{ pkgs }: with import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs; }; self: super: { # LLVM is not supported on this GHC; use the latest one. inherit (pkgs) llvmPackages; inherit (pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc7102) jailbreak-cabal alex happy; # Many packages fail with: # haddock: internal error: expectJust getPackageDetails mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // { doHaddock = false; }); # This is the list of packages that are built into a booted ghcjs installation # It can be generated with the command: # nix-shell '' -A pkgs.haskellPackages_ghcjs.ghc --command "ghcjs-pkg list | sed -n 's/^ \(.*\)-\([0-9.]*\)$/\1_\2/ p' | sed 's/\./_/g' | sed 's/-\(.\)/\U\1/' | sed 's/^\([^_]*\)\(.*\)$/\1 = null;/'" Cabal = null; aeson = null; array = null; async = null; attoparsec = null; base = null; binary = null; rts = null; bytestring = null; case-insensitive = null; containers = null; deepseq = null; directory = null; dlist = null; extensible-exceptions = null; filepath = null; ghc-prim = null; ghcjs-base = null; ghcjs-prim = null; hashable = null; integer-gmp = null; mtl = null; old-locale = null; old-time = null; parallel = null; pretty = null; primitive = null; process = null; scientific = null; stm = null; syb = null; template-haskell = null; text = null; time = null; transformers = null; unix = null; unordered-containers = null; vector = null; pqueue = overrideCabal super.pqueue (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i -e '12s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Internals.hs sed -i -e '64s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Internals.hs sed -i -e '32s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Min.hs sed -i -e '32s|null|Data.PQueue.Max.null|' Data/PQueue/Max.hs sed -i -e '42s|null|Data.PQueue.Prio.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Prio/Min.hs sed -i -e '42s|null|Data.PQueue.Prio.Max.null|' Data/PQueue/Prio/Max.hs ''; }); transformers-compat = overrideCabal super.transformers-compat (drv: { configureFlags = []; }); dependent-map = overrideCabal super.dependent-map (drv: { preConfigure = '' sed -i 's/^.*trust base.*$//' *.cabal ''; }); profunctors = overrideCabal super.profunctors (drv: { preConfigure = '' sed -i 's/^{-# ANN .* #-}//' src/Data/Profunctor/Unsafe.hs ''; }); ghcjs-dom = overrideCabal super.ghcjs-dom (drv: { buildDepends = [ self.base self.mtl self.text self.ghcjs-base ]; }); ghc-paths = overrideCabal super.ghc-paths (drv: { patches = [ ./patches/ghc-paths-nix-ghcjs.patch ]; }); reflex-dom = overrideCabal super.reflex-dom (drv: { buildDepends = [ self.aeson self.base self.bytestring self.containers self.data-default self.dependent-map self.dependent-sum self.ghcjs-dom self.lens self.mtl self.ref-tf self.reflex self.safe self.semigroups self.text self.these self.time self.transformers ]; }); }