = dontCheck super.optional; orgmode-parse = dontCheck super.orgmode-parse; os-release = dontCheck super.os-release; pandoc-crossref = dontCheck super.pandoc-crossref; # (most likely change when no longer https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref/issues/199 persistent-redis = dontCheck super.persistent-redis; pipes-extra = dontCheck super.pipes-extra; pipes-websockets = dontCheck super.pipes-websockets; posix-pty = dontCheck super.posix-pty; # https://github.com/merijn/posix-pty/issues/12 postgresql-binary = dontCheck super.postgresql-binary; # needs a running postgresql server postgresql-simple-migration = dontCheck super.postgresql-simple-migration; process-streaming = dontCheck super.process-streaming; punycode = dontCheck super.punycode; pwstore-cli = dontCheck super.pwstore-cli; quantities = dontCheck super.quantities; redis-io = dontCheck super.redis-io; reflex = dontCheck super.reflex; # test suite uses hlint, which has different haskell-src-exts version rethinkdb = dontCheck super.rethinkdb; Rlang-QQ = dontCheck super.Rlang-QQ; safecopy = dontCheck super.safecopy; sai-shape-syb = dontCheck super.sai-shape-syb; saltine = dontCheck super.saltine; # https://github.com/tel/saltine/pull/56 scp-streams = dontCheck super.scp-streams; sdl2 = dontCheck super.sdl2; # the test suite needs an x server sdl2-ttf = dontCheck super.sdl2-ttf; # as of version 0.2.1, the test suite requires user intervention separated = dontCheck super.separated; shadowsocks = dontCheck super.shadowsocks; shake-language-c = dontCheck super.shake-language-c; snap-core = dontCheck super.snap-core; sourcemap = dontCheck super.sourcemap; static-resources = dontCheck super.static-resources; strive = dontCheck super.strive; # fails its own hlint test with tons of warnings svndump = dontCheck super.svndump; tar = dontCheck super.tar; #http://hydra.nixos.org/build/25088435/nixlog/2 (fails only on 32-bit) th-printf = dontCheck super.th-printf; thumbnail-plus = dontCheck super.thumbnail-plus; tickle = dontCheck super.tickle; tpdb = dontCheck super.tpdb; translatable-intset = dontCheck super.translatable-intset; ua-parser = dontCheck super.ua-parser; unagi-chan = dontCheck super.unagi-chan; wai-logger = dontCheck super.wai-logger; WebBits = dontCheck super.WebBits; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499604/log/raw webdriver = dontCheck super.webdriver; webdriver-angular = dontCheck super.webdriver-angular; xsd = dontCheck super.xsd; zip-archive = dontCheck super.zip-archive; # https://github.com/jgm/zip-archive/issues/57 # These test suites run for ages, even on a fast machine. This is nuts. Random123 = dontCheck super.Random123; systemd = dontCheck super.systemd; # https://github.com/eli-frey/cmdtheline/issues/28 cmdtheline = dontCheck super.cmdtheline; # https://github.com/bos/snappy/issues/1 snappy = dontCheck super.snappy; # https://github.com/kim/snappy-framing/issues/3 snappy-framing = dontHaddock super.snappy-framing; # https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9625 vty = dontCheck super.vty; # https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-pubkey/issues/20 crypto-pubkey = dontCheck super.crypto-pubkey; # https://github.com/Philonous/xml-picklers/issues/5 xml-picklers = dontCheck super.xml-picklers; # https://github.com/joeyadams/haskell-stm-delay/issues/3 stm-delay = dontCheck super.stm-delay; # https://github.com/cgaebel/stm-conduit/issues/33 stm-conduit = dontCheck super.stm-conduit; # https://github.com/pixbi/duplo/issues/25 duplo = dontCheck super.duplo; # https://github.com/evanrinehart/mikmod/issues/1 mikmod = addExtraLibrary super.mikmod pkgs.libmikmod; # https://github.com/basvandijk/threads/issues/10 threads = dontCheck super.threads; # Missing module. rematch = dontCheck super.rematch; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/5 rematch-text = dontCheck super.rematch-text; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/6 # Should not appear in nixpkgs yet (broken anyway) yarn2nix = throw "yarn2nix is not yet packaged for nixpkgs. See https://github.com/Profpatsch/yarn2nix#yarn2nix"; # no haddock since this is an umbrella package. cloud-haskell = dontHaddock super.cloud-haskell; # This packages compiles 4+ hours on a fast machine. That's just unreasonable. CHXHtml = dontDistribute super.CHXHtml; # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6350 paypal-adaptive-hoops = overrideCabal super.paypal-adaptive-hoops (drv: { testTarget = "local"; }); # https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-asn1/issues/12 asn1-encoding = dontCheck super.asn1-encoding; # Avoid "QuickCheck >=2.3 && <2.10" dependency we cannot fulfill in lts-11.x. test-framework = dontCheck super.test-framework; # Depends on broken test-framework-quickcheck. apiary = dontCheck super.apiary; apiary-authenticate = dontCheck super.apiary-authenticate; apiary-clientsession = dontCheck super.apiary-clientsession; apiary-cookie = dontCheck super.apiary-cookie; apiary-eventsource = dontCheck super.apiary-eventsource; apiary-logger = dontCheck super.apiary-logger; apiary-memcached = dontCheck super.apiary-memcached; apiary-mongoDB = dontCheck super.apiary-mongoDB; apiary-persistent = dontCheck super.apiary-persistent; apiary-purescript = dontCheck super.apiary-purescript; apiary-session = dontCheck super.apiary-session; apiary-websockets = dontCheck super.apiary-websockets; # https://github.com/PaulJohnson/geodetics/issues/1 geodetics = dontCheck super.geodetics; # https://github.com/junjihashimoto/test-sandbox-compose/issues/2 test-sandbox-compose = dontCheck super.test-sandbox-compose; # https://github.com/tych0/xcffib/issues/37 xcffib = dontCheck super.xcffib; # https://github.com/afcowie/locators/issues/1 locators = dontCheck super.locators; # Test suite won't compile against tasty-hunit 0.9.x. zlib = dontCheck super.zlib; # Test suite won't compile against tasty-hunit 0.10.x. binary-parser = dontCheck super.binary-parser; binary-parsers = dontCheck super.binary-parsers; bytestring-strict-builder = dontCheck super.bytestring-strict-builder; bytestring-tree-builder = dontCheck super.bytestring-tree-builder; # https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/206 # https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/267 shake = overrideCabal super.shake (drv: { doCheck = !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin && false; }); # https://github.com/nushio3/doctest-prop/issues/1 doctest-prop = dontCheck super.doctest-prop; # Missing file in source distribution: # - https://github.com/karun012/doctest-discover/issues/22 # - https://github.com/karun012/doctest-discover/issues/23 # # When these are fixed the following needs to be enabled again: # # # Depends on itself for testing # doctest-discover = addBuildTool super.doctest-discover # (if pkgs.buildPlatform != pkgs.hostPlatform # then self.buildHaskellPackages.doctest-discover # else dontCheck super.doctest-discover); doctest-discover = dontCheck super.doctest-discover; # Depends on itself for testing tasty-discover = addBuildTool super.tasty-discover (if pkgs.buildPlatform != pkgs.hostPlatform then self.buildHaskellPackages.tasty-discover else dontCheck super.tasty-discover); # generic-deriving bound is too tight # aeson needs Diff 0.4.0 to do tests but nixpkgs is still at 0.3.4 # https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/740 aeson = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.aeson); # containers >=0.4 && <0.6 is too tight # https://github.com/RaphaelJ/friday/issues/34 friday = doJailbreak super.friday; # Won't compile with recent versions of QuickCheck. inilist = dontCheck super.inilist; # Doesn't accept recent versions of 'base' or QuickCheck. MissingH = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.MissingH); # https://github.com/yaccz/saturnin/issues/3 Saturnin = dontCheck super.Saturnin; # https://github.com/kkardzis/curlhs/issues/6 curlhs = dontCheck super.curlhs; # https://github.com/hvr/token-bucket/issues/3 token-bucket = dontCheck super.token-bucket; # https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-enumerator/issues/3 lzma-enumerator = dontCheck super.lzma-enumerator; # https://github.com/haskell-hvr/lzma/issues/14 lzma = dontCheck super.lzma; # https://github.com/BNFC/bnfc/issues/140 BNFC = dontCheck super.BNFC; # FPCO's fork of Cabal won't succeed its test suite. Cabal-ide-backend = dontCheck super.Cabal-ide-backend; # QuickCheck version, also set in cabal2nix websockets = dontCheck super.websockets; # Avoid spurious test suite failures. fft = dontCheck super.fft; # This package can't be built on non-Windows systems. Win32 = overrideCabal super.Win32 (drv: { broken = !pkgs.stdenv.isCygwin; }); inline-c-win32 = dontDistribute super.inline-c-win32; Southpaw = dontDistribute super.Southpaw; # https://github.com/yesodweb/serversession/issues/1 serversession = dontCheck super.serversession; # Hydra no longer allows building texlive packages. lhs2tex = dontDistribute super.lhs2tex; # https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9825 vimus = overrideCabal super.vimus (drv: { broken = pkgs.stdenv.isLinux && pkgs.stdenv.isi686; }); # https://github.com/hspec/mockery/issues/6 mockery = overrideCabal super.mockery (drv: { preCheck = "export TRAVIS=true"; }); # https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-conduit/issues/5 lzma-conduit = dontCheck super.lzma-conduit; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/logger/issues/42 logger = dontCheck super.logger; # vector dependency < 0.12 imagemagick = doJailbreak super.imagemagick; # https://github.com/liyang/thyme/issues/36 thyme = dontCheck super.thyme; # https://github.com/k0ral/hbro-contrib/issues/1 hbro-contrib = dontDistribute super.hbro-contrib; # Elm is no longer actively maintained on Hackage: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/9233. Elm = markBroken super.Elm; elm-build-lib = markBroken super.elm-build-lib; elm-compiler = markBroken super.elm-compiler; elm-get = markBroken super.elm-get; elm-make = markBroken super.elm-make; elm-package = markBroken super.elm-package; elm-reactor = markBroken super.elm-reactor; elm-repl = markBroken super.elm-repl; elm-server = markBroken super.elm-server; elm-yesod = markBroken super.elm-yesod; # https://github.com/athanclark/sets/issues/2 sets = dontCheck super.sets; # Install icons, metadata and cli program. bustle = overrideCabal super.bustle (drv: { buildDepends = [ pkgs.libpcap ]; buildTools = with pkgs.buildPackages; [ gettext perl help2man ]; patches = [ # fix build # https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bustle/bustle/merge_requests/14 (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bustle/bustle/commit/ee4b81cbc232d47ba9940f1987777b17452e71ff.patch"; sha256 = "0v9cvbmrma5jcqcg1narpm1549h0cg8mr6i00qxmq0x6hs04dnwa"; }) (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bustle/bustle/commit/aae6843f51f54679d440fb3813e61355dc8406b9.patch"; sha256 = "1a8hr38hd1gdkqhsy56hyl7njw8ci79iigr81aalkb7hn4ckvh2a"; }) ]; postInstall = '' make install PREFIX=$out ''; }); # Byte-compile elisp code for Emacs. ghc-mod = overrideCabal super.ghc-mod (drv: { preCheck = "export HOME=$TMPDIR"; testToolDepends = drv.testToolDepends or [] ++ [self.cabal-install]; doCheck = false; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/issues/335 executableToolDepends = drv.executableToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.emacs]; postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$data/share/${self.ghc.name}/*/${drv.pname}-${drv.version}/elisp" ) make -C $lispdir mkdir -p $data/share/emacs/site-lisp ln -s "$lispdir/"*.el{,c} $data/share/emacs/site-lisp/ ''; }); # Build the latest git version instead of the official release. This isn't # ideal, but Chris doesn't seem to make official releases any more. structured-haskell-mode = overrideCabal super.structured-haskell-mode (drv: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "projectional-haskell"; repo = "structured-haskell-mode"; rev = "7f9df73f45d107017c18ce4835bbc190dfe6782e"; sha256 = "1jcc30048j369jgsbbmkb63whs4wb37bq21jrm3r6ry22izndsqa"; }; version = "20170205-git"; editedCabalFile = null; # Make elisp files available at a location where people expect it. We # cannot easily byte-compile these files, unfortunately, because they # depend on a new version of haskell-mode that we don't have yet. postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$data/share/${self.ghc.name}/"*"/${drv.pname}-"*"/elisp" ) mkdir -p $data/share/emacs ln -s $lispdir $data/share/emacs/site-lisp ''; }); # Make elisp files available at a location where people expect it. hindent = (overrideCabal super.hindent (drv: { # We cannot easily byte-compile these files, unfortunately, because they # depend on a new version of haskell-mode that we don't have yet. postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$data/share/${self.ghc.name}/"*"/${drv.pname}-"*"/elisp" ) mkdir -p $data/share/emacs ln -s $lispdir $data/share/emacs/site-lisp ''; doCheck = false; # https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent/issues/299 })); # https://github.com/bos/configurator/issues/22 configurator = dontCheck super.configurator; # https://github.com/basvandijk/concurrent-extra/issues/12 concurrent-extra = dontCheck super.concurrent-extra; # https://github.com/bos/bloomfilter/issues/7 bloomfilter = appendPatch super.bloomfilter ./patches/bloomfilter-fix-on-32bit.patch; # https://github.com/ashutoshrishi/hunspell-hs/pull/3 hunspell-hs = addPkgconfigDepend (dontCheck (appendPatch super.hunspell-hs ./patches/hunspell.patch)) pkgs.hunspell; # https://github.com/pxqr/base32-bytestring/issues/4 base32-bytestring = dontCheck super.base32-bytestring; # https://github.com/goldfirere/singletons/issues/122 singletons = dontCheck super.singletons; # Djinn's last release was 2014, incompatible with Semigroup-Monoid Proposal # https://github.com/augustss/djinn/pull/8 djinn = appendPatch super.djinn (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = https://github.com/augustss/djinn/commit/6cb9433a137fb6b5194afe41d616bd8b62b95630.patch; sha256 = "0s021y5nzrh74gfp8xpxpxm11ivzfs3jwg6mkrlyry3iy584xqil"; }); # We cannot build this package w/o the C library from . phash = markBroken super.phash; # We get lots of strange compiler errors during the test suite run. jsaddle = dontCheck super.jsaddle; # https://github.com/Philonous/hs-stun/pull/1 # Remove if a version > ever gets released. stunclient = overrideCabal super.stunclient (drv: { postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace source/Network/Stun/MappedAddress.hs --replace "import Network.Endian" "" ''; }); # The standard libraries are compiled separately idris = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "idris" ( doJailbreak (dontCheck super.idris) ); # https://github.com/bos/math-functions/issues/25 math-functions = dontCheck super.math-functions; # build servant docs from the repository servant = let ver = super.servant.version; docs = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "servant-sphinx-documentation-${ver}"; src = "${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "haskell-servant"; repo = "servant"; rev = "v${ver}"; sha256 = "0xk3czk3jhqjxhy0g8r2248m8yxgvmqhgn955k92z0h7p02lfs89"; }}/doc"; # Needed after sphinx 1.7.9 -> 1.8.3 postPatch = '' substituteInPlace conf.py --replace "'.md': CommonMarkParser," "" ''; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs.buildPackages.pythonPackages; [ sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme ]; makeFlags = [ "html" ]; installPhase = '' mv _build/html $out ''; }; in overrideCabal super.servant (old: { postInstall = old.postInstall or "" + '' ln -s ${docs} ''${!outputDoc}/share/doc/servant ''; }); # https://github.com/pontarius/pontarius-xmpp/issues/105 pontarius-xmpp = dontCheck super.pontarius-xmpp; # fails with sandbox yi-keymap-vim = dontCheck super.yi-keymap-vim; # https://github.com/bmillwood/applicative-quoters/issues/6 applicative-quoters = doJailbreak super.applicative-quoters; # https://github.com/roelvandijk/terminal-progress-bar/issues/13 # Still needed because of HUnit < 1.6 terminal-progress-bar = doJailbreak super.terminal-progress-bar; # https://hydra.nixos.org/build/42769611/nixlog/1/raw # note: the library is unmaintained, no upstream issue dataenc = doJailbreak super.dataenc; # https://github.com/divipp/ActiveHs-misc/issues/10 data-pprint = doJailbreak super.data-pprint; # horribly outdated (X11 interface changed a lot) sindre = markBroken super.sindre; # Test suite occasionally runs for 1+ days on Hydra. distributed-process-tests = dontCheck super.distributed-process-tests; # https://github.com/mulby/diff-parse/issues/9 diff-parse = doJailbreak super.diff-parse; # https://github.com/josefs/STMonadTrans/issues/4 STMonadTrans = dontCheck super.STMonadTrans; # No upstream issue tracker hspec-expectations-pretty-diff = dontCheck super.hspec-expectations-pretty-diff; # https://github.com/basvandijk/lifted-base/issues/34 # Still needed as HUnit < 1.5 lifted-base = doJailbreak super.lifted-base; # Don't depend on chell-quickcheck, which doesn't compile due to restricting # QuickCheck to versions ">=2.3 && <2.9". system-filepath = dontCheck super.system-filepath; # https://github.com/basvandijk/case-insensitive/issues/24 # Still needed as HUnit < 1.6 case-insensitive = doJailbreak super.case-insensitive; # https://github.com/hvr/uuid/issues/28 uuid-types = doJailbreak super.uuid-types; uuid = doJailbreak super.uuid; # https://github.com/ekmett/lens/issues/713 lens = disableCabalFlag super.lens "test-doctests"; # https://github.com/haskell/fgl/issues/60 # Needed for QuickCheck < 2.10 fgl = dontCheck super.fgl; fgl-arbitrary = doJailbreak super.fgl-arbitrary; # The tests spuriously fail libmpd = dontCheck super.libmpd; # https://github.com/dan-t/cabal-lenses/issues/6 cabal-lenses = doJailbreak super.cabal-lenses; # https://github.com/fizruk/http-api-data/issues/49 http-api-data = dontCheck super.http-api-data; # https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-lib/issues/288 diagrams-lib = overrideCabal super.diagrams-lib (drv: { doCheck = !pkgs.stdenv.isi686; }); # https://github.com/danidiaz/streaming-eversion/issues/1 streaming-eversion = dontCheck super.streaming-eversion; # https://github.com/danidiaz/tailfile-hinotify/issues/2 tailfile-hinotify = dontCheck super.tailfile-hinotify; # Test suite fails: https://github.com/lymar/hastache/issues/46. # Don't install internal mkReadme tool. hastache = overrideCabal super.hastache (drv: { doCheck = false; postInstall = "rm $out/bin/mkReadme && rmdir $out/bin"; }); # Has a dependency on outdated versions of directory. cautious-file = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.cautious-file); # https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-solve/issues/4 diagrams-solve = dontCheck super.diagrams-solve; # test suite does not compile with recent versions of QuickCheck integer-logarithms = dontCheck (super.integer-logarithms); # missing dependencies: blaze-html >=0.5 && <0.9, blaze-markup >=0.5 && <0.8 digestive-functors-blaze = doJailbreak super.digestive-functors-blaze; digestive-functors = doJailbreak super.digestive-functors; # missing dependencies: doctest ==0.12.* html-entities = doJailbreak super.html-entities; # https://github.com/takano-akio/filelock/issues/5 filelock = dontCheck super.filelock; # Wrap the generated binaries to include their run-time dependencies in # $PATH. Also, cryptol needs a version of sbl that's newer than what we have # in LTS-13.x. cryptol = overrideCabal super.cryptol (drv: { buildTools = drv.buildTools or [] ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = drv.postInstall or "" + '' for b in $out/bin/cryptol $out/bin/cryptol-html; do wrapProgram $b --prefix 'PATH' ':' "${pkgs.lib.getBin pkgs.z3}/bin" done ''; }); # Tests try to invoke external process and process == 1.4 grakn = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.grakn); # test suite requires git and does a bunch of git operations # doJailbreak because of hardcoded time, seems to be fixed upstream restless-git = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.restless-git); # Depends on broken fluid. fluid-idl-http-client = markBroken super.fluid-idl-http-client; fluid-idl-scotty = markBroken super.fluid-idl-scotty; # Work around https://github.com/haskell/c2hs/issues/192. c2hs = dontCheck super.c2hs; # Needs pginit to function and pgrep to verify. tmp-postgres = overrideCabal super.tmp-postgres (drv: { libraryToolDepends = drv.libraryToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.postgresql]; testToolDepends = drv.testToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.procps]; }); # Needs QuickCheck <2.10, which we don't have. edit-distance = doJailbreak super.edit-distance; blaze-markup = doJailbreak super.blaze-markup; blaze-html = doJailbreak super.blaze-html; attoparsec = dontCheck super.attoparsec; # 1 out of 67 tests fails int-cast = doJailbreak super.int-cast; nix-derivation = doJailbreak super.nix-derivation; # Needs QuickCheck <2.10, HUnit <1.6 and base <4.10 pointfree = doJailbreak super.pointfree; # Needs tasty-quickcheck ==0.8.*, which we don't have. cryptohash-sha256 = dontCheck super.cryptohash-sha256; cryptohash-sha1 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-sha1; cryptohash-md5 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-md5; text-short = doJailbreak super.text-short; gitHUD = dontCheck super.gitHUD; githud = dontCheck super.githud; # https://github.com/aisamanra/config-ini/issues/12 config-ini = dontCheck super.config-ini; # doctest >=0.9 && <0.12 genvalidity-property = doJailbreak super.genvalidity-property; path = dontCheck super.path; # Test suite fails due to trying to create directories path-io = dontCheck super.path-io; # Duplicate instance with smallcheck. store = dontCheck super.store; # With ghc-8.2.x haddock would time out for unknown reason # See https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/679 language-puppet = dontHaddock super.language-puppet; filecache = overrideCabal super.filecache (drv: { doCheck = !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin; }); # https://github.com/alphaHeavy/protobuf/issues/34 protobuf = dontCheck super.protobuf; # https://github.com/bos/text-icu/issues/32 text-icu = dontCheck super.text-icu; # aarch64 and armv7l fixes. happy = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) then dontCheck super.happy else super.happy; # Similar to https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13062 hashable = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) then dontCheck super.hashable else super.hashable; # https://github.com/tibbe/hashable/issues/95 servant-docs = let f = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) then dontCheck else pkgs.lib.id; in doJailbreak (f super.servant-docs); # jailbreak tasty < 1.2 until servant-docs > 0.11.3 is on hackage. swagger2 = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) then dontHaddock (dontCheck super.swagger2) else super.swagger2; # requires a release including https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/249530d9f85fe76dfb18b100542f75a27e6a3079 servant-swagger = dontCheck super.servant-swagger; # Tries to read a file it is not allowed to in the test suite load-env = dontCheck super.load-env; # Copy hledger man pages from data directory into the proper place. This code # should be moved into the cabal2nix generator. hledger = overrideCabal super.hledger (drv: { postInstall = '' # Don't install files that don't belong into this package to avoid # conflicts when hledger and hledger-ui end up in the same profile. rm embeddedfiles/hledger-{api,ui,web}.* for i in $(seq 1 9); do for j in embeddedfiles/*.$i; do mkdir -p $out/share/man/man$i cp -v $j $out/share/man/man$i/ done done mkdir -p $out/share/info cp -v embeddedfiles/*.info* $out/share/info/ ''; }); hledger-ui = overrideCabal super.hledger-ui (drv: { postInstall = '' for i in $(seq 1 9); do for j in *.$i; do mkdir -p $out/share/man/man$i cp -v $j $out/share/man/man$i/ done done mkdir -p $out/share/info cp -v *.info* $out/share/info/ ''; }); hledger-web = overrideCabal super.hledger-web (drv: { postInstall = '' for i in $(seq 1 9); do for j in *.$i; do mkdir -p $out/share/man/man$i cp -v $j $out/share/man/man$i/ done done mkdir -p $out/share/info cp -v *.info* $out/share/info/ ''; }); # https://github.com/haskell-rewriting/term-rewriting/pull/15 # remove on next hackage update term-rewriting = doJailbreak super.term-rewriting; # https://github.com/GaloisInc/pure-zlib/pull/11 pure-zlib = doJailbreak super.pure-zlib; # https://github.com/strake/lenz-template.hs/pull/2 lenz-template = doJailbreak super.lenz-template; # https://github.com/haskell-hvr/resolv/pull/6 resolv = dontCheck super.resolv; resolv_0_1_1_2 = dontCheck super.resolv_0_1_1_2; # spdx needs older tasty # was fixed in spdx master (4288df6e4b7840eb94d825dcd446b42fef25ef56) spdx = dontCheck super.spdx; # The test suite does not know how to find the 'alex' binary. alex = overrideCabal super.alex (drv: { testSystemDepends = (drv.testSystemDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.which]; preCheck = ''export PATH="$PWD/dist/build/alex:$PATH"''; }); # This package refers to the wrong library (itself in fact!) vulkan = super.vulkan.override { vulkan = pkgs.vulkan-loader; }; # # Builds only with the latest version of indexed-list-literals. # vector-sized_1_0_3_0 = super.vector-sized_1_0_3_0.override { # indexed-list-literals = self.indexed-list-literals_0_2_1_1; # }; # https://github.com/dmwit/encoding/pull/3 encoding = doJailbreak (appendPatch super.encoding ./patches/encoding-Cabal-2.0.patch); # Work around overspecified constraint on github ==0.18. github-backup = doJailbreak super.github-backup; # Test suite depends on old QuickCheck 2.10.x. cassava = dontCheck super.cassava; # Test suite depends on cabal-install doctest = dontCheck super.doctest; # https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-auth/issues/113 servant-auth-client = dontCheck super.servant-auth-client; # Test has either build errors or fails anyway, depending on the compiler. vector-algorithms = dontCheck super.vector-algorithms; # The test suite attempts to use the network. dhall = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "dhall" (dontCheck super.dhall); # Missing test files in source distribution, fixed once 1.4.0 is bumped # https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/997 dhall-json = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions ["dhall-to-json" "dhall-to-yaml"] ( dontCheck super.dhall-json ); dhall-nix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "dhall-to-nix" ( super.dhall-nix ); # https://github.com/haskell-hvr/netrc/pull/2#issuecomment-469526558 netrc = doJailbreak super.netrc; # https://github.com/haskell-hvr/hgettext/issues/14 hgettext = doJailbreak super.hgettext; # 2.23.0 supports GHC 8.x and up haddock = super.haddock_2_22_0; # haddock-api-2.22.0: Break out of “QuickCheck ==2.11.*, hspec >=2.4.4 && <2.6” haddock-api = dontHaddock (doJailbreak (super.haddock-api_2_22_0)); # The test suite is broken. Break out of "base-compat >=0.9.3 && <0.10, hspec >=2.4.4 && <2.5". haddock-library = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.haddock-library); # Generate shell completion. cabal2nix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "cabal2nix" super.cabal2nix; stack = let stackWithOverrides = super.stack.override { # stack- requires pantry- pantry = self.pantry_0_2_0_0; }; in generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "stack" (appendPatches stackWithOverrides [ # This PR fixes stack up to be able to build with Cabal-3. This patch # can probably be dropped when the next stack release is made after # (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/5156.diff"; sha256 = "0knk6f9fh1b4fxkhvx5gfrwclal4vi2va4zy34gpmwnjr7knf42y"; excludes = [ "snapshot-lts-12.yaml" "snapshot-nightly.yaml" "snapshot.yaml" ]; }) # This patch fixes stack up to be able to build various GHC-8.8 changes. # This can hopefully be dropped when the next stack release is made # after (assuming the next stack release uses GHC-8.8). ./patches/stack-ghc882-support.patch ]); # musl fixes # dontCheck: use of non-standard strptime "%s" which musl doesn't support; only used in test unix-time = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then dontCheck super.unix-time else super.unix-time; # dontCheck: printf double rounding behavior prettyprinter = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then dontCheck super.prettyprinter else super.prettyprinter; # Fix with Cabal 2.2, https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/pull/73 hpc-coveralls = appendPatch super.hpc-coveralls (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/pull/73/commits/344217f513b7adfb9037f73026f5d928be98d07f.patch"; sha256 = "056rk58v9h114mjx62f41x971xn9p3nhsazcf9zrcyxh1ymrdm8j"; }); # Tests require a browser: https://github.com/ku-fpg/blank-canvas/issues/73 blank-canvas = dontCheck super.blank-canvas; blank-canvas_0_6_2 = dontCheck super.blank-canvas_0_6_2; # needed because of testing-feat >= && <1.1 language-ecmascript = doJailbreak super.language-ecmascript; # sexpr is old, broken and has no issue-tracker. Let's fix it the best we can. sexpr = appendPatch (overrideCabal super.sexpr (drv: { isExecutable = false; libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [self.QuickCheck]; })) ./patches/sexpr-0.2.1.patch; # https://github.com/haskell/hoopl/issues/50 hoopl = dontCheck super.hoopl; # https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/pull/37 xmlhtml = doJailbreak super.xmlhtml; purescript = let purescriptWithOverrides = super.purescript.override { # PureScript requires an older version of happy. happy = self.happy_1_19_9; }; # PureScript is built against LTS-13, so we need to jailbreak it to # accept more recent versions of the libraries it requires. jailBrokenPurescript = doJailbreak purescriptWithOverrides; # Haddocks for PureScript can't be built. # https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/3745 dontHaddockPurescript = dontHaddock jailBrokenPurescript; in # Generate shell completions generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "purs" dontHaddockPurescript; # https://github.com/kcsongor/generic-lens/pull/65 generic-lens = dontCheck super.generic-lens; # https://github.com/danfran/cabal-macosx/issues/13 cabal-macosx = dontCheck super.cabal-macosx; # https://github.com/DanielG/cabal-helper/issues/59 cabal-helper = doJailbreak super.cabal-helper; # TODO(Profpatsch): factor out local nix store setup from # lib/tests/release.nix and use that for the tests of libnix # libnix = overrideCabal super.libnix (old: { # testToolDepends = old.testToolDepends or [] ++ [ pkgs.nix ]; # }); libnix = dontCheck super.libnix; # The test suite tries to mess with ALSA, which doesn't work in the build sandbox. xmobar = dontCheck super.xmobar; # https://github.com/mgajda/json-autotype/issues/25 json-autotype = dontCheck super.json-autotype; # Jailbreak tasty < 1.2: https://github.com/phadej/tdigest/issues/30 tdigest = doJailbreak super.tdigest; # until tdigest > 0.2.1 # Requires pg_ctl command during tests beam-postgres = overrideCabal super.beam-postgres (drv: { testToolDepends = (drv.testToolDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.postgresql]; }); # Fix for base >= 4.11 scat = overrideCabal super.scat (drv: { patches = [(pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/redelmann/scat/pull/6.diff"; sha256 = "07nj2p0kg05livhgp1hkkdph0j0a6lb216f8x348qjasy0lzbfhl"; })]; }); # Remove unecessary constraint: # https://github.com/agrafix/superbuffer/pull/2 superbuffer = overrideCabal super.superbuffer (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i 's#QuickCheck < 2.10#QuickCheck < 2.13#' superbuffer.cabal ''; }); # test suite failure: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/5582 pandoc = dontCheck super.pandoc; # Fix build with attr-2.4.48 (see #53716) xattr = appendPatch super.xattr ./patches/xattr-fix-build.patch; # Some tests depend on a postgresql instance # Haddock failure: https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/979 esqueleto = dontHaddock (dontCheck super.esqueleto); # Requires API keys to run tests algolia = dontCheck super.algolia; # antiope-s3's latest stackage version has a hspec < 2.6 requirement, but # hspec which isn't in stackage is already past that antiope-s3 = doJailbreak super.antiope-s3; # Has tasty < 1.2 requirement, but works just fine with 1.2 temporary-resourcet = doJailbreak super.temporary-resourcet; # Requires dhall >= 1.23.0 ats-pkg = super.ats-pkg.override { dhall = self.dhall_1_29_0; }; # Test suite doesn't work with current QuickCheck # https://github.com/pruvisto/heap/issues/11 heap = dontCheck super.heap; # Test suite won't link for no apparent reason. constraints-deriving = dontCheck super.constraints-deriving; # QuickCheck >=2.3 && <2.13, hspec >=2.1 && <2.7 graphviz = dontCheck super.graphviz; # https://github.com/elliottt/hsopenid/issues/15 openid = markBroken super.openid; # The test suite needs the packages's executables in $PATH to succeed. arbtt = overrideCabal super.arbtt (drv: { preCheck = '' for i in $PWD/dist/build/*; do export PATH="$i:$PATH" done ''; }); # Version bounds for http-client are too strict: # https://github.com/bitnomial/prometheus/issues/34 prometheus = doJailbreak super.prometheus; # Tasty-tap tests are out-of-date with TAP format # https://github.com/MichaelXavier/tasty-tap/issues/2 tasty-tap = appendPatch super.tasty-tap (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/MichaelXavier/tasty-tap/pull/3.diff; sha256 = "0l8zbc56dy8ilxl3k49aiknmfhgpcg3jhs72lh3dk51d0a09d9sv"; }); # The doctests in universum-1.5.0 are broken. The doctests in versions of universum after # 1.5.0 should be fixed, so this should be able to be removed. universum = dontCheck super.universum; # https://github.com/erikd/hjsmin/issues/32 hjsmin = dontCheck super.hjsmin; # https://github.com/blamario/grampa/issues/19 rank2classes = dontCheck super.rank2classes; nix-tools = super.nix-tools.overrideScope (self: super: { # Needs https://github.com/peti/hackage-db/pull/9 hackage-db = super.hackage-db.overrideAttrs (old: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ElvishJerricco"; repo = "hackage-db"; rev = "84ca9fc75ad45a71880e938e0d93ea4bde05f5bd"; sha256 = "0y3kw1hrxhsqmyx59sxba8npj4ya8dpgjljc21gkgdvdy9628q4c"; }; }); }); # upstream issue: https://github.com/vmchale/atspkg/issues/12 language-ats = dontCheck super.language-ats; # https://github.com/Happstack/web-routes-th/pull/3 web-routes-th = doJailbreak super.web-routes-th; # Remove for hail > hail = overrideCabal super.hail (drv: { patches = [ (pkgs.fetchpatch { # Relax dependency constraints, # upstream PR: https://github.com/james-preston/hail/pull/13 url = "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/james-preston/hail/pull/13.patch"; sha256 = "039p5mqgicbhld2z44cbvsmam3pz0py3ybaifwrjsn1y69ldsmkx"; }) (pkgs.fetchpatch { # Relax dependency constraints, # upstream PR: https://github.com/james-preston/hail/pull/15 url = "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/james-preston/hail/pull/15.patch"; sha256 = "03kdvr8hxi6isb8yxp5rgcmz855n19m1yacn3d56a4i58j2mldjw"; }) ]; }); # Needs the corresponding version of haskell-src-exts. haskell-src-exts-simple = super.haskell-src-exts-simple.override { haskell-src-exts = self.haskell-src-exts_1_23_0; }; # https://github.com/Daniel-Diaz/HaTeX/issues/144 HaTeX = dontCheck super.HaTeX; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/dns/issues/150 dns = dontCheck super.dns; # Support recent versions of fast-logger. spacecookie = doJailbreak super.spacecookie; # apply patches from https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126 # manually until they are accepted upstream snap-server = overrideCabal super.snap-server (drv: { patches = [(pkgs.fetchpatch { # allow compilation with network >= 3 url = https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126/commits/4338fe15d68e11e3c7fd0f9862f818864adc1d45.patch; sha256 = "1nlw9lckm3flzkmhkzwc7zxhdh9ns33w8p8ds8nf574nqr5cr8bv"; }) (pkgs.fetchpatch { # prefer fdSocket over unsafeFdSocket url = https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126/commits/410de2df123b1d56b3093720e9c6a1ad79fe9de6.patch; sha256 = "08psvw0xny64q4bw1nwg01pkzh01ak542lw6k1ps7cdcwaxk0n94"; })]; }); # https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-blaze/issues/17 servant-blaze = doJailbreak super.servant-blaze; # https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-ekg/issues/15 servant-ekg = doJailbreak super.servant-ekg; # krank-0.1.0 does not accept PyF- krank = doJailbreak super.krank; # the test suite has an overly tight restriction on doctest # See https://github.com/ekmett/perhaps/pull/5 perhaps = doJailbreak super.perhaps; # it wants to build a statically linked binary by default hledger-flow = overrideCabal super.hledger-flow ( drv: { postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace hledger-flow.cabal --replace "-static" "" ''; }); # cabal-fmt requires Cabal3 cabal-fmt = super.cabal-fmt.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_0_0_0; }; # Several gtk2hs-provided packages at v0.13.8.0 fail to build on Darwin # until we pick up https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/pull/293 so apply that # patch here. That single patch is for the gtk2hs super-repo, out of which # we extract the patch for each indvidiual project (glib/gio/pango/gtk/gtk3). glib = appendPatch super.glib (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/commit/1cf2f9bff2427d39986e32880d1383cfff49ab0e.patch"; includes = [ "glib.cabal" ]; stripLen = 1; sha256 = "1zdss1xgsbijs3kx8dp5a81qryrfc1zm1xrd20whna3dqakf8b7g"; }); gio = appendPatch super.gio (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/commit/1cf2f9bff2427d39986e32880d1383cfff49ab0e.patch"; includes = [ "gio.cabal" ]; stripLen = 1; sha256 = "0d72k6gqvgax9jcqi3gz1gqnar7jg8p5065z3mw2fcwvdw46s2zv"; }); pango = appendPatch super.pango (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/commit/1cf2f9bff2427d39986e32880d1383cfff49ab0e.patch"; includes = [ "pango.cabal" ]; stripLen = 1; sha256 = "0dc221wlmyhc24h6ybfhbkxmcx4i6bvkbr1zgqidbnj3yp6w0l5w"; }); # gtk/gtk3 have an additional complication: independent of the above # fix, they need to be told on Darwin to use the Quartz # rather than X11 backend (see eg https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/issues/249). gtk3 = let patchedGtk3 = appendPatch super.gtk3 (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/commit/1cf2f9bff2427d39986e32880d1383cfff49ab0e.patch"; includes = [ "gtk3.cabal" ]; stripLen = 1; sha256 = "0zvj0dzfwf9bksfhi0m4v0h5aij236gd0qhyr1adpdcjrkd8zbkd"; }); in # The appendConfigureFlags should remain even after we can drop patchedGtk3. appendConfigureFlags patchedGtk3 (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin "-f have-quartz-gtk"); gtk = let patchedGtk = appendPatch super.gtk (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/commit/1cf2f9bff2427d39986e32880d1383cfff49ab0e.patch"; includes = [ "gtk.cabal-renamed" ]; stripLen = 1; sha256 = "0wb0scvmhg8b42hxpns9m6zak3r8b25a2z7wg6vl56n17nb635l7"; # One final complication: the gtk cabal file in the source repo (as seen # by the patch) is `gtk.cabal-renamed`, but this gets changed to the usual # `gtk.cabal` before uploading to Hackage by a script. postFetch = '' substituteInPlace $out --replace "-renamed" "" ''; }); in # The appendConfigureFlags should remain even after we can drop patchedGtk. appendConfigureFlags patchedGtk (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin "-f have-quartz-gtk"); # Chart-tests needs and compiles some modules from Chart itself Chart-tests = (addExtraLibrary super.Chart-tests self.QuickCheck).overrideAttrs (old: { preCheck = old.postPatch or "" + '' tar --one-top-level=../chart --strip-components=1 -xf ${self.Chart.src} ''; }); # Unnecessary upper bound on vector <0.12.1 bitwise-enum = doJailbreak super.bitwise-enum; # This breaks because of version bounds, but compiles and runs fine. # Last commit is 5 years ago, so we likely won't get upstream fixed soon. # https://bitbucket.org/rvlm/hakyll-contrib-hyphenation/src/master/ # Therefore we jailbreak it. hakyll-contrib-hyphenation = doJailbreak super.hakyll-contrib-hyphenation; # https://github.com/bergmark/feed/issues/43 feed = dontCheck super.feed; pantry_0_2_0_0 = appendPatches (dontCheck super.pantry_0_2_0_0) [ # pantry- doesn't build with ghc-8.8, but there is a PR adding support. # https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/6 # Currently stack- requires pantry-, but when a newer version of # stack is released, it will probably use the newer pantry version, so we # can completely get rid of pantry- (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/6.diff"; sha256 = "0aml06jshpjh3aiscs5av7y33m3d6s6x5pzdvh7pky476izfg87k"; excludes = [ ".azure/azure-linux-template.yml" ".azure/azure-osx-template.yml" ".azure/azure-windows-template.yml" "package.yaml" "pantry.cabal" "stack-lts-11.yaml" "stack-lts-12.yaml" "stack-nightly.yaml" "stack-windows.yaml" "stack.yaml" ]; }) ]; # https://github.com/serokell/nixfmt/pull/62 nixfmt = doJailbreak super.nixfmt; # https://github.com/phadej/binary-orphans/issues/45 binary-instances = dontCheck super.binary-instances; # Disabling the test suite lets the build succeed on older CPUs # that are unable to run the generated library because they # lack support for AES-NI, like some of our Hydra build slaves # do. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/81915 for # details. cryptonite = dontCheck super.cryptonite; # The test suite depends on an impure cabal-install installation # in $HOME, which we don't have in our build sandbox. cabal-install-parsers = dontCheck super.cabal-install-parsers; # haskell-ci-0.8 needs cabal-install-parsers ==0.1, but we have 0.2. haskell-ci = doJailbreak super.haskell-ci; } // import ./configuration-tensorflow.nix {inherit pkgs haskellLib;} self super