2020-06-29 13:39:10 +02:00

11210 lines
210 KiB

# pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
compiler: ghc-8.8.3
- array-
- base-
- binary-
- bytestring-
- Cabal-
- containers-
- deepseq-
- directory-
- filepath-
- ghc-8.8.3
- ghc-boot-8.8.3
- ghc-boot-th-8.8.3
- ghc-compact-
- ghc-heap-8.8.3
- ghc-prim-0.5.3
- ghci-8.8.3
- haskeline-
- hpc-
- integer-gmp-
- libiserv-8.8.3
- mtl-2.2.2
- parsec-
- pretty-
- process-
- rts-1.0
- stm-
- template-haskell-
- terminfo-
- text-
- time-1.9.3
- transformers-
- unix-
- xhtml-3000.2.2.1
# Hack: The following package is a core package of GHCJS. If we don't declare
# it, then hackage2nix will generate a Hackage database where all dependants
# of this library are marked as "broken".
- ghcjs-base-0
# This is a list of packages with versions from the latest Stackage LTS release.
# The packages and versions in this list cause the `hackage2nix` tool to
# generate the package at the given version.
# For instance, with a line like the following:
# - aeson ==
# `hackage2nix` will generate the `aeson` package at version in the
# ./hackage-packages.nix file.
# Since the packages in the LTS package set are sometimes older than the latest
# on Hackage, `hackage2nix` is smart enough to also generate the latest version
# of a given package.
# In the above example with aeson, if there was version of aeson
# available on Hackage, `hackage2nix` would generate two packages, `aeson`
# at version and `aeson_1_5_0_0` at version
# WARNING: This list is generated semiautomatically based on the most recent
# LTS package set. If you want to add entries to it, you must do so before the
# comment saying "# LTS Haskell x.y". Any changes after that commend will be
# lost the next time `` runs.
# Newer versions have test suite failures.
- git-annex < 8.20200522
# This was only intended for ghc-7.0.4, and has very old deps, one hidden behind a flag
- MissingH ==
# gi-gdkx11-4.x requires gtk-4.x, which is still under development and
# not yet available in Nixpkgs
- gi-gdkx11 < 4
# LTS Haskell 16.3
- abstract-deque ==0.3
- abstract-par ==0.3.3
- AC-Angle ==1.0
- accuerr ==
- ace ==0.6
- action-permutations ==
- active ==
- ad ==4.4
- adjunctions ==4.4
- adler32 ==
- advent-of-code-api ==
- aeson ==
- aeson-attoparsec ==0.0.0
- aeson-better-errors ==
- aeson-casing ==
- aeson-combinators ==
- aeson-compat ==0.3.9
- aeson-default ==
- aeson-diff ==
- aeson-generic-compat ==
- aeson-lens ==
- aeson-optics ==
- aeson-picker ==
- aeson-pretty ==0.8.8
- aeson-qq ==0.8.3
- aeson-schemas ==1.2.0
- aeson-utils ==
- aeson-yak ==
- aeson-yaml ==
- al ==
- alarmclock ==
- alerts ==
- alex ==3.2.5
- alg ==
- algebraic-graphs ==0.5
- Allure ==
- almost-fix ==0.0.2
- alsa-core ==
- alsa-mixer ==0.3.0
- alsa-pcm ==
- alsa-seq ==
- alternative-vector ==0.0.0
- ALUT ==
- amazonka ==1.6.1
- amazonka-apigateway ==1.6.1
- amazonka-application-autoscaling ==1.6.1
- amazonka-appstream ==1.6.1
- amazonka-athena ==1.6.1
- amazonka-autoscaling ==1.6.1
- amazonka-budgets ==1.6.1
- amazonka-certificatemanager ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudformation ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudfront ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudhsm ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudsearch ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudsearch-domains ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudtrail ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudwatch ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudwatch-events ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cloudwatch-logs ==1.6.1
- amazonka-codebuild ==1.6.1
- amazonka-codecommit ==1.6.1
- amazonka-codedeploy ==1.6.1
- amazonka-codepipeline ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cognito-identity ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cognito-idp ==1.6.1
- amazonka-cognito-sync ==1.6.1
- amazonka-config ==1.6.1
- amazonka-core ==1.6.1
- amazonka-datapipeline ==1.6.1
- amazonka-devicefarm ==1.6.1
- amazonka-directconnect ==1.6.1
- amazonka-discovery ==1.6.1
- amazonka-dms ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ds ==1.6.1
- amazonka-dynamodb ==1.6.1
- amazonka-dynamodb-streams ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ecr ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ecs ==1.6.1
- amazonka-efs ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elasticache ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elasticbeanstalk ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elasticsearch ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elastictranscoder ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elb ==1.6.1
- amazonka-elbv2 ==1.6.1
- amazonka-emr ==1.6.1
- amazonka-gamelift ==1.6.1
- amazonka-glacier ==1.6.1
- amazonka-glue ==1.6.1
- amazonka-health ==1.6.1
- amazonka-iam ==1.6.1
- amazonka-importexport ==1.6.1
- amazonka-inspector ==1.6.1
- amazonka-iot ==1.6.1
- amazonka-iot-dataplane ==1.6.1
- amazonka-kinesis ==1.6.1
- amazonka-kinesis-analytics ==1.6.1
- amazonka-kinesis-firehose ==1.6.1
- amazonka-kms ==1.6.1
- amazonka-lambda ==1.6.1
- amazonka-lightsail ==1.6.1
- amazonka-marketplace-analytics ==1.6.1
- amazonka-marketplace-metering ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ml ==1.6.1
- amazonka-opsworks ==1.6.1
- amazonka-opsworks-cm ==1.6.1
- amazonka-pinpoint ==1.6.1
- amazonka-polly ==1.6.1
- amazonka-rds ==1.6.1
- amazonka-redshift ==1.6.1
- amazonka-rekognition ==1.6.1
- amazonka-route53 ==1.6.1
- amazonka-route53-domains ==1.6.1
- amazonka-s3 ==1.6.1
- amazonka-sdb ==1.6.1
- amazonka-servicecatalog ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ses ==1.6.1
- amazonka-shield ==1.6.1
- amazonka-sms ==1.6.1
- amazonka-snowball ==1.6.1
- amazonka-sns ==1.6.1
- amazonka-sqs ==1.6.1
- amazonka-ssm ==1.6.1
- amazonka-stepfunctions ==1.6.1
- amazonka-storagegateway ==1.6.1
- amazonka-sts ==1.6.1
- amazonka-support ==1.6.1
- amazonka-swf ==1.6.1
- amazonka-test ==1.6.1
- amazonka-waf ==1.6.1
- amazonka-workspaces ==1.6.1
- amazonka-xray ==1.6.1
- amqp ==0.20.0
- amqp-utils ==
- annotated-wl-pprint ==0.7.0
- ansi-terminal ==0.10.3
- ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.9
- antiope-core ==7.5.1
- antiope-dynamodb ==7.5.1
- antiope-messages ==7.5.1
- antiope-s3 ==7.5.1
- antiope-sns ==7.5.1
- antiope-sqs ==7.5.1
- ANum ==
- apecs ==0.9.2
- apecs-gloss ==0.2.4
- apecs-physics ==0.4.4
- api-field-json-th ==
- appar ==0.1.8
- appendmap ==0.1.5
- apportionment ==
- approximate ==0.3.2
- app-settings ==
- arbor-lru-cache ==
- arithmoi ==
- array-memoize ==0.6.0
- arrow-extras ==
- ascii ==
- ascii-case ==
- ascii-char ==
- asciidiagram ==
- ascii-group ==
- ascii-predicates ==
- ascii-progress ==
- ascii-superset ==
- ascii-th ==
- asn1-encoding ==0.9.6
- asn1-parse ==0.9.5
- asn1-types ==0.3.4
- assert-failure ==
- assoc ==1.0.1
- astro ==
- async ==2.2.2
- async-extra ==
- async-refresh ==
- async-refresh-tokens ==
- async-timer ==
- atom-basic ==0.2.5
- atomic-primops ==0.8.3
- atomic-write ==
- attoparsec ==
- attoparsec-base64 ==0.0.0
- attoparsec-binary ==0.2
- attoparsec-expr ==
- attoparsec-iso8601 ==
- attoparsec-path ==
- audacity ==0.0.2
- aur ==7.0.3
- aura ==3.1.4
- authenticate ==1.3.5
- authenticate-oauth ==
- auto ==
- autoexporter ==1.1.17
- auto-update ==0.1.6
- avers ==
- avro ==
- aws-cloudfront-signed-cookies ==
- bank-holidays-england ==
- base16 ==
- base16-bytestring ==
- base16-lens ==
- base32 ==
- base32-lens ==
- base32string ==0.9.1
- base58string ==0.10.0
- base64 ==
- base64-bytestring ==
- base64-bytestring-type ==1.0.1
- base64-lens ==0.3.0
- base64-string ==0.2
- base-compat ==0.11.1
- base-compat-batteries ==0.11.1
- basement ==0.0.11
- base-noprelude ==
- base-orphans ==0.8.2
- base-prelude ==1.3
- base-unicode-symbols ==
- basic-prelude ==0.7.0
- bazel-runfiles ==0.12
- bbdb ==0.8
- bcrypt ==0.0.11
- bech32 ==1.0.2
- bech32-th ==1.0.2
- bench ==1.0.12
- benchpress ==
- between ==
- bibtex ==
- bifunctors ==5.5.7
- bimap ==0.4.0
- bimaps ==
- bimap-server ==
- bin ==0.1
- binary-conduit ==1.3.1
- binary-ext ==2.0.4
- binary-ieee754 ==
- binary-list ==
- binary-orphans ==1.0.1
- binary-parser ==0.5.6
- binary-parsers ==
- binary-search ==
- binary-shared ==0.8.3
- binary-tagged ==0.3
- bindings-DSL ==1.0.25
- bindings-GLFW ==
- bindings-libzip ==1.0.1
- bindings-uname ==0.1
- bins ==
- bitarray ==
- bits ==0.5.2
- bitset-word8 ==
- bits-extra ==
- bitvec ==
- blake2 ==0.3.0
- blanks ==0.3.0
- blas-carray ==
- blas-comfort-array ==
- blas-ffi ==0.1
- blaze-bootstrap ==
- blaze-builder ==
- blaze-html ==
- blaze-markup ==
- blaze-svg ==
- blaze-textual ==
- bmp ==
- boltzmann-samplers ==
- Boolean ==0.2.4
- boolean-like ==
- boolean-normal-forms ==
- boolsimplifier ==0.1.8
- boots ==
- bordacount ==
- boring ==0.1.3
- both ==
- bound ==2.0.1
- BoundedChan ==
- bounded-queue ==1.0.0
- boundingboxes ==0.2.3
- bower-json ==
- boxes ==0.1.5
- brick ==0.52.1
- brittany ==
- broadcast-chan ==
- bsb-http-chunked ==
- bson ==
- btrfs ==
- buffer-builder ==
- buffer-pipe ==0.0
- bugsnag-hs ==
- butcher ==
- bv ==0.5
- bv-little ==1.1.1
- byteable ==0.1.1
- byte-count-reader ==
- bytedump ==1.0
- byte-order ==
- byteorder ==1.0.4
- bytes ==0.17
- byteset ==
- bytestring-builder ==
- bytestring-conversion ==0.3.1
- bytestring-lexing ==
- bytestring-mmap ==0.2.2
- bytestring-strict-builder ==
- bytestring-to-vector ==
- bytestring-tree-builder ==
- bz2 ==
- bzlib-conduit ==
- c2hs ==0.28.6
- cabal-appimage ==
- cabal-debian ==5.0.2
- cabal-doctest ==1.0.8
- cabal-rpm ==2.0.6
- cache ==
- cacophony ==0.10.1
- calendar-recycling ==
- call-stack ==0.2.0
- can-i-haz ==
- ca-province-codes ==
- cardano-coin-selection ==1.0.1
- carray ==
- casa-client ==0.0.1
- casa-types ==0.0.1
- cased ==
- case-insensitive ==
- cases ==0.1.4
- casing ==
- cassava ==
- cassava-conduit ==0.5.1
- cassava-megaparsec ==2.0.1
- cast ==
- category ==
- cayley-client ==0.4.13
- cborg ==
- cborg-json ==
- cereal ==
- cereal-conduit ==0.8.0
- cereal-text ==
- cereal-vector ==
- cfenv ==
- chan ==
- ChannelT ==
- character-cases ==
- charset ==
- charsetdetect-ae ==
- Chart ==1.9.3
- Chart-diagrams ==1.9.3
- chaselev-deque ==
- ChasingBottoms ==
- cheapskate ==
- cheapskate-highlight ==
- cheapskate-lucid ==
- checkers ==0.5.6
- checksum ==0.0
- chimera ==
- chiphunk ==
- choice ==0.2.2
- chronologique ==
- chronos ==1.1.1
- chronos-bench ==
- chunked-data ==0.3.1
- cipher-aes ==0.2.11
- cipher-camellia ==0.0.2
- cipher-des ==0.0.6
- cipher-rc4 ==0.1.4
- circle-packing ==
- clash-ghc ==1.2.2
- clash-lib ==1.2.2
- clash-prelude ==1.2.2
- classy-prelude ==1.5.0
- classy-prelude-conduit ==1.5.0
- classy-prelude-yesod ==1.5.0
- clay ==0.13.3
- clientsession ==
- climb ==0.3.3
- Clipboard ==
- clock ==0.8
- clock-extras ==
- clumpiness ==
- ClustalParser ==1.3.0
- cmark ==0.6
- cmark-gfm ==0.2.1
- cmark-lucid ==
- cmdargs ==0.10.20
- codec-beam ==0.2.0
- codec-rpm ==0.2.2
- code-page ==0.2
- coercible-utils ==0.1.0
- co-log ==
- co-log-concurrent ==
- co-log-core ==
- co-log-polysemy ==
- Color ==0.1.4
- colorful-monoids ==
- colorize-haskell ==1.0.1
- colour ==2.3.5
- colourista ==
- combinatorial ==
- comfort-array ==0.4
- comfort-graph ==
- commutative ==0.0.2
- comonad ==5.0.6
- compactmap ==
- compensated ==0.8.1
- compiler-warnings ==0.1.0
- composable-associations ==
- composable-associations-aeson ==
- composition ==
- composition-extra ==2.0.0
- concise ==
- concurrency ==
- concurrent-extra ==
- concurrent-output ==1.10.12
- concurrent-split ==
- concurrent-supply ==0.1.8
- cond ==
- conduit ==1.3.2
- conduit-algorithms ==
- conduit-combinators ==1.3.0
- conduit-concurrent-map ==0.1.1
- conduit-extra ==1.3.5
- conduit-parse ==
- conduit-zstd ==
- conferer ==
- conferer-hspec ==
- conferer-source-json ==
- conferer-warp ==
- ConfigFile ==1.1.4
- config-ini ==
- configurator ==
- configurator-export ==
- configurator-pg ==0.2.3
- connection ==0.3.1
- connection-pool ==0.2.2
- console-style ==
- constraint ==
- constraints ==0.12
- constraint-tuples ==0.1.2
- contravariant ==1.5.2
- contravariant-extras ==
- control-bool ==0.2.1
- control-monad-free ==0.6.2
- control-monad-omega ==0.3.2
- convertible ==
- cookie ==0.4.5
- core-data ==
- core-program ==
- core-text ==
- countable ==1.0
- cpio-conduit ==0.7.0
- cpphs ==
- cprng-aes ==0.6.1
- cpu ==0.1.2
- cpuinfo ==
- crackNum ==2.3
- crc32c ==0.0.0
- credential-store ==0.1.2
- criterion ==
- criterion-measurement ==
- cron ==0.7.0
- crypto-api ==0.13.3
- crypto-cipher-types ==0.0.9
- cryptocompare ==0.1.1
- crypto-enigma ==
- cryptohash ==0.11.9
- cryptohash-cryptoapi ==0.1.4
- cryptohash-md5 ==
- cryptohash-sha1 ==
- cryptohash-sha256 ==
- cryptohash-sha512 ==
- cryptonite ==0.26
- cryptonite-conduit ==0.2.2
- cryptonite-openssl ==0.7
- crypto-numbers ==0.2.7
- crypto-pubkey ==0.2.8
- crypto-pubkey-types ==0.4.3
- crypto-random ==0.0.9
- crypto-random-api ==0.2.0
- crypt-sha512 ==0
- csp ==1.4.0
- css-syntax ==
- css-text ==
- csv ==0.1.2
- csv-conduit ==
- ctrie ==0.2
- cubicbezier ==
- cubicspline ==0.1.2
- cuckoo-filter ==
- cue-sheet ==2.0.1
- curl ==1.3.8
- currencies ==
- currency ==
- cursor ==
- cursor-brick ==
- cursor-fuzzy-time ==
- cursor-gen ==
- cutter ==0.0
- cyclotomic ==1.1.1
- czipwith ==
- d10 ==
- data-accessor ==0.2.3
- data-accessor-mtl ==
- data-accessor-transformers ==
- data-ascii ==
- data-binary-ieee754 ==0.4.4
- data-bword ==
- data-checked ==0.3
- data-clist ==
- data-compat ==
- data-default ==
- data-default-class ==
- data-default-instances-containers ==0.0.1
- data-default-instances-dlist ==0.0.1
- data-default-instances-old-locale ==0.0.1
- data-diverse ==
- datadog ==
- data-dword ==0.3.2
- data-endian ==0.1.1
- data-fix ==0.2.1
- data-forest ==
- data-has ==
- data-interval ==2.0.1
- data-inttrie ==0.1.4
- data-lens-light ==
- data-memocombinators ==0.5.1
- data-msgpack ==0.0.13
- data-msgpack-types ==0.0.3
- data-or ==
- data-ordlist ==
- data-ref ==0.0.2
- data-reify ==0.6.1
- data-serializer ==
- data-textual ==
- data-tree-print ==
- dataurl ==
- DAV ==1.3.4
- DBFunctor ==
- dbus ==1.2.16
- dbus-hslogger ==
- debian ==4.0.2
- debian-build ==
- debug-trace-var ==0.2.0
- dec ==0.0.3
- Decimal ==0.5.1
- declarative ==0.5.3
- deepseq-generics ==
- deepseq-instances ==
- deferred-folds ==
- dejafu ==
- dense-linear-algebra ==
- depq ==
- deque ==0.4.3
- deriveJsonNoPrefix ==
- deriving-aeson ==0.2.6
- deriving-compat ==0.5.9
- derulo ==1.0.9
- detour-via-sci ==1.0.0
- dhall ==1.32.0
- dhall-bash ==1.0.30
- dhall-json ==1.6.4
- dhall-lsp-server ==1.0.8
- dhall-yaml ==1.1.0
- diagrams ==1.4
- diagrams-contrib ==1.4.4
- diagrams-core ==1.4.2
- diagrams-lib ==1.4.3
- diagrams-postscript ==1.5
- diagrams-rasterific ==1.4.2
- diagrams-solve ==0.1.2
- diagrams-svg ==1.4.3
- dialogflow-fulfillment ==
- di-core ==1.0.4
- dictionary-sharing ==
- Diff ==0.4.0
- digest ==
- digits ==0.3.1
- dimensional ==1.3
- di-monad ==1.3.1
- directory-tree ==0.12.1
- discount ==0.1.1
- disk-free-space ==
- distributed-closure ==
- distribution-opensuse ==1.1.1
- distributive ==0.6.2
- dl-fedora ==0.7.4
- dlist ==
- dlist-instances ==
- dlist-nonempty ==0.1.1
- dns ==4.0.1
- dockerfile ==0.2.0
- doclayout ==0.3
- doctemplates ==0.8.2
- doctest ==0.16.3
- doctest-discover ==
- doctest-driver-gen ==
- doldol ==
- do-list ==1.0.1
- do-notation ==
- dotenv ==
- dotgen ==0.4.3
- dotnet-timespan ==
- double-conversion ==
- download ==
- drinkery ==0.4
- dsp ==
- dual ==
- dual-tree ==
- dublincore-xml-conduit ==
- dunai ==0.7.0
- duration ==
- dvorak ==
- dynamic-state ==0.3.1
- dyre ==0.8.12
- eap ==
- earcut ==
- Earley ==
- easy-file ==0.2.2
- Ebnf2ps ==1.0.15
- echo ==0.1.3
- ecstasy ==
- ed25519 ==
- edit-distance ==
- edit-distance-vector ==
- editor-open ==
- egison ==4.0.3
- egison-pattern-src ==
- egison-pattern-src-th-mode ==
- either ==
- either-both ==
- either-unwrap ==1.1
- ekg ==
- ekg-core ==
- ekg-json ==
- ekg-statsd ==
- elerea ==2.9.0
- elf ==0.30
- eliminators ==0.6
- elm2nix ==0.2
- elm-bridge ==0.6.1
- elm-core-sources ==1.0.0
- elm-export ==
- emacs-module ==0.1.1
- email-validate ==
- emojis ==0.1
- enclosed-exceptions ==1.0.3
- ENIG ==
- entropy ==
- enummapset ==
- enumset ==0.0.5
- enum-subset-generate ==
- envelope ==
- envy ==
- epub-metadata ==4.5
- eq ==4.2
- equal-files ==
- equational-reasoning ==
- erf ==
- errors ==2.3.0
- errors-ext ==0.4.2
- ersatz ==0.4.8
- esqueleto ==
- essence-of-live-coding ==
- essence-of-live-coding-gloss ==
- essence-of-live-coding-pulse ==
- essence-of-live-coding-quickcheck ==
- etc ==
- eventful-core ==0.2.0
- eventful-test-helpers ==0.2.0
- event-list ==0.1.2
- eventstore ==1.4.1
- every ==0.0.1
- exact-combinatorics ==
- exact-pi ==
- exception-hierarchy ==
- exception-mtl ==
- exceptions ==0.10.4
- exception-transformers ==
- executable-path ==
- exit-codes ==1.0.0
- exomizer ==1.0.0
- expiring-cache-map ==
- explicit-exception ==0.1.10
- exp-pairs ==
- express ==0.1.3
- extended-reals ==
- extensible-effects ==
- extensible-exceptions ==
- extra ==1.7.3
- extractable-singleton ==0.0.1
- extrapolate ==0.4.2
- fail ==
- failable ==
- fakedata ==0.6.1
- farmhash ==
- fast-digits ==
- fast-logger ==3.0.1
- fast-math ==1.0.2
- fb ==2.1.1
- feature-flags ==
- fedora-dists ==1.1.2
- fedora-haskell-tools ==0.9
- feed ==
- FenwickTree ==
- fft ==
- fgl ==
- filecache ==0.4.1
- file-embed ==
- file-embed-lzma ==0
- filelock ==
- filemanip ==
- file-modules ==
- file-path-th ==
- filepattern ==0.1.2
- fileplow ==
- filtrable ==
- fin ==0.1.1
- FindBin ==0.0.5
- fingertree ==
- finite-typelits ==
- first-class-families ==
- first-class-patterns ==
- fitspec ==0.4.8
- fixed ==0.3
- fixed-length ==0.2.2
- fixed-vector ==
- fixed-vector-hetero ==
- flac ==0.2.0
- flac-picture ==0.1.2
- flags-applicative ==
- flat ==0.4.4
- flat-mcmc ==1.5.1
- FloatingHex ==0.4
- floatshow ==0.2.4
- flow ==1.0.21
- flush-queue ==1.0.0
- fmlist ==0.9.3
- fmt ==
- fn ==
- focus ==
- focuslist ==
- foldable1 ==
- fold-debounce ==
- fold-debounce-conduit ==
- foldl ==1.4.6
- folds ==0.7.5
- follow-file ==0.0.3
- FontyFruity ==
- force-layout ==
- foreign-store ==0.2
- ForestStructures ==
- forkable-monad ==
- forma ==1.1.3
- format-numbers ==
- formatting ==6.3.7
- foundation ==0.0.25
- free ==5.1.3
- free-categories ==
- freenect ==1.2.1
- freer-simple ==
- freetype2 ==0.2.0
- free-vl ==0.1.4
- friendly-time ==0.4.1
- from-sum ==
- frontmatter ==
- fsnotify ==
- fsnotify-conduit ==
- ftp-client ==
- ftp-client-conduit ==
- funcmp ==1.9
- function-builder ==
- functor-classes-compat ==1
- fused-effects ==
- fusion-plugin ==0.2.1
- fusion-plugin-types ==0.1.0
- fuzzcheck ==0.1.1
- fuzzy ==
- fuzzy-dates ==
- fuzzyset ==0.2.0
- fuzzy-time ==
- gauge ==0.2.5
- gd ==3000.7.3
- gdp ==
- general-games ==1.1.1
- generic-arbitrary ==0.1.0
- generic-constraints ==
- generic-data ==
- generic-deriving ==1.13.1
- generic-lens ==
- generic-lens-core ==
- generic-monoid ==
- generic-optics ==
- GenericPretty ==1.2.2
- generic-random ==
- generics-sop ==
- generics-sop-lens ==
- genvalidity ==
- genvalidity-aeson ==
- genvalidity-bytestring ==
- genvalidity-containers ==
- genvalidity-criterion ==
- genvalidity-hspec ==
- genvalidity-hspec-aeson ==
- genvalidity-hspec-binary ==
- genvalidity-hspec-cereal ==
- genvalidity-hspec-hashable ==
- genvalidity-hspec-optics ==
- genvalidity-hspec-persistent ==
- genvalidity-mergeful ==
- genvalidity-mergeless ==
- genvalidity-path ==
- genvalidity-property ==
- genvalidity-scientific ==
- genvalidity-text ==
- genvalidity-time ==
- genvalidity-typed-uuid ==
- genvalidity-unordered-containers ==
- genvalidity-uuid ==
- genvalidity-vector ==
- geojson ==4.0.2
- getopt-generics ==
- ghc-byteorder ==
- ghc-check ==
- ghc-compact ==
- ghc-core ==0.5.6
- ghc-events ==0.13.0
- ghc-exactprint ==0.6.2
- ghcid ==0.8.7
- ghci-hexcalc ==
- ghcjs-codemirror ==
- ghc-lib ==
- ghc-lib-parser ==
- ghc-lib-parser-ex ==
- ghc-parser ==
- ghc-paths ==
- ghc-prof ==
- ghc-source-gen ==
- ghc-syntax-highlighter ==
- ghc-tcplugins-extra ==0.4
- ghc-typelits-extra ==0.4
- ghc-typelits-knownnat ==0.7.2
- ghc-typelits-natnormalise ==0.7.2
- ghc-typelits-presburger ==
- ghost-buster ==
- gi-atk ==2.0.21
- gi-cairo ==1.0.23
- gi-cairo-connector ==0.0.1
- gi-cairo-render ==0.0.1
- gi-dbusmenu ==0.4.7
- gi-dbusmenugtk3 ==0.4.8
- gi-gdk ==3.0.22
- gi-gdkpixbuf ==2.0.23
- gi-gdkx11 ==3.0.9
- gi-gio ==2.0.26
- gi-glib ==2.0.23
- gi-gobject ==2.0.22
- gi-graphene ==1.0.1
- gi-gtk ==3.0.33
- gi-gtk-hs ==
- ginger ==
- gingersnap ==
- gi-pango ==1.0.22
- giphy-api ==
- githash ==
- github-rest ==1.0.2
- github-types ==0.2.1
- gitlab-haskell ==0.1.8
- gitrev ==1.3.1
- gi-xlib ==2.0.8
- gl ==0.9
- glabrous ==2.0.2
- GLFW-b ==
- Glob ==0.10.0
- gloss ==
- gloss-rendering ==
- GLURaw ==
- GLUT ==
- gluturtle ==
- gnuplot ==
- google-isbn ==1.0.3
- gothic ==0.1.5
- gpolyline ==
- graph-core ==
- graphite ==
- graphs ==0.7.1
- graphviz ==2999.20.0.4
- graph-wrapper ==
- gravatar ==0.8.0
- greskell ==
- greskell-core ==
- greskell-websocket ==
- groom ==
- group-by-date ==
- groups ==
- gtk-sni-tray ==
- gtk-strut ==
- guarded-allocation ==0.0.1
- hackage-db ==2.1.0
- hackage-security ==
- haddock-library ==1.8.0
- hadolint ==1.18.0
- hadoop-streaming ==
- hakyll ==
- half ==0.3
- hamtsolo ==1.0.3
- HandsomeSoup ==0.4.2
- hapistrano ==
- happstack-server ==7.6.1
- happy ==1.19.12
- HasBigDecimal ==0.1.1
- hasbolt ==
- hashable ==
- hashable-time ==
- hashids ==
- hashmap ==1.3.3
- hashtables ==
- haskeline ==
- haskell-gi ==0.23.1
- haskell-gi-base ==0.23.0
- haskell-gi-overloading ==1.0
- haskell-igraph ==0.8.0
- haskell-import-graph ==1.0.4
- haskell-lexer ==1.1
- haskell-lsp ==
- haskell-lsp-types ==
- haskell-names ==0.9.9
- haskell-src ==
- haskell-src-exts ==1.23.1
- haskell-src-exts-util ==0.2.5
- haskell-src-meta ==0.8.5
- haskey-btree ==
- haskoin-core ==0.13.4
- haskoin-node ==0.13.0
- hasql ==1.4.3
- hasql-optparse-applicative ==
- hasql-pool ==0.5.2
- hasql-transaction ==
- hasty-hamiltonian ==1.3.3
- HaTeX ==
- HaXml ==1.25.5
- haxr ==3000.11.4
- HCodecs ==0.5.2
- hdaemonize ==0.5.6
- HDBC ==
- HDBC-session ==
- headroom ==
- heap ==1.0.4
- heaps ==
- hebrew-time ==0.1.2
- hedgehog ==1.0.2
- hedgehog-corpus ==0.2.0
- hedgehog-fakedata ==
- hedgehog-fn ==1.0
- hedgehog-quickcheck ==0.1.1
- hedis ==0.12.13
- here ==1.2.13
- heredoc ==
- heterocephalus ==
- hexml ==0.3.4
- hexml-lens ==0.2.1
- hexpat ==0.20.13
- hexstring ==0.11.1
- hformat ==
- hfsevents ==0.1.6
- hidapi ==0.1.5
- hie-bios ==0.5.1
- hi-file-parser ==
- higher-leveldb ==
- highlighting-kate ==0.6.4
- hinfo ==
- hinotify ==0.4
- hint ==
- hjsmin ==
- hkd-default ==
- hkgr ==0.2.6
- hlibcpuid ==0.2.0
- hlibgit2 ==
- hmatrix ==
- hmatrix-gsl ==
- hmatrix-gsl-stats ==
- hmatrix-morpheus ==
- hmatrix-vector-sized ==
- hmpfr ==0.4.4
- hnock ==0.4.0
- hoauth2 ==1.14.0
- hOpenPGP ==2.9.4
- hopenpgp-tools ==0.23.1
- hopfli ==
- hosc ==0.17
- hostname ==1.0
- hostname-validate ==1.0.0
- hourglass ==0.2.12
- hourglass-orphans ==
- hp2pretty ==0.9
- hpack ==0.34.2
- hpack-dhall ==0.5.2
- hpc-codecov ==
- hpc-lcov ==1.0.1
- hreader ==1.1.0
- hreader-lens ==
- hruby ==0.3.8
- hs-bibutils ==
- hsc2hs ==0.68.7
- hscolour ==1.24.4
- hsdns ==1.8
- hsebaysdk ==
- hsemail ==2.2.0
- hset ==2.2.0
- hs-functors ==
- hs-GeoIP ==0.3
- hsini ==
- hsinstall ==2.6
- HSlippyMap ==3.0.1
- hslogger ==
- hslua ==
- hslua-aeson ==1.0.2
- hslua-module-doclayout ==0.1.0
- hslua-module-system ==0.2.1
- hslua-module-text ==0.2.1
- HsOpenSSL ==
- hsp ==0.10.0
- hspec ==2.7.1
- hspec-attoparsec ==
- hspec-checkers ==
- hspec-contrib ==0.5.1
- hspec-core ==2.7.1
- hspec-discover ==2.7.1
- hspec-expectations ==0.8.2
- hspec-expectations-lifted ==0.10.0
- hspec-expectations-pretty-diff ==
- hspec-golden ==
- hspec-golden-aeson ==
- hspec-hedgehog ==
- hspec-leancheck ==0.0.4
- hspec-megaparsec ==2.1.0
- hspec-meta ==2.6.0
- hspec-need-env ==
- hspec-parsec ==0
- hspec-smallcheck ==0.5.2
- hspec-tables ==0.0.1
- hspec-wai ==0.10.1
- hspec-wai-json ==0.10.1
- hs-php-session ==
- hsshellscript ==3.4.5
- HStringTemplate ==0.8.7
- HSvm ==
- HsYAML ==
- HsYAML-aeson ==
- hsyslog ==5.0.2
- htaglib ==1.2.0
- HTF ==
- html ==
- html-conduit ==
- html-entities ==
- html-entity-map ==
- htoml ==
- http2 ==2.0.4
- HTTP ==4000.3.14
- http-api-data ==
- http-client ==
- http-client-openssl ==
- http-client-overrides ==
- http-client-tls ==
- http-common ==
- http-conduit ==
- http-date ==0.0.8
- http-directory ==0.1.8
- http-download ==
- httpd-shed ==
- http-link-header ==
- http-media ==
- http-reverse-proxy ==0.6.0
- http-streams ==
- http-types ==0.12.3
- human-readable-duration ==
- HUnit ==
- HUnit-approx ==
- hunit-dejafu ==
- hvect ==
- hvega ==
- hw-balancedparens ==
- hw-bits ==
- hw-conduit ==
- hw-conduit-merges ==
- hw-diagnostics ==
- hweblib ==0.6.3
- hw-excess ==
- hw-fingertree ==
- hw-fingertree-strict ==
- hw-hedgehog ==
- hw-hspec-hedgehog ==
- hw-int ==
- hw-json-simd ==
- hw-mquery ==
- hw-parser ==
- hw-prim ==
- hw-rankselect-base ==
- hw-streams ==
- hw-string-parse ==
- hxt ==
- hxt-charproperties ==
- hxt-css ==
- hxt-curl ==
- hxt-expat ==9.1.1
- hxt-http ==
- hxt-regex-xmlschema ==
- hxt-tagsoup ==9.1.4
- hxt-unicode ==
- hybrid-vectors ==0.2.2
- hyperloglog ==0.4.3
- hyphenation ==0.8
- hyraxAbif ==
- iconv ==
- identicon ==0.2.2
- ieee754 ==0.8.0
- if ==
- iff ==0.0.6
- ihaskell ==
- ihs ==
- ilist ==
- imagesize-conduit ==1.1
- Imlib ==0.1.2
- immortal ==0.3
- immortal-queue ==
- include-file ==
- incremental-parser ==
- indents ==
- indexed ==0.1.3
- indexed-containers ==
- indexed-list-literals ==
- indexed-profunctors ==0.1
- infer-license ==0.2.0
- inflections ==
- influxdb ==
- ini ==0.4.1
- inj ==1.0
- inline-c ==
- inline-c-cpp ==
- inliterate ==0.1.0
- insert-ordered-containers ==
- inspection-testing ==
- instance-control ==
- int-cast ==
- integer-logarithms ==1.0.3
- integer-roots ==1.0
- integration ==0.2.1
- intern ==0.9.2
- interpolate ==0.2.1
- interpolatedstring-perl6 ==1.0.2
- interpolation ==
- interpolator ==1.0.0
- IntervalMap ==
- intervals ==0.9.1
- intro ==
- intset-imperative ==
- invariant ==0.5.3
- invertible ==
- invertible-grammar ==0.1.2
- io-machine ==
- io-manager ==
- io-memoize ==
- io-region ==0.1.1
- io-storage ==0.3
- io-streams ==
- io-streams-haproxy ==
- ip6addr ==1.0.1
- iproute ==1.7.9
- IPv6Addr ==1.1.5
- ipynb ==
- ipython-kernel ==
- irc ==
- irc-client ==
- irc-conduit ==
- irc-ctcp ==
- isbn ==
- islink ==
- iso3166-country-codes ==0.20140203.8
- iso639 ==
- iso8601-time ==0.1.5
- iterable ==3.0
- it-has ==
- ixset-typed ==0.5
- ix-shapable ==0.1.0
- jack ==
- jira-wiki-markup ==1.1.4
- jose ==0.8.3
- jose-jwt ==0.8.0
- js-dgtable ==0.5.2
- js-flot ==0.8.3
- js-jquery ==3.3.1
- json-alt ==1.0.0
- json-feed ==1.0.11
- jsonpath ==
- json-rpc ==1.0.3
- json-rpc-generic ==
- JuicyPixels ==3.3.5
- JuicyPixels-blurhash ==
- JuicyPixels-extra ==0.4.1
- JuicyPixels-scale-dct ==0.1.2
- junit-xml ==
- justified-containers ==
- jwt ==0.10.0
- kan-extensions ==5.2
- kanji ==3.4.1
- katip ==
- kawhi ==0.3.0
- kazura-queue ==
- kdt ==0.2.4
- keycode ==0.2.2
- keys ==3.12.3
- kind-apply ==
- kind-generics ==
- kind-generics-th ==
- kmeans ==0.1.3
- koofr-client ==
- krank ==0.2.1
- kubernetes-webhook-haskell ==
- l10n ==
- labels ==0.3.3
- lackey ==1.0.13
- LambdaHack ==
- lame ==0.2.0
- language-avro ==
- language-bash ==0.9.2
- language-c ==0.8.3
- language-c-quote ==
- language-docker ==9.1.1
- language-haskell-extract ==0.2.4
- language-java ==0.2.9
- language-javascript ==
- language-protobuf ==1.0.1
- language-puppet ==
- lapack-carray ==0.0.3
- lapack-comfort-array ==
- lapack-ffi ==0.0.2
- lapack-ffi-tools ==
- largeword ==1.2.5
- latex ==
- lattices ==2.0.2
- lawful ==
- lazy-csv ==0.5.1
- lazyio ==
- lca ==0.3.1
- leancheck ==0.9.3
- leancheck-instances ==0.0.4
- leapseconds-announced ==2017.1.0.1
- learn-physics ==0.6.5
- lens ==4.18.1
- lens-action ==0.2.4
- lens-aeson ==1.1
- lens-datetime ==0.3
- lens-family ==2.0.0
- lens-family-core ==2.0.0
- lens-family-th ==
- lens-misc ==
- lens-properties ==4.11.1
- lens-regex ==0.1.1
- lenz ==
- leveldb-haskell ==0.6.5
- libffi ==0.1
- libgit ==0.3.1
- libgraph ==1.14
- libmpd ==
- libyaml ==0.1.2
- LibZip ==1.0.1
- life-sync ==
- lifted-async ==
- lifted-base ==
- lift-generics ==0.1.3
- line ==4.0.1
- linear ==1.21.1
- linenoise ==0.3.2
- linux-file-extents ==
- linux-namespaces ==
- List ==0.6.2
- ListLike ==4.7
- list-predicate ==
- listsafe ==
- list-singleton ==
- list-t ==1.0.4
- ListTree ==0.2.3
- little-logger ==0.1.0
- little-rio ==0.1.1
- llvm-hs ==9.0.1
- llvm-hs-pure ==9.0.0
- lmdb ==0.2.5
- load-env ==
- loc ==
- loch-th ==0.2.2
- lockfree-queue ==
- log-base ==
- log-domain ==0.13
- logfloat ==
- logging ==3.0.5
- logging-facade ==0.3.0
- logging-facade-syslog ==1
- logict ==
- loop ==0.3.0
- loopbreaker ==
- lrucache ==
- lrucaching ==0.3.3
- lsp-test ==
- lucid ==2.9.12
- lucid-extras ==0.2.2
- lukko ==
- lzma ==
- lzma-conduit ==1.2.1
- machines ==0.7
- magic ==1.1
- mainland-pretty ==
- main-tester ==
- makefile ==
- managed ==1.0.7
- markdown ==
- markdown-unlit ==0.5.0
- markov-chain ==
- massiv ==
- massiv-io ==
- massiv-test ==
- mathexpr ==
- math-extras ==
- math-functions ==
- matplotlib ==0.7.5
- matrices ==0.5.0
- matrix ==
- matrix-market-attoparsec ==
- matrix-static ==0.3
- maximal-cliques ==0.1.1
- mbox ==0.3.4
- mbox-utility ==
- mcmc-types ==1.0.3
- medea ==1.1.2
- median-stream ==
- megaparsec ==8.0.0
- megaparsec-tests ==8.0.0
- membrain ==
- memory ==0.15.0
- MemoTrie ==0.6.10
- mercury-api ==
- mergeful ==
- mergeless ==
- mersenne-random-pure64 ==
- messagepack ==0.5.4
- metrics ==
- mfsolve ==
- microlens ==
- microlens-aeson ==
- microlens-contra ==
- microlens-ghc ==0.4.12
- microlens-mtl ==
- microlens-platform ==0.4.1
- microlens-process ==
- microlens-th ==
- microspec ==
- microstache ==
- midair ==
- midi ==
- mighty-metropolis ==2.0.0
- mime-mail ==0.5.0
- mime-mail-ses ==0.4.1
- mime-types ==
- mini-egison ==1.0.0
- minimal-configuration ==0.1.4
- minimorph ==
- minio-hs ==1.5.2
- miniutter ==
- min-max-pqueue ==
- mintty ==0.1.2
- miso ==
- missing-foreign ==0.1.1
- MissingH ==
- mixed-types-num ==
- mixpanel-client ==0.2.1
- mltool ==
- mmap ==0.5.9
- mmark ==
- mmark-cli ==
- mmark-ext ==
- mmorph ==1.1.3
- mnist-idx ==
- mockery ==0.3.5
- mod ==
- model ==0.5
- modern-uri ==
- modular ==
- monad-bayes ==
- monad-control ==
- monad-control-aligned ==
- monad-coroutine ==
- monad-extras ==0.6.0
- monadic-arrays ==0.2.2
- monad-journal ==0.8.1
- monad-logger ==0.3.32
- monad-logger-json ==
- monad-logger-prefix ==0.1.11
- monad-loops ==0.4.3
- monad-memo ==0.5.1
- monad-metrics ==
- monad-par ==0.3.5
- monad-parallel ==
- monad-par-extras ==0.3.3
- monad-peel ==
- monad-products ==4.0.1
- MonadPrompt ==
- MonadRandom ==0.5.2
- monad-resumption ==
- monad-skeleton ==0.1.5
- monad-st ==
- monads-tf ==
- monad-time ==
- monad-unlift ==0.2.0
- monad-unlift-ref ==0.2.1
- mongoDB ==
- monoid-extras ==0.5.1
- monoid-subclasses ==1.0.1
- monoid-transformer ==0.0.4
- mono-traversable ==
- mono-traversable-instances ==
- mono-traversable-keys ==0.1.0
- more-containers ==
- morpheus-graphql ==0.12.0
- morpheus-graphql-core ==0.12.0
- mountpoints ==1.0.2
- mpi-hs ==
- mpi-hs-binary ==
- mpi-hs-cereal ==
- mtl-compat ==0.2.2
- mtl-prelude ==
- multiarg ==
- multi-containers ==0.1.1
- multimap ==1.2.1
- multiset ==
- multistate ==
- murmur3 ==1.0.4
- murmur-hash ==
- MusicBrainz ==0.4.1
- mustache ==2.3.1
- mutable-containers ==0.3.4
- mwc-probability ==2.3.0
- mwc-random ==
- mx-state-codes ==
- mysql ==0.1.7
- mysql-simple ==0.4.5
- n2o ==0.11.1
- nagios-check ==0.3.2
- names-th ==
- nano-erl ==
- nanospec ==0.2.2
- nats ==1.1.2
- natural-induction ==
- natural-sort ==0.1.2
- natural-transformation ==0.4
- ndjson-conduit ==
- neat-interpolation ==
- netlib-carray ==0.1
- netlib-comfort-array ==
- netlib-ffi ==0.1.1
- netpbm ==1.0.3
- netrc ==
- nettle ==0.3.0
- netwire ==5.0.3
- netwire-input ==0.0.7
- netwire-input-glfw ==0.0.11
- network ==
- network-bsd ==
- network-byte-order ==0.1.5
- network-conduit-tls ==1.3.2
- network-info ==
- network-ip ==
- network-messagepack-rpc ==
- network-messagepack-rpc-websocket ==
- network-simple ==0.4.5
- network-simple-tls ==0.4
- network-transport ==0.5.4
- network-transport-composed ==0.2.1
- network-uri ==
- newtype ==
- newtype-generics ==0.5.4
- nicify-lib ==1.0.1
- NineP ==
- nix-paths ==1.0.1
- nonce ==1.0.7
- nondeterminism ==1.4
- non-empty ==0.3.2
- nonempty-containers ==
- nonemptymap ==
- non-empty-sequence ==
- nonempty-vector ==
- non-negative ==0.1.2
- not-gloss ==
- no-value ==
- nowdoc ==
- nqe ==0.6.3
- nsis ==0.3.3
- numbers ==3000.2.0.2
- numeric-extras ==0.1
- numeric-prelude ==
- numhask ==0.4.0
- NumInstances ==1.4
- numtype-dk ==
- nuxeo ==0.3.2
- oauthenticated ==
- ObjectName ==
- o-clock ==1.1.0
- odbc ==0.2.2
- oeis2 ==1.0.4
- ofx ==
- old-locale ==
- old-time ==
- once ==0.4
- one-liner ==1.0
- one-liner-instances ==
- OneTuple ==
- Only ==0.1
- oo-prototypes ==
- opaleye ==0.6.7004.2
- OpenAL ==
- open-browser ==
- openexr-write ==
- OpenGL ==
- OpenGLRaw ==
- openpgp-asciiarmor ==0.1.2
- opensource ==
- openssl-streams ==
- opentelemetry ==0.4.2
- opentelemetry-extra ==0.4.2
- opentelemetry-lightstep ==0.4.2
- opentelemetry-wai ==0.4.2
- operational ==
- operational-class ==
- optics ==0.2
- optics-core ==0.2
- optics-extra ==0.2
- optics-th ==0.2
- optics-vl ==0.2
- optional-args ==1.0.2
- options ==
- optparse-applicative ==
- optparse-generic ==1.3.1
- optparse-simple ==
- optparse-text ==
- ordered-containers ==0.2.2
- ormolu ==
- overhang ==1.0.0
- packcheck ==0.5.1
- pager ==
- pagination ==0.2.1
- pagure-cli ==0.2
- pandoc ==
- pandoc-citeproc ==
- pandoc-csv2table ==1.0.8
- pandoc-plot ==
- pandoc-pyplot ==
- pandoc-types ==1.20
- pantry ==
- papillon ==
- parallel ==
- parallel-io ==0.3.3
- paripari ==
- parseargs ==
- parsec-class ==
- parsec-numbers ==0.1.0
- parsec-numeric ==
- ParsecTools ==
- parser-combinators ==1.2.1
- parser-combinators-tests ==1.2.1
- parsers ==0.12.10
- partial-handler ==1.0.3
- partial-isomorphisms ==
- partial-semigroup ==
- password ==
- password-instances ==
- path ==0.7.0
- path-extra ==0.2.0
- path-io ==1.6.0
- path-pieces ==0.2.1
- path-text-utf8 ==
- pathtype ==
- pathwalk ==
- pattern-arrows ==0.0.2
- pcg-random ==
- pcre-heavy ==
- pcre-light ==
- pcre-utils ==
- pdfinfo ==1.5.4
- peano ==
- pem ==0.2.4
- percent-format ==0.0.1
- perfect-hash-generator ==
- perfect-vector-shuffle ==
- persist ==
- persistable-record ==
- persistable-types-HDBC-pg ==
- persistent ==
- persistent-mysql ==
- persistent-pagination ==
- persistent-postgresql ==
- persistent-qq ==
- persistent-sqlite ==
- persistent-template ==
- persistent-test ==
- persistent-typed-db ==
- pg-harness-client ==0.6.0
- pgp-wordlist ==
- pg-transact ==
- phantom-state ==
- pid1 ==
- pipes ==4.3.13
- pipes-aeson ==
- pipes-attoparsec ==
- pipes-binary ==0.4.2
- pipes-bytestring ==2.1.6
- pipes-concurrency ==2.0.12
- pipes-csv ==1.4.3
- pipes-extras ==1.0.15
- pipes-fastx ==
- pipes-group ==1.0.12
- pipes-http ==1.0.6
- pipes-network ==0.6.5
- pipes-network-tls ==0.4
- pipes-ordered-zip ==1.1.0
- pipes-parse ==3.0.8
- pipes-random ==
- pipes-safe ==2.3.2
- pipes-wai ==3.2.0
- pkcs10 ==
- placeholders ==0.1
- plaid ==
- planb-token-introspection ==
- plotlyhs ==0.2.1
- pointed ==5.0.1
- pointedlist ==0.6.1
- pointless-fun ==
- poll ==
- poly ==
- poly-arity ==0.1.0
- polynomials-bernstein ==1.1.2
- polyparse ==1.13
- polysemy ==
- pooled-io ==
- port-utils ==
- posix-paths ==
- possibly ==
- postgres-options ==
- postgresql-binary ==0.12.2
- postgresql-libpq ==
- postgresql-orm ==0.5.1
- postgresql-simple ==0.6.2
- postgrest ==7.0.0
- post-mess-age ==
- pptable ==
- pqueue ==
- prefix-units ==0.2.0
- prelude-compat ==
- prelude-safeenum ==
- prettyclass ==
- pretty-class ==
- pretty-hex ==1.1
- prettyprinter ==1.6.2
- prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==
- prettyprinter-compat-annotated-wl-pprint ==1
- prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint ==1.0.1
- prettyprinter-compat-wl-pprint ==
- prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint ==1.1
- pretty-relative-time ==
- pretty-show ==1.10
- pretty-simple ==
- pretty-sop ==
- pretty-terminal ==
- pretty-types ==
- primes ==
- primitive ==
- primitive-addr ==
- primitive-unaligned ==
- print-console-colors ==
- process-extras ==0.7.4
- product-isomorphic ==
- product-profunctors ==
- profiterole ==0.1
- profunctors ==5.5.2
- projectroot ==
- project-template ==
- prometheus-client ==
- promises ==0.3
- prompt ==
- prospect ==
- proto3-wire ==1.1.0
- protobuf ==
- protobuf-simple ==
- protocol-radius ==
- protocol-radius-test ==
- proto-lens ==
- proto-lens-arbitrary ==
- proto-lens-optparse ==
- proto-lens-protobuf-types ==
- proto-lens-protoc ==
- proto-lens-runtime ==
- proto-lens-setup ==
- protolude ==0.2.4
- proxied ==0.3.1
- psqueues ==
- publicsuffix ==0.20200526
- pulse-simple ==0.1.14
- pureMD5 ==2.1.3
- purescript-bridge ==
- pushbullet-types ==
- pusher-http-haskell ==
- pvar ==
- PyF ==
- qchas ==
- qm-interpolated-string ==
- qrcode-core ==0.9.3
- qrcode-juicypixels ==0.8.1
- quadratic-irrational ==0.1.1
- QuasiText ==
- QuickCheck ==2.13.2
- quickcheck-arbitrary-adt ==
- quickcheck-assertions ==0.3.0
- quickcheck-classes ==
- quickcheck-classes-base ==
- quickcheck-instances ==0.3.23
- quickcheck-io ==0.2.0
- quickcheck-simple ==
- quickcheck-special ==
- quickcheck-text ==
- quickcheck-transformer ==
- quickcheck-unicode ==
- quiet ==0.2
- radius ==
- rainbow ==
- rainbox ==
- ral ==0.1
- ramus ==0.1.2
- rando ==
- random ==1.1
- random-bytestring ==
- random-shuffle ==0.0.4
- random-tree ==
- range ==
- Ranged-sets ==0.4.0
- range-set-list ==
- rank1dynamic ==0.4.0
- rank2classes ==
- Rasterific ==
- rasterific-svg ==
- ratel ==1.0.12
- rate-limit ==1.4.2
- ratel-wai ==1.1.3
- rawfilepath ==0.2.4
- rawstring-qm ==
- raw-strings-qq ==1.1
- rcu ==0.2.4
- rdf ==
- rdtsc ==
- re2 ==0.3
- readable ==0.3.1
- read-editor ==
- read-env-var ==
- reanimate ==
- reanimate-svg ==
- rebase ==1.6.1
- record-dot-preprocessor ==0.2.5
- record-hasfield ==1.0
- records-sop ==
- recursion-schemes ==5.1.3
- reducers ==3.12.3
- refact ==
- ref-fd ==
- reflection ==2.1.6
- reform ==
- reform-blaze ==
- reform-hamlet ==
- reform-happstack ==
- RefSerialize ==0.4.0
- regex ==
- regex-applicative ==
- regex-applicative-text ==
- regex-base ==
- regex-compat ==
- regex-compat-tdfa ==
- regex-pcre ==
- regex-pcre-builtin ==
- regex-posix ==
- regex-tdfa ==
- regex-with-pcre ==
- registry ==
- reinterpret-cast ==0.1.0
- relapse ==
- relational-query ==
- relational-query-HDBC ==
- relational-record ==
- relational-schemas ==
- relude ==
- renderable ==
- replace-attoparsec ==
- replace-megaparsec ==
- repline ==
- req ==3.2.0
- req-conduit ==1.0.0
- rerebase ==1.6.1
- resolv ==
- resource-pool ==
- resourcet ==
- result ==
- rethinkdb-client-driver ==0.0.25
- retry ==
- rev-state ==0.1.2
- rfc1751 ==0.1.3
- rfc5051 ==
- rhine ==0.6.0
- rhine-gloss ==
- rigel-viz ==
- rio ==
- rio-orphans ==
- rio-prettyprint ==
- roc-id ==
- rocksdb-haskell ==1.0.1
- rocksdb-query ==0.3.2
- roles ==
- rope-utf16-splay ==
- rosezipper ==0.2
- rot13 ==
- rpmbuild-order ==0.3
- RSA ==2.4.1
- runmemo ==
- safe ==0.3.19
- safecopy ==0.10.3
- safe-decimal ==
- safe-exceptions ==
- safe-exceptions-checked ==0.1.0
- safe-foldable ==
- safeio ==
- safe-json ==1.1.0
- safe-money ==0.9
- SafeSemaphore ==0.10.1
- salak ==0.3.6
- salak-yaml ==
- saltine ==
- salve ==1.0.10
- sample-frame ==0.0.3
- sample-frame-np ==
- sampling ==0.3.4
- say ==
- sbp ==2.6.3
- scalpel ==0.6.2
- scalpel-core ==0.6.2
- scanf ==
- scanner ==0.3.1
- scheduler ==
- scientific ==
- scotty ==0.11.6
- scrypt ==0.5.0
- sdl2 ==
- sdl2-gfx ==0.2
- sdl2-image ==2.0.0
- sdl2-mixer ==1.1.0
- sdl2-ttf ==2.1.1
- search-algorithms ==0.3.1
- secp256k1-haskell ==0.2.5
- securemem ==0.1.10
- selda ==
- selda-json ==
- selective ==0.4.1
- semialign ==1.1
- semialign-indexed ==1.1
- semialign-optics ==1.1
- semigroupoid-extras ==5
- semigroupoids ==5.3.4
- semigroups ==0.19.1
- semirings ==0.5.3
- semiring-simple ==
- semver ==0.3.4
- sendfile ==
- seqalign ==
- sequence-formats ==1.4.1
- sequenceTools ==
- serf ==
- serialise ==
- servant ==0.16.2
- servant-auth ==
- servant-auth-docs ==
- servant-auth-server ==
- servant-auth-swagger ==
- servant-blaze ==0.9
- servant-cassava ==0.10
- servant-checked-exceptions ==
- servant-checked-exceptions-core ==
- servant-client ==
- servant-client-core ==0.16
- servant-conduit ==0.15
- servant-docs ==0.11.4
- servant-docs-simple ==
- servant-elm ==0.7.2
- servant-errors ==
- servant-foreign ==0.15
- servant-js ==
- servant-JuicyPixels ==
- servant-lucid ==0.9
- servant-machines ==0.15
- servant-mock ==0.8.5
- servant-pipes ==0.15.1
- servant-purescript ==
- servant-rawm ==
- servant-server ==0.16.2
- servant-static-th ==
- servant-subscriber ==
- servant-swagger ==
- servant-swagger-ui ==
- servant-swagger-ui-core ==0.3.3
- servant-swagger-ui-redoc ==
- servant-websockets ==2.0.0
- servant-yaml ==
- serverless-haskell ==0.11.3
- serversession ==1.0.1
- serversession-frontend-wai ==1.0
- ses-html ==
- set-cover ==0.1.1
- setenv ==
- setlocale ==
- sexp-grammar ==2.1.0
- SHA ==
- shake-plus ==
- shakespeare ==
- shared-memory ==
- shell-conduit ==4.7.0
- shell-escape ==0.2.0
- shellmet ==
- shelltestrunner ==1.9
- shell-utility ==0.1
- shelly ==1.9.0
- should-not-typecheck ==2.1.0
- show-combinators ==
- siggy-chardust ==1.0.0
- signal ==
- silently ==
- simple-affine-space ==0.1.1
- simple-cabal ==0.1.2
- simple-cmd ==0.2.2
- simple-cmd-args ==0.1.6
- simple-log ==0.9.12
- simple-reflect ==0.3.3
- simple-sendfile ==0.2.30
- simplest-sqlite ==
- simple-templates ==1.0.0
- simple-vec3 ==
- simplistic-generics ==2.0.0
- since ==0.0.0
- singleton-bool ==0.1.5
- singleton-nats ==0.4.5
- singletons ==2.6
- singletons-presburger ==
- siphash ==1.0.3
- sitemap-gen ==
- size-based ==
- sized ==
- skein ==
- skews ==
- skip-var ==
- skylighting ==0.8.5
- skylighting-core ==0.8.5
- slack-api ==0.12
- slist ==
- smallcheck ==1.1.7
- smash ==
- smash-aeson ==
- smash-lens ==
- smash-microlens ==
- smoothie ==
- snap-blaze ==
- snap-core ==
- snap-server ==
- snowflake ==
- soap ==
- soap-tls ==
- socks ==0.6.1
- some ==1.0.1
- sop-core ==
- sort ==
- sorted-list ==
- sourcemap ==0.1.6
- sox ==
- soxlib ==
- sparse-linear-algebra ==0.3.1
- sparse-tensor ==
- spatial-math ==
- special-values ==
- speculate ==0.4.2
- speedy-slice ==0.3.1
- Spintax ==0.3.4
- splice ==
- split ==
- splitmix ==0.0.5
- spoon ==0.3.1
- spreadsheet ==
- sqlcli ==
- sqlcli-odbc ==
- sql-words ==
- squeather ==
- srcloc ==
- stache ==2.1.1
- stackcollapse-ghc ==
- stack-templatizer ==
- starter ==0.3.0
- stateref ==0.3
- statestack ==0.3
- StateVar ==1.2
- static-text ==
- statistics ==
- status-notifier-item ==
- stb-image-redux ==
- step-function ==0.2
- stm-chans ==
- stm-conduit ==4.0.1
- stm-delay ==
- stm-extras ==
- stm-split ==
- stopwatch ==
- storable-complex ==
- storable-record ==0.0.5
- storable-tuple ==
- storablevector ==
- stratosphere ==0.53.0
- streaming ==
- streaming-bytestring ==0.1.6
- streaming-commons ==
- streamly ==0.7.2
- streamly-bytestring ==0.1.2
- streams ==3.3
- strict ==0.3.2
- strict-base-types ==0.6.1
- strict-concurrency ==
- strict-list ==0.1.5
- strict-tuple ==0.1.3
- strict-tuple-lens ==
- stringbuilder ==0.5.1
- string-class ==
- string-combinators ==
- string-conv ==0.1.2
- string-conversions ==
- string-interpolate ==
- string-qq ==0.0.4
- stringsearch ==
- string-transform ==1.1.1
- stripe-concepts ==
- stripe-signature ==
- strive ==5.0.12
- structs ==0.1.3
- structured ==0.1
- structured-cli ==
- stylish-haskell ==
- summoner ==
- summoner-tui ==
- sum-type-boilerplate ==0.1.1
- sundown ==0.6
- superbuffer ==
- svg-builder ==0.1.1
- SVGFonts ==
- svg-tree ==
- swagger ==0.3.0
- swagger2 ==2.5
- swish ==
- syb ==0.7.1
- symbol ==0.2.4
- symengine ==
- sysinfo ==0.1.1
- system-argv0 ==0.1.1
- systemd ==2.3.0
- system-fileio ==
- system-filepath ==0.4.14
- system-info ==0.5.1
- tabular ==
- taffybar ==3.2.2
- tagchup ==
- tagged ==0.8.6
- tagged-binary ==
- tagged-identity ==0.1.3
- tagged-transformer ==0.8.1
- tagshare ==0.0
- tagsoup ==0.14.8
- tao ==1.0.0
- tao-example ==1.0.0
- tar ==
- tar-conduit ==0.3.2
- tardis ==
- tasty ==1.2.3
- tasty-ant-xml ==1.1.6
- tasty-dejafu ==
- tasty-discover ==4.2.1
- tasty-expected-failure ==
- tasty-golden ==
- tasty-hedgehog ==
- tasty-hspec ==
- tasty-hunit ==
- tasty-kat ==0.0.3
- tasty-leancheck ==0.0.1
- tasty-lua ==0.2.2
- tasty-program ==1.0.5
- tasty-quickcheck ==
- tasty-rerun ==1.1.17
- tasty-silver ==3.1.15
- tasty-smallcheck ==0.8.1
- tasty-th ==0.1.7
- tasty-wai ==
- Taxonomy ==2.1.0
- TCache ==0.12.1
- tce-conf ==1.3
- tdigest ==0.2.1
- template-haskell-compat-v0208 ==
- temporary ==1.3
- temporary-rc ==
- temporary-resourcet ==
- tensorflow-test ==
- tensors ==0.1.4
- terminal-progress-bar ==0.4.1
- terminal-size ==
- test-framework ==
- test-framework-hunit ==
- test-framework-leancheck ==0.0.1
- test-framework-quickcheck2 ==
- test-framework-smallcheck ==0.2
- test-framework-th ==0.2.4
- testing-feat ==
- testing-type-modifiers ==
- texmath ==
- text-binary ==
- text-builder ==
- text-conversions ==0.3.0
- text-icu ==
- text-latin1 ==0.3.1
- text-ldap ==
- textlocal ==
- text-manipulate ==
- text-metrics ==0.3.0
- text-postgresql ==
- text-printer ==
- text-region ==
- text-short ==0.1.3
- text-show ==3.8.5
- text-show-instances ==3.8.3
- text-zipper ==0.10.1
- tfp ==
- tf-random ==0.5
- th-abstraction ==
- th-bang-compat ==
- th-constraint-compat ==
- th-data-compat ==
- th-desugar ==1.10
- th-env ==
- these ==1.1
- these-lens ==1
- these-optics ==1
- th-expand-syns ==
- th-extras ==
- th-lift ==0.8.1
- th-lift-instances ==0.1.17
- th-nowq ==
- th-orphans ==0.13.10
- th-printf ==0.7
- thread-hierarchy ==
- thread-local-storage ==0.2
- threads ==
- thread-supervisor ==
- threepenny-gui ==
- th-reify-compat ==
- th-reify-many ==0.1.9
- throttle-io-stream ==
- through-text ==
- throwable-exceptions ==
- th-strict-compat ==
- th-test-utils ==1.0.2
- thyme ==
- tidal ==1.5.2
- tile ==
- time-compat ==1.9.3
- timeit ==2.0
- timelens ==
- time-lens ==
- time-locale-compat ==
- time-locale-vietnamese ==
- time-manager ==0.0.0
- time-parsers ==
- timerep ==
- time-units ==1.0.0
- timezone-olson ==0.2.0
- timezone-series ==0.1.9
- tinylog ==0.15.0
- titlecase ==1.0.1
- tldr ==0.6.4
- tls ==1.5.4
- tls-debug ==0.4.8
- tls-session-manager ==0.0.4
- tmapchan ==0.0.3
- tmapmvar ==0.0.4
- tmp-postgres ==
- tomland ==
- tonalude ==
- topograph ==
- torsor ==0.1
- tostring ==
- tracing ==
- transaction ==
- transformers-base ==
- transformers-bifunctors ==0.1
- transformers-compat ==0.6.5
- transformers-fix ==1.0
- traverse-with-class ==
- tree-diff ==0.1
- tree-fun ==
- trifecta ==2.1
- triplesec ==
- trivial-constraint ==
- tsv2csv ==
- ttc ==
- ttl-hashtables ==
- ttrie ==
- tuple ==
- tuples-homogenous-h98 ==
- tuple-sop ==
- tuple-th ==0.2.5
- turtle ==1.5.19
- TypeCompose ==0.9.14
- typed-process ==
- typed-uuid ==
- type-equality ==1
- type-errors ==
- type-errors-pretty ==
- type-fun ==0.1.1
- type-hint ==0.1
- type-level-integers ==0.0.1
- type-level-kv-list ==1.1.0
- type-level-numbers ==
- type-map ==
- type-natural ==
- typenums ==
- type-of-html ==
- type-of-html-static ==
- type-operators ==
- typerep-map ==
- type-spec ==
- tzdata ==0.1.20190911.0
- ua-parser ==
- uglymemo ==
- ulid ==
- unagi-chan ==
- unbounded-delays ==
- unboxed-ref ==
- unboxing-vector ==
- uncertain ==
- unconstrained ==
- unexceptionalio ==0.5.1
- unexceptionalio-trans ==0.5.1
- unicode ==
- unicode-show ==
- unicode-transforms ==0.3.6
- unification-fd ==
- union-find ==0.2
- uniplate ==1.6.12
- uniprot-kb ==
- uniq-deep ==1.2.0
- unique ==0
- unique-logic ==0.4
- unique-logic-tf ==0.5.1
- unit-constraint ==0.0.0
- universe ==1.2
- universe-base ==1.1.1
- universe-instances-base ==1.1
- universe-instances-extended ==1.1.1
- universe-instances-trans ==1.1
- universe-reverse-instances ==1.1
- universe-some ==1.2
- universum ==1.6.1
- unix-bytestring ==
- unix-compat ==0.5.2
- unix-time ==0.4.7
- unliftio ==0.2.13
- unliftio-core ==
- unliftio-pool ==
- unlit ==
- unordered-containers ==
- unordered-intmap ==0.1.1
- unsafe ==0.0
- urbit-hob ==0.3.3
- uri-bytestring ==
- uri-bytestring-aeson ==
- uri-encode ==
- url ==2.1.3
- users ==
- utf8-conversions ==
- utf8-light ==0.4.2
- utf8-string ==
- util ==
- utility-ht ==0.0.15
- uuid ==1.3.13
- uuid-types ==1.0.3
- validation ==1.1
- validation-selective ==
- validity ==
- validity-aeson ==
- validity-bytestring ==
- validity-containers ==
- validity-path ==
- validity-primitive ==
- validity-scientific ==
- validity-text ==
- validity-time ==
- validity-unordered-containers ==
- validity-uuid ==
- validity-vector ==
- valor ==
- vault ==
- vec ==0.3
- vector ==
- vector-algorithms ==
- vector-binary-instances ==
- vector-buffer ==0.4.1
- vector-builder ==0.3.8
- vector-bytes-instances ==0.1.1
- vector-instances ==3.4
- vector-mmap ==0.0.3
- vector-rotcev ==
- vector-sized ==
- vector-space ==0.16
- vector-split ==
- vector-th-unbox ==
- verbosity ==
- versions ==3.5.4
- vformat ==
- vformat-aeson ==
- vformat-time ==
- ViennaRNAParser ==1.3.3
- void ==0.7.3
- vty ==5.28.2
- wai ==
- wai-app-static ==
- wai-conduit ==
- wai-cors ==0.2.7
- wai-enforce-https ==
- wai-eventsource ==3.0.0
- wai-extra ==
- wai-handler-launch ==
- wai-logger ==2.3.6
- wai-middleware-caching ==
- wai-middleware-clacks ==
- wai-middleware-static ==0.8.3
- wai-session ==0.3.3
- wai-slack-middleware ==0.2.0
- wai-websockets ==
- warp ==3.3.13
- warp-tls ==3.2.12
- warp-tls-uid ==
- wave ==0.2.0
- wcwidth ==0.0.2
- webdriver ==
- webex-teams-api ==
- webex-teams-conduit ==
- webex-teams-pipes ==
- webrtc-vad ==
- websockets ==
- websockets-snap ==
- weigh ==0.0.16
- wide-word ==
- wikicfp-scraper ==
- wild-bind ==
- wild-bind-x11 ==
- Win32 ==
- Win32-notify ==
- windns ==
- witherable-class ==0
- within ==
- with-location ==0.1.0
- with-utf8 ==
- witness ==0.4
- wizards ==1.0.3
- wl-pprint-annotated ==
- wl-pprint-console ==
- wl-pprint-text ==
- word24 ==2.0.1
- word8 ==0.1.3
- word-trie ==0.3.0
- word-wrap ==0.4.1
- world-peace ==
- wrap ==0.0.0
- wreq ==
- writer-cps-exceptions ==
- writer-cps-mtl ==
- writer-cps-transformers ==
- wss-client ==
- wuss ==1.1.17
- X11 ==1.9.1
- X11-xft ==0.3.1
- x11-xim ==
- x509 ==1.7.5
- x509-store ==1.6.7
- x509-system ==1.6.6
- x509-validation ==1.6.11
- Xauth ==0.1
- xdg-basedir ==0.2.2
- xdg-desktop-entry ==
- xdg-userdirs ==
- xeno ==0.4.1
- xls ==0.1.3
- xlsx ==0.8.0
- xlsx-tabular ==
- xml ==1.3.14
- xml-basic ==
- xml-conduit ==
- xml-conduit-writer ==
- xmlgen ==
- xml-hamlet ==
- xml-helpers ==1.0.0
- xml-html-qq ==
- xml-indexed-cursor ==
- xml-lens ==0.2
- xml-picklers ==0.3.6
- xml-to-json ==2.0.1
- xml-to-json-fast ==2.0.0
- xml-types ==0.3.7
- xmonad ==0.15
- xmonad-contrib ==0.16
- xmonad-extras ==0.15.2
- xss-sanitize ==0.3.6
- xturtle ==
- xxhash-ffi ==
- yaml ==
- yamlparse-applicative ==
- yesod ==
- yesod-auth ==1.6.10
- yesod-auth-fb ==1.10.1
- yesod-auth-hashdb ==
- yesod-bin ==
- yesod-core ==1.6.18
- yesod-fb ==0.6.1
- yesod-form ==1.6.7
- yesod-form-bootstrap4 ==3.0.0
- yesod-gitrev ==0.2.1
- yesod-newsfeed ==
- yesod-persistent ==
- yesod-recaptcha2 ==1.0.0
- yesod-sitemap ==1.6.0
- yesod-static ==
- yesod-test ==1.6.10
- yesod-websockets ==
- yes-precure5-command ==5.5.3
- yi-rope ==0.11
- yjsvg ==
- yjtools ==0.9.18
- yoga ==
- youtube ==
- zasni-gerna ==
- zero ==0.1.5
- zeromq4-haskell ==0.8.0
- zeromq4-patterns ==
- zim-parser ==
- zip ==1.5.0
- zip-archive ==0.4.1
- zippers ==0.3
- zip-stream ==
- zlib ==
- zlib-bindings ==
- zlib-lens ==
- zot ==0.0.3
- zstd ==
- aeson < 0.8 # newer versions don't work with GHC 7.6.x or earlier
- aeson-pretty < 0.8 # required by elm compiler
- Agda == 2.6.1 # allows the agdaPackage set to be fixed to this version so that it won't break when another agda version is released.
- ansi-terminal == 0.10.3 # required by cabal-plan, and policeman in ghc-8.8.x
- apply-refact < 0.4 # newer versions don't work with GHC 8.0.x
- apply-refact == # works with GHC 8.6.x
- apply-refact == # works with GHC 8.8.x
- apply-refact == # works with GHC 8.10.x
- binary > 0.7 && < 0.8 # keep a 7.x major release around for older compilers
- binary > 0.8 && < 0.9 # keep a 8.x major release around for older compilers
- Cabal == 2.2.* # required for jailbreak-cabal etc.
- Cabal == 2.4.* # required for cabal-install etc.
- colour < 2.3.4 # newer versions don't support GHC 7.10.x
- conduit >=1.1 && <1.3 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- conduit-extra >=1.1 && <1.3 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- containers < 0.5 # required to build alex with GHC 6.12.3
- control-monad-free < 0.6 # newer versions don't compile with anything but GHC 7.8.x
- dbus <1 # for xmonad-0.26
- deepseq == # required to build Cabal with GHC 6.12.3
- dhall == 1.29.0 # required for spago 0.14.0.
- dhall == 1.30.0 # required for neuron
- doctemplates == 0.8 # required by pandoc-2.9.x
- generic-deriving == 1.10.5.* # new versions don't compile with GHC 7.10.x
- ghc-check == # only version compatible with ghcide 0.2.0
- ghc-tcplugins-extra ==0.3.2 # required for polysemy-plugin
- gloss < 1.9.3 # new versions don't compile with GHC 7.8.x
- haddock == 2.22.* # required on GHC 8.0.x
- haddock == 2.23.* # required on GHC < 8.10.x
- haddock-api == 2.23.* # required on GHC < 8.10.x
- haddock-library ==1.7.* # required by stylish-cabal-
- happy <1.19.6 # newer versions break Agda
- happy == 1.19.9 # for purescript
- haskell-gi-overloading == 0.0 # gi-* packages use this dependency to disable overloading support
- haskell-lsp == 0.22.* # required for ghcide 0.2.0
- haskell-lsp-types == 0.22.* # required for ghcide 0.2.0
- haskell-src-exts == 1.19.* # required by hindent and structured-haskell-mode
- hinotify == 0.3.9 # for xmonad-0.26:
- hoogle == 5.0.14 # required by hie-hoogle
- html-conduit ^>= 1.2 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- http-conduit ^>= 2.2 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- inline-c < 0.6 # required on GHC 8.0.x
- inline-c-cpp < 0.2 # required on GHC 8.0.x
- lens-labels == 0.1.* # required for proto-lens-descriptors
- megaparsec >= 7.0.4 && < 8 # required for idris:
- mtl < 2.2 # newer versions require transformers > 0.4.x, which we cannot provide in GHC 7.8.x
- mtl-prelude < 2 # required for to build postgrest on mtl 2.1.x platforms
- network == # newer versions don't compile with GHC 7.4.x and below
- network == 3.0.* # required by network-bsd, HTTP, and many others (2019-04-30)
- pantry == # required by stack-
- parallel == # newer versions don't work with GHC 6.12.3
- patience ^>= 0.1 # required by chell-0.4.x
- persistent >=2.5 && <2.8 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- persistent-sqlite < 2.7 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- prettyprinter == 1.6.1 # required by ghc 8.8.x, and dhall-1.29.0
- primitive == 0.5.1.* # required to build alex with GHC 6.12.3
- QuickCheck < 2 # required by test-framework-quickcheck and its users
- repline == 0.3.* # required by dhall-0.32.x
- resolv == # required to build cabal-install- with pre ghc-8.8.x
- resourcet ==1.1.* # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- seqid < 0.2 # newer versions depend on transformers 0.4.x which we cannot provide in GHC 7.8.x
- seqid-streams < 0.2 # newer versions depend on transformers 0.4.x which we cannot provide in GHC 7.8.x
- split < 0.2 # newer versions don't work with GHC 6.12.3
- tar < # later versions don't work with GHC < 7.6.x
- transformers == 0.4.3.* # the latest version isn't supported by mtl yet
- vector < 0.10.10 # newer versions don't work with GHC 6.12.3
- xml-conduit ^>= 1.7 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod ^>= 1.4 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod-core < 1.5 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod-form < 1.5 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod-persistent < 1.5 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod-static ^>= 1.5 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- yesod-test ^>= 1.5 # pre-lts-11.x versions neeed by git-annex 6.20180227
- cabal-install
- cabal2nix
- cabal2spec
- distribution-nixpkgs
- funcmp
- git-annex
- hackage-db
- hledger
- hledger-interest
- hledger-ui
- hledger-web
- hopenssl
- hsdns
- hsemail
- hsyslog
- jailbreak-cabal
- language-nix
- logging-facade-syslog
- nix-paths
- pandoc
- structured-haskell-mode
- titlecase
- xmonad
- xmonad-contrib
- located-base
# - bson-lens
- cased
- elm-export-persistent
# - pipes-mongodb
- streaming-wai
- glirc
- matterhorn
- mattermost-api
- mattermost-api-qc
- Unique
- path-pieces
- persistent
- persistent-sqlite
- persistent-template
- shakespeare
- Agda
- arion-compose
- hercules-ci-agent
- hercules-ci-api-core
- hercules-ci-api-agent
- pretty-simple
- spago
- termonad
- icepeak
- nix-diff
- reflex-dom
- ghcide
- cabal-fmt
- neuron
- shh
- brittany
- hlint
- releaser
- taskwarrior
- cayene-lpp
- data-stm32
- gcodehs
- nix-derivation
- nix-narinfo
- ttn
# - ttn-client
- update-nix-fetchgit
- zre
alsa-mixer: [ x86_64-darwin ]
alsa-pcm: [ x86_64-darwin ]
alsa-seq: [ x86_64-darwin ]
AWin32Console: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
barbly: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux ]
bindings-directfb: [ x86_64-darwin ]
d3d11binding: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
DirectSound: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
dx9base: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
dx9d3d: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
dx9d3dx: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
freenect: [ x86_64-darwin ]
FTGL: [ x86_64-darwin ]
gi-ostree: [ x86_64-darwin ]
gtk-mac-integration: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux ]
hcwiid: [ x86_64-darwin ]
HFuse: [ x86_64-darwin ]
hommage-ds: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
lio-fs: [ x86_64-darwin ]
midi-alsa: [ x86_64-darwin ]
pam: [ x86_64-darwin ]
PortMidi: [ x86_64-darwin ]
Raincat: [ x86_64-darwin ]
reactivity: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
rtlsdr: [ x86_64-darwin ]
rubberband: [ x86_64-darwin ]
sdl2-mixer: [ x86_64-darwin ]
sdl2-ttf: [ x86_64-darwin ]
tokyotyrant-haskell: [ x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-console: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-dhcp-server: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-errors: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-extras: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-junction-point: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-notify: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-security: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-services-wrapper: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32-services: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
Win32: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
xattr: [ x86_64-darwin ]
XInput: [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
xmobar: [ x86_64-darwin ]
# Depends on shine, which is a ghcjs project.
- shine-varying
# these packages depend on software with an unfree license
- accelerate-bignum
- accelerate-blas
- accelerate-cublas
- accelerate-cuda
- accelerate-cufft
- accelerate-examples
- accelerate-fft
- accelerate-fourier-benchmark
- accelerate-llvm-ptx
- bindings-yices
- boolector
- ccelerate-cuda
- cplex-hs
- cublas
- cufft
- cusolver
- cusparse
- gloss-raster-accelerate
- libnvvm
- matlab
- nvvm
- Obsidian
- odpic-raw
- patch-image
# license for input data unclear, dependency not on Hackage
# see
- tensorflow-mnist
- yices-easy
- yices-painless
# these packages don't evaluate because they have broken (system) dependencies
- comark
- diagrams-reflex
- dialog
- fltkhs-demos
- fltkhs-fluid-demos
- fltkhs-hello-world
- fltkhs-themes
- ghcjs-dom-hello
- ghcjs-dom-webkit
- gi-javascriptcore
- gi-webkit2
- gi-webkit2webextension
- gi-webkit
- gsmenu
- haste-gapi
- haste-perch
- hbro
- hplayground
- imprevu-happstack
- jsaddle-webkit2gtk
- jsaddle-webkitgtk
- jsc
- lambdacat
- leksah
- manatee-all
- manatee-browser
- manatee-reader
- markup-preview
- nomyx-api
- nomyx-core
- nomyx-language
- nomyx-library
- nomyx-server
- passman-cli
- passman-core
- reflex-dom-colonnade
- reflex-dom-contrib
- reflex-dom-fragment-shader-canvas
- reflex-dom-helpers
- reflex-jsx
- sneathlane-haste
- spike
- tianbar
- trasa-reflex
- treersec
- wai-middleware-brotli
- web-browser-in-haskell
- webkit
- webkitgtk3-javascriptcore
- webkitgtk3
- websnap
# These packages don't compile or depend on packages that don't compile.
- 3dmodels
- 4Blocks
- a50
- abcBridge
- abcnotation
- abeson
- abides
- abnf
- AbortT-monadstf
- AbortT-mtl
- AbortT-transformers
- abstract-par-accelerate
- abt
- AC-BuildPlatform
- AC-EasyRaster-GTK
- AC-HalfInteger
- ac-machine
- ac-machine-conduit
- AC-MiniTest
- AC-Terminal
- AC-VanillaArray
- AC-Vector
- AC-Vector-Fancy
- accelerate
- accelerate-arithmetic
- accelerate-fftw
- accelerate-fourier
- accelerate-io
- accelerate-kullback-liebler
- accelerate-llvm
- accelerate-llvm-native
- accelerate-random
- accelerate-typelits
- accelerate-utility
- accentuateus
- access-time
- access-token-provider
- acid-state-dist
- acid-state-tls
- acme-all-monad
- acme-comonad
- acme-flipping-tables
- acme-hq9plus
- acme-http
- acme-inator
- acme-kitchen-sink
- acme-left-pad
- acme-miscorder
- acme-mutable-package
- acme-now
- acme-numbersystem
- acme-operators
- acme-php
- acme-schoenfinkel
- acme-strfry
- acme-stringly-typed
- acme-this
- acme-zero
- ActionKid
- activehs
- activehs-base
- activitypub
- activitystreams-aeson
- actor
- acts
- Adaptive
- Adaptive-Blaisorblade
- adaptive-containers
- adaptive-tuple
- adb
- addy
- adhoc-network
- adict
- adobe-swatch-exchange
- adp-multi
- adp-multi-monadiccp
- ADPfusionForest
- ADPfusionSet
- adtrees
- Advgame
- Advise-me
- AERN-Basics
- AERN-Net
- AERN-Real
- AERN-Real-Double
- AERN-Real-Interval
- AERN-RnToRm-Plot
- aern2-mp
- aern2-real
- aeson-applicative
- aeson-decode
- aeson-diff-generic
- aeson-filthy
- aeson-flowtyped
- aeson-injector
- aeson-iproute
- aeson-native
- aeson-prefix
- aeson-schema
- aeson-smart
- aeson-streams
- aeson-t
- aeson-tiled
- aeson-typescript
- affection
- affine-invariant-ensemble-mcmc
- afv
- ag-pictgen
- Agata
- agda-server
- agda-snippets
- agda-snippets-hakyll
- agentx
- AhoCorasick
- aig
- aip
- air-th
- airbrake
- airship
- airtable-api
- aivika-distributed
- ajhc
- AlanDeniseEricLauren
- alerta
- alex-prelude
- alfred
- alga
- algebra-dag
- algebra-sql
- algebraic
- algebraic-prelude
- algo-s
- algolia
- AlgoRhythm
- AlgorithmW
- align-text
- AlignmentAlgorithms
- Allure
- alms
- alpha
- alphachar
- alsa
- alsa-gui
- alsa-midi
- alsa-pcm-tests
- alsa-seq-tests
- altcomposition
- alternative-extra
- alternative-io
- alto
- alure
- amazon-emailer
- amazon-emailer-client-snap
- amazon-products
- amby
- ampersand
- amqp-conduit
- analyze
- analyze-client
- anansi-pandoc
- anatomy
- android
- android-activity
- android-lint-summary
- AndroidViewHierarchyImporter
- angel
- angle
- Animas
- animascii
- animate
- animate-example
- animate-frames
- animate-preview
- animate-sdl2
- annah
- Annotations
- anonymous-sums
- anonymous-sums-tests
- ansigraph
- antagonist
- antfarm
- anticiv
- antigate
- antimirov
- antiope-dynamodb
- antisplice
- antlr-haskell
- antlrc
- anydbm
- aop-prelude
- aosd
- apart
- apecs-stm
- apelsin
- api-builder
- api-rpc-factom
- api-rpc-pegnet
- api-tools
- api-yoti
- apiary
- apiary-authenticate
- apiary-clientsession
- apiary-cookie
- apiary-eventsource
- apiary-helics
- apiary-http-client
- apiary-logger
- apiary-memcached
- apiary-mongoDB
- apiary-persistent
- apiary-purescript
- apiary-redis
- apiary-session
- apiary-websockets
- apis
- apotiki
- app-lens
- appc
- ApplePush
- AppleScript
- applicative-fail
- applicative-parsec
- applicative-quoters
- applicative-splice
- approveapi
- ApproxFun-hs
- arb-fft
- arbb-vm
- arbor-datadog
- arbor-monad-counter
- arbor-monad-metric
- arbor-monad-metric-datadog
- arbor-postgres
- arbtt
- archive-libarchive
- archive-tar-bytestring
- archiver
- archlinux
- archlinux-web
- archnews
- arduino-copilot
- arena
- arff
- arghwxhaskell
- argon
- argon2
- argparser
- arguedit
- ariadne
- arion
- arithmetic-circuits
- armada
- armor
- arpa
- arpack
- array-forth
- array-list
- array-primops
- arrayfire
- arraylist
- ArrayRef
- arrow-improve
- arrow-list
- arrowapply-utils
- arrowp
- arrowp-qq
- ArrowVHDL
- artery
- artifact
- asap
- ascii
- ascii-flatten
- ascii-string
- ascii-table
- ascii-vector-avc
- ascii85-conduit
- asic
- asil
- asn
- asn1-codec
- asn1-data
- AspectAG
- assert
- assertions
- asset-map
- assimp
- assumpta
- ast-monad
- ast-monad-json
- astrds
- astview
- async-combinators
- async-dejafu
- async-manager
- async-timer
- asynchronous-exceptions
- aterm
- aterm-utils
- atlassian-connect-core
- atlassian-connect-descriptor
- atmos-dimensional-tf
- atndapi
- atom-conduit
- atom-msp430
- atomic-modify
- atomic-primops-foreign
- atomic-primops-vector
- atomo
- atp-haskell
- ats-pkg
- ats-setup
- ats-storable
- attempt
- attic-schedule
- atto-lisp
- AttoBencode
- AttoJson
- attomail
- attoparsec-enumerator
- attoparsec-ip
- attoparsec-iteratee
- attoparsec-text
- attoparsec-text-enumerator
- attoparsec-trans
- attoparsec-uri
- attosplit
- Attrac
- atuin
- audiovisual
- augeas
- augur
- aur
- aur-api
- aura
- Aurochs
- authenticate-ldap
- authinfo-hs
- authoring
- autoapply
- AutoForms
- autom
- automata
- autonix-deps
- autonix-deps-kf5
- avatar-generator
- avers
- avers-api
- avers-api-docs
- avers-server
- avl-static
- AvlTree
- avr-shake
- avro-piper
- avwx
- awesome-prelude
- awesomium
- awesomium-glut
- awesomium-raw
- aws-configuration-tools
- aws-dynamodb-conduit
- aws-dynamodb-streams
- aws-easy
- aws-ec2
- aws-ec2-knownhosts
- aws-elastic-transcoder
- aws-general
- aws-kinesis
- aws-kinesis-client
- aws-kinesis-reshard
- aws-lambda
- aws-mfa-credentials
- aws-performance-tests
- aws-route53
- aws-sdk
- aws-sdk-text-converter
- aws-sdk-xml-unordered
- aws-sign4
- aws-simple
- aws-sns
- axel
- axiom
- azubi
- azure-acs
- azure-email
- azure-service-api
- azure-servicebus
- azurify
- b-tree
- b9
- babylon
- backblaze-b2-hs
- backdropper
- backstop
- backtracking-exceptions
- backward-state
- bag
- Baggins
- bake
- ballast
- bamboo
- bamboo-launcher
- bamboo-plugin-highlight
- bamboo-plugin-photo
- bamboo-theme-blueprint
- bamboo-theme-mini-html5
- bamse
- bamstats
- Bang
- bank-holiday-usa
- banwords
- barchart
- barcodes-code128
- barecheck
- Barracuda
- barrie
- barrier
- barrier-monad
- base-encoding
- base-feature-macros
- base-generics
- base-io-access
- base32-bytestring
- base62
- base64-bytes
- base64-conduit
- baserock-schema
- basex-client
- basic
- baskell
- batch
- batchd
- battlenet
- battlenet-yesod
- battleplace
- battleplace-api
- battleship-combinatorics
- battleships
- bayes-stack
- bazel-coverage-report-renderer
- bbi
- BCMtools
- bcp47
- bdcs
- bdcs-api
- bdd
- bdo
- beam
- beam-core
- beam-migrate
- beam-mysql
- beam-newtype-field
- beam-postgres
- beam-sqlite
- beam-th
- beamable
- bearriver
- beautifHOL
- bed-and-breakfast
- beeminder-api
- Befunge93
- bein
- belka
- BenchmarkHistory
- benchpress
- bencodex
- berkeleydb
- BerkeleyDBXML
- BerlekampAlgorithm
- berp
- bert
- besout
- bet
- betacode
- betris
- bff
- bgmax
- bgzf
- bhoogle
- bibdb
- bidirectionalization-combined
- bidispec
- bidispec-extras
- billboard-parser
- billeksah-forms
- billeksah-main
- billeksah-pane
- billeksah-services
- binary-bits
- binary-communicator
- binary-derive
- binary-ext
- binary-file
- binary-indexed-tree
- binary-protocol
- binary-protocol-zmq
- binary-search
- binary-streams
- binary-tagged
- binary-typed
- bind-marshal
- BinderAnn
- binding-core
- binding-gtk
- binding-wx
- bindings-apr
- bindings-apr-util
- bindings-bfd
- bindings-cctools
- bindings-common
- bindings-dc1394
- bindings-eskit
- bindings-EsounD
- bindings-fann
- bindings-fluidsynth
- bindings-friso
- bindings-gsl
- bindings-hamlib
- bindings-hdf5
- bindings-K8055
- bindings-libftdi
- bindings-libg15
- bindings-librrd
- bindings-libstemmer
- bindings-libusb
- bindings-libv4l2
- bindings-linux-videodev2
- bindings-monetdb-mapi
- bindings-mpdecimal
- bindings-ppdev
- bindings-sc3
- bindings-sipc
- bindings-wlc
- bindynamic
- binembed
- binembed-example
- bio
- bio-sequence
- bioace
- bioalign
- Biobase
- BiobaseBlast
- BiobaseDotP
- BiobaseENA
- BiobaseEnsembl
- BiobaseFasta
- BiobaseFR3D
- BiobaseHTTP
- BiobaseHTTPTools
- BiobaseInfernal
- BiobaseMAF
- BiobaseNewick
- BiobaseTrainingData
- BiobaseTurner
- BiobaseTypes
- BiobaseVienna
- BiobaseXNA
- biocore
- biofasta
- biofastq
- biohazard
- BioHMM
- bioinformatics-toolkit
- biophd
- biopsl
- biosff
- biostockholm
- birch-beer
- bird
- BirdPP
- birds-of-paradise
- bisect-binary
- bit-array
- bit-stream
- bitcoin-address
- bitcoin-api
- bitcoin-api-extra
- bitcoin-block
- bitcoin-hs
- bitcoin-rpc
- bitcoin-script
- bitcoin-tx
- bitcoind-regtest
- bitcoind-rpc
- Bitly
- bitly-cli
- bitmaps
- bits-atomic
- bits-conduit
- bits-extras
- bitset
- bitspeak
- bitstream
- BitStringRandomMonad
- bittorrent
- bitx-bitcoin
- bizzlelude
- bizzlelude-js
- bkr
- bla
- blakesum
- blakesum-demo
- blas
- blas-hs
- BlastHTTP
- blastxml
- blatex
- blaze-builder-enumerator
- blaze-colonnade
- blaze-html-contrib
- blaze-html-hexpat
- blaze-html-truncate
- blaze-json
- blaze-textual-native
- blazeT
- ble
- blink1
- blip
- bliplib
- Blobs
- blockchain
- blockhash
- Blogdown
- blogination
- BlogLiterately
- BlogLiterately-diagrams
- bloodhound
- bloodhound-amazonka-auth
- bloomfilter-redis
- blosum
- bloxorz
- blubber
- blubber-server
- Blueprint
- bluetile
- bluetileutils
- blunk-hask-tests
- blunt
- bno055-haskell
- bogre-banana
- bolt
- boltzmann-brain
- bond
- bond-haskell
- bond-haskell-compiler
- bookkeeper
- bookkeeper-permissions
- Bookshelf
- boolexpr
- boombox
- boomslang
- boopadoop
- boots-app
- boots-cloud
- boots-web
- borel
- boring-window-switcher
- bot
- botpp
- bounded-array
- bowntz
- box
- braid
- brain-bleep
- Bravo
- breakout
- brians-brain
- brick-dropdownmenu
- bricks
- bricks-internal
- bricks-internal-test
- bricks-parsec
- bricks-rendering
- bricks-syntax
- brillig
- broccoli
- brok
- broker-haskell
- bronyradiogermany-common
- bronyradiogermany-streaming
- brotli
- brotli-conduit
- brotli-streams
- browscap
- bson
- bson-generic
- bson-generics
- bson-lens
- bsparse
- btree
- btree-concurrent
- buchhaltung
- buffer
- buffer-builder
- buffer-builder-aeson
- BufferedSocket
- buffet
- buffon
- bugzilla
- build
- buildable
- buildbox
- buildbox-tools
- buildwrapper
- bullet
- bulmex
- bumper
- bunz
- burnt-explorer
- burst-detection
- bus-pirate
- Buster
- buster
- buster-gtk
- buster-network
- butter
- butterflies
- bv-sized
- bytable
- bytearray-parsing
- bytestring-arbitrary
- bytestring-builder-varword
- bytestring-class
- bytestring-csv
- bytestring-handle
- bytestring-plain
- bytestring-read
- bytestring-rematch
- bytestring-show
- bytestring-substring
- bytestring-time
- bytestring-typenats
- bytestringparser
- bytestringparser-temporary
- bytestringreadp
- bzlib
- c-dsl
- c-io
- c-mosquitto
- c0check
- c0parser
- c10k
- c2ats
- cabal-audit
- cabal-bundle-clib
- cabal-cache
- cabal-cargs
- cabal-constraints
- cabal-db
- cabal-dependency-licenses
- cabal-dev
- cabal-dir
- cabal-ghc-dynflags
- cabal-ghci
- cabal-graphdeps
- Cabal-ide-backend
- cabal-info
- cabal-install-bundle
- cabal-install-ghc72
- cabal-install-ghc74
- cabal-meta
- cabal-mon
- cabal-nirvana
- cabal-progdeps
- cabal-query
- cabal-setup
- cabal-sort
- cabal-src
- cabal-test
- cabal-upload
- cabal2arch
- cabal2doap
- cabal2ebuild
- cabal2ghci
- cabalgraph
- cabalish
- cabalmdvrpm
- cabalQuery
- cabalrpmdeps
- CabalSearch
- cabalvchk
- cabin
- cabocha
- cached
- cacophony
- cafeteria-prelude
- caffegraph
- cairo-core
- cake
- cake3
- cakyrespa
- cal-layout
- cal3d
- cal3d-examples
- cal3d-opengl
- calamity
- calc
- calculator
- caldims
- caledon
- call
- call-alloy
- call-haskell-from-anything
- camfort
- campfire
- canon
- canonical-filepath
- canonical-json
- canteven-http
- canteven-listen-http
- canteven-log
- canteven-parsedate
- cantor
- cao
- cap
- Capabilities
- capability
- capnp
- capped-list
- capri
- car-pool
- caramia
- carbonara
- carboncopy
- carettah
- CarneadesDSL
- CarneadesIntoDung
- carte
- cartel
- Cartesian
- casa-abbreviations-and-acronyms
- casadi-bindings
- casadi-bindings-control
- casadi-bindings-core
- casadi-bindings-internal
- casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface
- casadi-bindings-snopt-interface
- Cascade
- cascading
- cases
- cash
- cassandra-cql
- Cassava
- cassava-conduit
- cassava-records
- cassette
- cassy
- castle
- casui
- catamorphism
- Catana
- catch-fd
- categorical-algebra
- category-extras
- category-traced
- catnplus
- cautious-file
- cautious-gen
- cayley-client
- CC-delcont-alt
- CC-delcont-cxe
- CC-delcont-exc
- CC-delcont-ref
- CC-delcont-ref-tf
- cci
- ccnx
- cctools-workqueue
- cedict
- cef
- cef3-raw
- cef3-simple
- ceilometer-common
- cellrenderer-cairo
- celtchar
- cerberus
- cereal-derive
- cereal-enumerator
- cereal-ieee754
- cereal-io-streams
- cereal-plus
- cereal-streams
- cereal-time
- certificate
- cf
- cfenv
- cfipu
- cflp
- cfopu
- cg
- cgen
- cgi-utils
- cgrep
- chalkboard
- chalkboard-viewer
- charade
- chart-cli
- Chart-fltkhs
- chart-histogram
- Chart-simple
- chart-svg
- chart-unit
- chatter
- chatty-text
- chatwork
- cheapskate-terminal
- check-pvp
- Checked
- checked
- checkmate
- chell-quickcheck
- chessIO
- chevalier-common
- chiasma
- chitauri
- Chitra
- choose
- choose-exe
- chorale
- chorale-geo
- chp
- chp-mtl
- chp-plus
- chp-spec
- chp-transformers
- chr-core
- chr-lang
- chr-parse
- ChristmasTree
- chromatin
- chronograph
- chu2
- chunks
- chunky
- church
- church-maybe
- cielo
- cil
- cimple
- cinvoke
- cio
- cipher-blowfish
- ciphersaber2
- circlehs
- citation-resolve
- citeproc-hs
- citeproc-hs-pandoc-filter
- cj-token
- cjk
- clac
- clafer
- claferIG
- claferwiki
- clang-compilation-database
- clang-pure
- clanki
- clarifai
- clash
- clash-multisignal
- Clash-Royale-Hack-Cheats
- clash-systemverilog
- clash-verilog
- clash-vhdl
- classify-frog
- ClassLaws
- classy-influxdb-simple
- classy-miso
- classy-parallel
- classyplate
- ClassyPrelude
- clckwrks
- clckwrks-cli
- clckwrks-dot-com
- clckwrks-plugin-bugs
- clckwrks-plugin-ircbot
- clckwrks-plugin-mailinglist
- clckwrks-plugin-media
- clckwrks-plugin-page
- clckwrks-theme-bootstrap
- clckwrks-theme-clckwrks
- clckwrks-theme-geo-bootstrap
- Clean
- clean-unions
- cless
- clevercss
- clexer
- cli-builder
- clif
- clifford
- clifm
- clingo
- clippard
- clipper
- clippings
- clisparkline
- clit
- clocked
- clogparse
- clone-all
- closure
- cloud-haskell
- cloud-seeder
- cloudfront-signer
- clr-inline
- clua
- cluss
- ClustalParser
- clustering
- clustertools
- clutterhs
- cmark-highlight
- cmark-patterns
- cmark-sections
- cmath
- cmathml3
- CMCompare
- cmd-item
- cmdargs-browser
- cmdlib
- cmdtheline
- cmonad
- cmph
- cmptype
- cmt
- cmv
- cnc-spec-compiler
- co-log
- co-log-sys
- Coadjute
- coalpit
- cobot-io
- cobot-tools
- code-builder
- codec
- codec-beam
- codec-libevent
- codec-rpm
- codecov-haskell
- codemonitor
- codepad
- codeworld-api
- codo-notation
- coin
- coinbase-exchange
- coinbase-pro
- coincident-root-loci
- colada
- colchis
- collada-output
- collapse-duplication
- collapse-util
- collection-json
- collections
- collections-api
- collections-base-instances
- colonnade
- Color
- color-counter
- colorless
- colorless-http-client
- colorless-scotty
- colour-accelerate
- colour-space
- coltrane
- columbia
- columnar
- com
- comark-syntax
- combinat
- combinat-diagrams
- combinator-interactive
- combinatorial-problems
- Combinatorrent
- combobuffer
- comic
- Command
- commander
- Commando
- commodities
- commsec
- commsec-keyexchange
- ComonadSheet
- compact
- compact-map
- compact-mutable
- compact-mutable-vector
- compact-socket
- compact-string
- compact-string-fix
- Compactable
- compactable
- compdata
- compdata-automata
- compdata-dags
- compdata-param
- competition
- compilation
- complexity
- compose-trans
- composite-aeson
- composite-aeson-refined
- composite-base
- composite-ekg
- composite-opaleye
- composite-swagger
- composition-tree
- compound-types
- comprehensions-ghc
- compressed
- compstrat
- comptrans
- computational-algebra
- computational-geometry
- computations
- concraft
- concraft-hr
- concraft-pl
- concrete-haskell
- concrete-haskell-autogen
- concrete-relaxng-parser
- concrete-typerep
- concurrent-buffer
- Concurrent-Cache
- concurrent-machines
- concurrent-state
- concurrent-utilities
- Concurrential
- ConcurrentUtils
- Condor
- condor
- condorcet
- conductive-base
- conductive-hsc3
- conductive-song
- conduit-audio-lame
- conduit-audio-samplerate
- conduit-find
- conduit-iconv
- conduit-network-stream
- conduit-resumablesink
- conduit-throttle
- conduit-tokenize-attoparsec
- conduit-vfs
- conduit-vfs-zip
- conf
- confcrypt
- conferer-hedis
- conferer-provider-dhall
- conferer-provider-json
- conferer-provider-yaml
- conferer-snap
- conffmt
- confide
- config-parser
- config-select
- ConfigFileTH
- Configger
- configifier
- Configurable
- configuration
- configuration-tools
- configurator-ng
- confsolve
- congruence-relation
- conjure
- conkin
- conlogger
- connection-string
- connections
- Conscript
- consistent
- console-program
- const-math-ghc-plugin
- constr-eq
- constrained-categories
- constrained-category
- constrained-dynamic
- constrained-monads
- constraint-manip
- ConstraintKinds
- constraints-emerge
- constructible
- constructive-algebra
- consul-haskell
- Consumer
- consumers
- container
- containers-benchmark
- containers-unicode-symbols
- containers-verified
- ContArrow
- content-store
- context-free-grammar
- context-stack
- ContextAlgebra
- contiguous-checked
- continue
- continuum
- continuum-client
- Contract
- control
- control-iso
- control-monad-attempt
- control-monad-exception
- control-monad-exception-monadsfd
- control-monad-exception-monadstf
- control-monad-exception-mtl
- control-monad-failure
- control-monad-failure-mtl
- Control-Monad-MultiPass
- Control-Monad-ST2
- contstuff-monads-tf
- contstuff-transformers
- convert
- convert-annotation
- convertible-ascii
- convertible-text
- coordinate
- copilot
- copilot-cbmc
- copilot-language
- copilot-libraries
- copilot-sbv
- copilot-theorem
- copr
- COrdering
- core
- core-haskell
- corebot-bliki
- CoreDump
- CoreErlang
- CoreFoundation
- Coroutine
- coroutine-enumerator
- coroutine-iteratee
- coroutine-object
- couch-hs
- couch-simple
- CouchDB
- couchdb-conduit
- couchdb-enumerator
- countable-inflections
- counter
- country-codes
- courier
- court
- coverage
- coya
- cparsing
- CPBrainfuck
- cpio-conduit
- cplusplus-th
- cprng-aes-effect
- cpuperf
- cpython
- cql-io
- cql-io-tinylog
- cqrs-core
- cqrs-example
- cqrs-memory
- cqrs-postgresql
- cqrs-sqlite3
- cqrs-test
- cqrs-testkit
- cr
- crack
- craft
- Craft3e
- craftwerk
- craftwerk-cairo
- craftwerk-gtk
- crawlchain
- craze
- crc
- crc16
- crdt
- creatur
- credential-store
- crf-chain1
- crf-chain1-constrained
- crf-chain2-generic
- crf-chain2-tiers
- critbit
- criterion-compare
- criterion-plus
- criterion-to-html
- criu-rpc
- criu-rpc-types
- crjdt-haskell
- crockford
- crocodile
- cron-compat
- cruncher-types
- crunghc
- crypto-cipher-benchmarks
- crypto-conduit
- crypto-multihash
- crypto-pubkey-openssh
- crypto-random-effect
- crypto-rng
- crypto-simple
- crypto-sodium
- cryptocipher
- cryptocompare
- cryptoconditions
- cryptol
- cryptsy-api
- crystalfontz
- cse-ghc-plugin
- csg
- CSPM-cspm
- CSPM-FiringRules
- CSPM-Frontend
- CSPM-Interpreter
- CSPM-ToProlog
- cspmchecker
- cspretty
- css
- css-selectors
- css-syntax
- csv-enumerator
- csv-nptools
- ctemplate
- ctkl
- ctpl
- cube
- cuboid
- cuckoo
- cudd
- currency-codes
- currency-convert
- curry-frontend
- CurryDB
- cursedcsv
- cursor-fuzzy-time-gen
- curve25519
- curves
- custom-prelude
- CV
- cv-combinators
- cypher
- d-bus
- d10
- d3js
- dag
- DAG-Tournament
- damnpacket
- Dangerous
- danibot
- Dao
- dao
- dapi
- darcs-benchmark
- darcs-beta
- darcs-buildpackage
- darcs-cabalized
- darcs-fastconvert
- darcs-graph
- darcs-monitor
- darcs2dot
- darcsden
- DarcsHelpers
- darcswatch
- darkplaces-demo
- darkplaces-rcon
- darkplaces-rcon-util
- darkplaces-text
- dash-haskell
- data-accessor-monads-fd
- data-accessor-monads-tf
- data-aviary
- data-base
- data-basic
- data-category
- data-check
- data-combinator-gen
- data-concurrent-queue
- data-construction
- data-cycle
- data-dispersal
- data-diverse-lens
- data-easy
- data-elf
- data-embed
- data-emoticons
- data-filepath
- data-fin
- data-fin-simple
- data-flagset
- data-forest
- data-ivar
- data-kiln
- data-layer
- data-lens
- data-lens-fd
- data-lens-ixset
- data-lens-template
- data-map-multikey
- data-nat
- data-object
- data-object-json
- data-object-yaml
- data-pprint
- data-quotientref
- data-reify-cse
- data-repr
- data-result
- data-rev
- Data-Rope
- data-rope
- data-rtuple
- data-size
- data-spacepart
- data-standards
- data-store
- data-stringmap
- data-structure-inferrer
- data-sword
- data-transform
- data-type
- data-util
- data-variant
- database-id-groundhog
- database-study
- datadog
- datadog-tracing
- datafix
- dataflow
- datalog
- datapacker
- datasets
- DataTreeView
- dataurl
- DataVersion
- date-conversions
- dates
- datetime
- datetime-sb
- dawdle
- dawg
- dawg-ord
- dbcleaner
- dbf
- DBFunctor
- dbjava
- DBlimited
- dbm
- dbmigrations-mysql
- dbmigrations-postgresql
- dbmigrations-sqlite
- DBus
- dbus-client
- dbus-core
- dbus-qq
- dclabel
- dclabel-eci11
- dcpu16
- ddate
- ddc-base
- ddc-build
- ddc-code
- ddc-core
- ddc-core-babel
- ddc-core-eval
- ddc-core-flow
- ddc-core-llvm
- ddc-core-salt
- ddc-core-simpl
- ddc-core-tetra
- ddc-driver
- ddc-interface
- ddc-source-tetra
- ddc-tools
- ddc-war
- ddci-core
- dead-code-detection
- dead-simple-json
- Deadpan-DDP
- debug
- debug-me
- debug-trace-var
- debug-tracy
- decepticons
- decimal-arithmetic
- DecisionTree
- declarative
- decoder-conduit
- dedukti
- deepcontrol
- deeplearning-hs
- deepseq-bounded
- deepseq-magic
- deepseq-th
- deepzoom
- defargs
- DefendTheKing
- deka
- deka-tests
- delaunay
- delicious
- delimited-text
- delimiter-separated
- delta
- delta-h
- Delta-Lambda
- delude
- demarcate
- denominate
- dense
- dense-int-set
- dependent-hashmap
- dependent-monoidal-map
- dependent-state
- dependent-sum-aeson-orphans
- depends
- dephd
- deptrack-core
- deptrack-devops
- deptrack-dot
- derangement
- derivation-trees
- derive
- derive-enumerable
- derive-gadt
- derive-IG
- derive-monoid
- derive-topdown
- derive-trie
- derp-lib
- describe
- descript-lang
- deterministic-game-engine
- detour-via-uom
- deunicode
- devil
- devtools
- dewdrop
- dfinity-radix-tree
- Dflow
- dfsbuild
- dgim
- dgs
- dhall-check
- dhall-fly
- dhall-nix
- dhall-text
- dhall-to-cabal
- dhall-yaml
- dhcp-lease-parser
- dhrun
- di-polysemy
- dia-base
- dia-functions
- diagrams-boolean
- diagrams-builder
- diagrams-canvas
- diagrams-haddock
- diagrams-hsqml
- diagrams-html5
- diagrams-pandoc
- diagrams-pdf
- diagrams-qrcode
- diagrams-tikz
- diagrams-wx
- dialogflow-fulfillment
- dib
- dice-entropy-conduit
- dice2tex
- dicom
- dictionaries
- dictparser
- diet
- diff
- diffcabal
- difference-monoid
- DifferenceLogic
- differential
- DifferentialEvolution
- diffmap
- difftodo
- digestive-bootstrap
- digestive-foundation-lucid
- digestive-functors-aeson
- digestive-functors-happstack
- digestive-functors-hsp
- DigitalOcean
- digitalocean-kzs
- digits
- digraph
- dimensional-codata
- dimensional-tf
- DimensionalHash
- dingo-core
- dingo-example
- dingo-widgets
- diophantine
- diplomacy
- diplomacy-server
- direct-binary-files
- direct-fastcgi
- direct-http
- direct-plugins
- direct-rocksdb
- directed-cubical
- direm
- dirfiles
- dirtree
- discogs-haskell
- discord-gateway
- discord-haskell
- discord-hs
- discord-rest
- discord-types
- discordian-calendar
- discrete
- DiscussionSupportSystem
- Dish
- disjoint-containers
- disjoint-set
- disjoint-set-stateful
- Dist
- dist-upload
- distance
- DisTract
- distributed-fork-aws-lambda
- distributed-process
- distributed-process-async
- distributed-process-azure
- distributed-process-client-server
- distributed-process-ekg
- distributed-process-execution
- distributed-process-extras
- distributed-process-fsm
- distributed-process-lifted
- distributed-process-monad-control
- distributed-process-p2p
- distributed-process-platform
- distributed-process-registry
- distributed-process-simplelocalnet
- distributed-process-supervisor
- distributed-process-systest
- distributed-process-task
- distributed-process-tests
- distributed-process-zookeeper
- distributed-static
- distribution
- distribution-plot
- diversity
- dixi
- djembe
- djinn-th
- dl-fedora
- dmenu
- dmenu-pkill
- dmenu-pmount
- dmenu-search
- DMuCheck
- DnaProteinAlignment
- dnscache
- dnsrbl
- dnssd
- doc-review
- doccheck
- docidx
- docker-build-cacher
- dockercook
- docopt
- DocTest
- doctest-discover-configurator
- doctest-driver-gen
- doctest-prop
- docusign-example
- docvim
- doi
- dom-lt
- domain-auth
- domplate
- dot-linker
- dotfs
- doublify-toolkit
- dow
- download-media-content
- downloader
- dozenal
- dozens
- DP
- dph-base
- dph-examples
- dph-lifted-base
- dph-lifted-copy
- dph-lifted-vseg
- dph-prim-interface
- dph-prim-par
- dph-prim-seq
- dpkg
- dpor
- dragen
- drawille
- drClickOn
- dresdner-verkehrsbetriebe
- DrHylo
- DrIFT-cabalized
- drifter
- drifter-postgresql
- drifter-sqlite
- drmaa
- drone
- dropbox-sdk
- dropsolve
- ds-kanren
- dsh-sql
- dsmc
- dsmc-tools
- dson
- dson-parsec
- dstring
- dtd
- dtd-text
- dtw
- dual-game
- dualizer
- duet
- dumb-cas
- dump-core
- dunai-core
- dunai-test
- Dung
- duplo
- dura
- Dust
- Dust-crypto
- Dust-tools
- Dust-tools-pcap
- dvault
- dvda
- dvdread
- dvi-processing
- dwarf
- dwarfadt
- dwergaz
- dyckword
- dyepack
- dynamic-cabal
- dynamic-graph
- dynamic-graphs
- dynamic-mvector
- dynamic-object
- dynamic-plot
- dynamic-pp
- DynamicTimeWarp
- dynamodb-simple
- dynloader
- dynobud
- DysFRP
- DysFRP-Cairo
- DysFRP-Craftwerk
- dywapitchtrack
- dzen-dhall
- dzen-utils
- earclipper
- ease
- easy-api
- easy-bitcoin
- easyjson
- easyplot
- easytest
- ebeats
- ebnf-bff
- eccrypto-ed25519-bindings
- ecma262
- ecu
- eddie
- edenmodules
- edenskel
- edentv
- edge
- edges
- edit
- edit-lenses
- editable
- editline
- EditTimeReport
- effect-handlers
- effect-monad
- effect-stack
- effin
- egison-quote
- egison-tutorial
- ehaskell
- ehs
- eibd-client-simple
- eigen
- Eight-Ball-Pool-Hack-Cheats
- either-unwrap
- EitherT
- ejdb2-binding
- ekg-bosun
- ekg-carbon
- ekg-elastic
- ekg-elasticsearch
- ekg-log
- ekg-push
- ekg-rrd
- ekg-wai
- elerea-examples
- elevator
- elision
- elm-street
- elm-websocket
- elynx
- elynx-markov
- elynx-seq
- elynx-tools
- elynx-tree
- emacs-keys
- email
- email-header
- email-postmark
- emailparse
- embeddock
- embeddock-example
- embla
- embroidery
- emgm
- Emping
- Empty
- empty-monad
- enchant
- encoding
- encoding-io
- engine-io
- engine-io-growler
- engine-io-snap
- engine-io-wai
- engine-io-yesod
- entangle
- EntrezHTTP
- entwine
- enum-text
- enum-text-rio
- enum-utf8
- EnumContainers
- enumerate
- enumerate-function
- enumerator
- enumerator-fd
- enumerator-tf
- enumfun
- EnumMap
- enummapmap
- enummapset-th
- env-parser
- envstatus
- epanet-haskell
- epass
- epic
- epoll
- eprocess
- epubname
- Eq
- EqualitySolver
- erf-native
- erlang
- eros
- eros-client
- eros-http
- error-context
- error-continuations
- error-list
- error-loc
- error-message
- error-util
- errors-ext
- ersaconcat
- ersatz
- ersatz-toysat
- ert
- escoger
- esotericbot
- EsounD
- espial
- ess
- essence-of-live-coding
- essence-of-live-coding-gloss
- essence-of-live-coding-pulse
- essence-of-live-coding-quickcheck
- estimators
- EstProgress
- estreps
- Etage
- Etage-Graph
- EtaMOO
- eternal
- Eternal10Seconds
- eternity
- eternity-timestamped
- ether
- Etherbunny
- ethereum-analyzer
- ethereum-analyzer-cli
- ethereum-analyzer-webui
- ethereum-client-haskell
- ethereum-merkle-patricia-db
- eths-rlp
- euler-tour-tree
- euphoria
- eurofxref
- eve
- eve-cli
- event
- event-driven
- event-monad
- eventful-dynamodb
- eventful-postgresql
- eventful-sql-common
- eventful-sqlite
- eventlog2html
- eventloop
- EventSocket
- eventsource-geteventstore-store
- eventstore
- every-bit-counts
- ewe
- exact-cover
- exact-real
- exact-real-positional
- except-exceptions
- exception-monads-fd
- exceptional
- exceptionfree-readfile
- exchangerates
- execs
- executor
- exference
- exherbo-cabal
- exif
- exinst
- exinst-aeson
- exinst-bytes
- exinst-cereal
- exinst-deepseq
- exinst-hashable
- exinst-serialise
- exists
- exitcode
- expand
- expat-enumerator
- expiring-containers
- explain
- explicit-constraint-lens
- explicit-determinant
- explicit-iomodes
- explicit-iomodes-bytestring
- explicit-iomodes-text
- explicit-sharing
- explore
- exposed-containers
- expression-parser
- expressions
- expressions-z3
- expresso
- extcore
- extemp
- extended-categories
- extensible-data
- extensible-effects-concurrent
- extensible-skeleton
- external-sort
- Extra
- extract-dependencies
- extractelf
- extralife
- ez-couch
- ez3
- f-algebra-gen
- f-ree-hack-cheats-free-v-bucks-generator
- Facebook-Password-Hacker-Online-Latest-Version
- faceted
- Facts
- facts
- factual-api
- fadno
- fadno-braids
- fadno-xml
- failable-list
- failure-detector
- FailureT
- fake-type
- faktory
- falling-turnip
- fallingblocks
- family-tree
- fast-arithmetic
- fast-combinatorics
- fast-digits
- fast-nats
- fasta
- fastbayes
- fastedit
- fastirc
- fastly
- fastparser
- FastPush
- FastxPipe
- fathead-util
- fault-tree
- fay
- fay-base
- fay-builder
- fay-dom
- fay-geoposition
- fay-hsx
- fay-jquery
- fay-ref
- fay-simplejson
- fay-text
- fay-uri
- fay-websockets
- fb-persistent
- fbmessenger-api
- fca
- fcache
- fcd
- fcf-containers
- fcg
- fckeditor
- fclabels-monadlib
- fcm-client
- FComp
- fdo-trash
- feature-flipper
- feature-flipper-postgres
- fedora-img-dl
- fedora-packages
- feed-cli
- feed-collect
- feed-crawl
- feed-gipeda
- feed-translator
- feed2lj
- feed2twitter
- fei-base
- fei-cocoapi
- fei-dataiter
- fei-examples
- fei-nn
- feldspar-compiler
- feldspar-language
- fenfire
- FermatsLastMargin
- fernet
- FerryCore
- festung
- Feval
- fez-conf
- ffeed
- fficxx
- ffmpeg-light
- ffmpeg-tutorials
- ffunctor
- fgl-extras-decompositions
- fib
- fibon
- ficketed
- fields
- FieldTrip
- fieldwise
- fig
- file-collection
- file-command-qq
- file-location
- filediff
- FileManip
- FileManipCompat
- fileneglect
- filepath-io-access
- FilePather
- filepather
- fileplow
- Files
- FileSystem
- filesystem-abstractions
- filesystem-conduit
- filesystem-enumerator
- filesystem-trees
- fillit
- final-pretty-printer
- Finance-Quote-Yahoo
- Finance-Treasury
- find-clumpiness
- find-conduit
- find-source-files
- findhttp
- fingertree-psqueue
- fingertree-tf
- finitary
- finitary-derive
- finitary-optics
- FiniteMap
- firefly-example
- first-and-last
- first-class-instances
- firstify
- FirstOrderTheory
- fit
- fits-parse
- fitsio
- fix-parser-simple
- fix-symbols-gitit
- fixed-point
- fixed-point-vector
- fixed-point-vector-space
- fixed-precision
- fixed-storable-array
- fixed-timestep
- fixed-vector-binary
- fixed-vector-cborg
- fixed-vector-cereal
- fixed-width
- fixer
- fixfile
- fixhs
- fixie
- fizzbuzz
- fizzbuzz-as-a-service
- flac
- flac-picture
- flaccuraterip
- flamethrower
- flamingra
- flat
- flat-maybe
- flatbuffers
- flay
- flexible-time
- flexiwrap
- flexiwrap-smallcheck
- flickr
- Flippi
- flite
- float-binstring
- floating-bits
- floskell
- flow-er
- flow2dot
- flowdock
- flowdock-api
- flowdock-rest
- flower
- flowlocks-framework
- flowsim
- flp
- fltkhs-fluid-examples
- fluent-logger
- fluffy-parser
- fluidsynth
- flux-monoid
- fmark
- FModExRaw
- fmt-for-rio
- fn-extra
- foldl-incremental
- foldl-statistics
- foldl-transduce
- foldl-transduce-attoparsec
- folds-common
- follow
- follower
- foma
- font-opengl-basic4x6
- foo
- for-free
- forbidden-fruit
- fordo
- forecast-io
- foreign-var
- forest
- forest-fire
- Forestry
- forger
- ForkableT
- formal
- FormalGrammars
- format
- format-status
- formattable
- forml
- formlets
- formlets-hsp
- formura
- ForSyDe
- forsyde-deep
- forth-hll
- Fortnite-Hack-Cheats-Free-V-Bucks-Generator
- fortran-src
- fortytwo
- foscam-directory
- foscam-filename
- foscam-sort
- Foster
- fourmolu
- fpco-api
- fplll
- fpnla-examples
- FPretty
- fptest
- Fractaler
- fractals
- fraction
- frag
- Frames-beam
- Frames-dsv
- franchise
- Frank
- fraxl
- freddy
- free-concurrent
- free-functors
- free-game
- free-http
- free-operational
- free-theorems
- free-theorems-counterexamples
- free-theorems-seq
- free-theorems-seq-webui
- free-theorems-webui
- free-v-bucks-generator-no-survey
- free-v-bucks-generator-ps4-no-survey
- freekick2
- freelude
- freer-converse
- freer-effects
- freer-simple-catching
- freer-simple-http
- freer-simple-profiling
- freer-simple-random
- freer-simple-time
- freesect
- freesound
- freetype-simple
- FreeTypeGL
- freq
- fresh
- friday-devil
- friday-scale-dct
- friendly
- front
- frown
- frp-arduino
- frpnow
- frpnow-gloss
- frpnow-gtk
- frpnow-gtk3
- frpnow-vty
- fs-events
- fsh-csv
- fsmActions
- fst
- fsutils
- fswait
- fswatch
- ft-generator
- ftdi
- FTGL-bytestring
- ftp-client
- ftp-client-conduit
- ftp-conduit
- ftphs
- FTPLine
- ftshell
- full-sessions
- fullstop
- funbot
- funbot-client
- funbot-git-hook
- funcons-lambda-cbv-mp
- funcons-simple
- funcons-tools
- funcons-values
- function-combine
- function-instances-algebra
- functional-arrow
- functor
- functor-infix
- functor-utils
- functorm
- funflow
- funflow-nix
- FunGEn
- Fungi
- funion
- funnyprint
- funpat
- funsat
- funspection
- fused-effects-readline
- fused-effects-squeal
- fusion
- fusion-plugin
- futun
- future
- fuzzy-time-gen
- fuzzy-timings
- fwgl
- fwgl-glfw
- fwgl-javascript
- g-npm
- g2
- g2q
- g4ip
- gact
- game-probability
- gameclock
- gamgee
- Gamgine
- gamma
- Ganymede
- garepinoh
- gargoyle
- gargoyle-postgresql
- gas
- gbu
- gc-monitoring-wai
- gconf
- gdax
- gdiff-ig
- gdiff-th
- GeBoP
- gedcom
- geek
- geek-server
- gegl
- gelatin
- gelatin-freetype2
- gelatin-fruity
- gelatin-gl
- gelatin-sdl2
- gelatin-shaders
- gemstone
- gen-imports
- gen-passwd
- Genbank
- gencheck
- gender
- genders
- Gene-CluEDO
- general-prelude
- GeneralTicTacToe
- generator
- generators
- generic-accessors
- generic-aeson
- generic-binary
- generic-church
- generic-enum
- generic-lens-labels
- generic-lucid-scaffold
- generic-maybe
- generic-pretty
- generic-server
- generic-storable
- generic-tree
- generic-trie
- generic-xml
- generics-mrsop
- generics-mrsop-gdiff
- genericserialize
- genesis
- genesis-test
- genetics
- GenI
- geni-gui
- geni-util
- geniconvert
- geniplate
- geniserver
- genprog
- GenSmsPdu
- gentlemark
- GenussFold
- genvalidity-mergeful
- geo-resolver
- geo-uk
- GeocoderOpenCage
- geodetic
- geodetic-types
- geojson-types
- geolite-csv
- geom2d
- GeomPredicates-SSE
- geos
- Get
- getemx
- getflag
- GGg
- ggtsTC
- gh-labeler
- ghc-core-smallstep
- ghc-datasize
- ghc-dump-core
- ghc-dump-tree
- ghc-dump-util
- ghc-dup
- ghc-events-analyze
- ghc-events-parallel
- ghc-generic-instances
- ghc-imported-from
- ghc-instances
- ghc-man-completion
- ghc-mod
- ghc-parmake
- ghc-pkg-autofix
- ghc-pkg-lib
- ghc-proofs
- ghc-session
- ghc-simple
- ghc-srcspan-plugin
- ghc-syb
- ghc-syb-utils
- ghc-tags-core
- ghc-tags-plugin
- ghc-time-alloc-prof
- ghc-usage
- ghc-vis
- ghci-diagrams
- ghci-haskeline
- ghci-history-parser
- ghci-lib
- ghci-ng
- ghci-pretty
- ghcjs-dom-jsffi
- ghcjs-fetch
- ghcjs-hplay
- ghcjs-promise
- ghcjs-xhr
- ghclive
- ghcprofview
- ght
- gi-cairo-again
- gi-graphene
- gi-gsk
- gi-gstpbutils
- gi-gsttag
- gi-gtkosxapplication
- gi-handy
- gi-ibus
- gi-poppler
- gi-secret
- gi-wnck
- giak
- Gifcurry
- ginsu
- gipeda
- GiST
- gist
- git
- git-all
- git-checklist
- git-config
- git-date
- git-fmt
- git-gpush
- git-jump
- git-mediate
- git-monitor
- git-object
- git-remote-ipfs
- git-repair
- git-sanity
- git-vogue
- gitdo
- github-backup
- github-data
- github-release
- github-tools
- github-utils
- github-webhook-handler
- github-webhook-handler-snap
- github-webhooks
- githud
- gitignore
- gitit
- gitlab-api
- gitlib
- gitlib-cmdline
- gitlib-cross
- gitlib-libgit2
- gitlib-s3
- gitlib-sample
- gitlib-test
- gitlib-utils
- gitson
- gitter
- glade
- gladexml-accessor
- glapp
- glazier
- glazier-pipes
- glazier-react
- glazier-react-examples
- glazier-react-widget
- Gleam
- GLFW-b-demo
- GLFW-task
- gli
- glicko
- glider-nlp
- GLMatrix
- glob-posix
- global
- global-config
- global-variables
- glome-hs
- GlomeTrace
- GlomeView
- gloss-accelerate
- gloss-algorithms
- gloss-banana
- gloss-devil
- gloss-examples
- gloss-export
- gloss-game
- gloss-raster
- gloss-sodium
- glpk-headers
- glpk-hs
- glue
- GLUtil
- gmap
- gmndl
- gnome-desktop
- gnomevfs
- gnss-converters
- gnuidn
- goa
- goal-core
- goal-geometry
- goal-probability
- goal-simulation
- goatee
- goatee-gtk
- gochan
- godot-haskell
- gofer-prelude
- gooey
- google-cloud
- google-drive
- google-html5-slide
- google-mail-filters
- google-oauth2
- google-oauth2-easy
- google-search
- google-server-api
- google-translate
- GoogleCodeJam
- GoogleDirections
- googleplus
- googlepolyline
- GoogleSB
- GoogleTranslate
- gopherbot
- gore-and-ash
- gore-and-ash-actor
- gore-and-ash-async
- gore-and-ash-demo
- gore-and-ash-glfw
- gore-and-ash-lambdacube
- gore-and-ash-logging
- gore-and-ash-network
- gore-and-ash-sdl
- gore-and-ash-sync
- GotoT-transformers
- gotta-go-fast
- gpah
- GPipe
- GPipe-Collada
- GPipe-Examples
- GPipe-GLFW
- GPipe-TextureLoad
- gps
- gps2htmlReport
- gpx-conduit
- graceful
- grafana
- graflog
- Grafos
- grakn
- grammar-combinators
- GrammarProducts
- grapefruit-examples
- grapefruit-frp
- grapefruit-records
- grapefruit-ui
- grapefruit-ui-gtk
- graph-core
- graph-matchings
- graph-rewriting
- graph-rewriting-cl
- graph-rewriting-gl
- graph-rewriting-lambdascope
- graph-rewriting-layout
- graph-rewriting-ski
- graph-rewriting-strategies
- graph-rewriting-trs
- graph-rewriting-ww
- graph-serialize
- graph-utils
- graph-visit
- Graph500
- graphbuilder
- graphene
- GraphHammer
- GraphHammer-examples
- graphics-drawingcombinators
- graphics-formats-collada
- graphicsFormats
- graphicstools
- graphmod-plugin
- graphql
- graphql-w-persistent
- graphted
- graphtype
- graql
- grasp
- gray-code
- greencard
- greencard-lib
- greg-client
- gremlin-haskell
- Grempa
- grenade
- grid-proto
- gridbounds
- gridland
- grm
- groot
- gross
- GroteTrap
- groundhog-converters
- group-with
- grouped-list
- groups-generic
- growler
- GrowlNotify
- grpc-api-etcd
- grpc-etcd-client
- grpc-haskell
- grpc-haskell-core
- gruff
- gruff-examples
- gscholar-rss
- gsl-random
- gsl-random-fu
- gstorable
- gstreamer
- GTALib
- gtfs
- gtfs-realtime
- gtk-serialized-event
- gtk-toy
- gtk2hs-hello
- gtk2hs-rpn
- Gtk2hsGenerics
- gtk3-mac-integration
- gtkglext
- gtkimageview
- gtkrsync
- gtksourceview2
- gtksourceview3
- guarded-rewriting
- guess-combinator
- GuiHaskell
- GuiTV
- gulcii
- gw
- gyah-bin
- H
- h-booru
- h-gpgme
- h-reversi
- h2048
- h2c
- haar
- habit
- hablo
- Hach
- hack-contrib
- hack-contrib-press
- hack-frontend-happstack
- hack-handler-cgi
- hack-handler-epoll
- hack-handler-evhttp
- hack-handler-fastcgi
- hack-handler-happstack
- hack-handler-hyena
- hack-handler-kibro
- hack-handler-simpleserver
- hack-middleware-cleanpath
- hack-middleware-clientsession
- hack-middleware-jsonp
- hack2-handler-happstack-server
- hack2-handler-mongrel2-http
- hack2-handler-snap-server
- hack2-handler-warp
- hackage-diff
- hackage-mirror
- hackage-processing
- hackage-proxy
- hackage-repo-tool
- hackage-security-HTTP
- hackage-server
- hackage-whatsnew
- hackage2hwn
- hackage2twitter
- hackager
- hackernews
- HackMail
- hackmanager
- hackport
- hactor
- hactors
- haddock-cheatsheet
- haddock-leksah
- haddock-test
- haddocset
- hadoop-formats
- hadoop-rpc
- hadoop-tools
- hafar
- haggis
- Haggressive
- hahp
- haiji
- hail
- hailgun-send
- hairy
- hakaru
- hakismet
- hakka
- hako
- hakyll-agda
- hakyll-blaze-templates
- hakyll-contrib
- hakyll-contrib-csv
- hakyll-contrib-elm
- hakyll-contrib-links
- hakyll-convert
- hakyll-dir-list
- hakyll-filestore
- hakyll-ogmarkup
- hakyll-R
- hakyll-series
- hakyll-shortcode
- hakyll-shortcut-links
- hakyll-typescript
- hal
- halberd
- HaLeX
- halfs
- halipeto
- halive
- hall-symbols
- halma-gui
- halma-telegram-bot
- halves
- HaMinitel
- hampp
- hamsql
- hamtmap
- hamusic
- hanabi-dealer
- handa-gdata
- handle-like
- HandlerSocketClient
- handsy
- Hangman
- hannahci
- hans
- hans-pcap
- hanspell
- haphviz
- hapistrano
- happindicator
- happindicator3
- happlets
- happlets-lib-gtk
- happraise
- HAppS-Data
- happs-hsp
- happs-hsp-template
- HAppS-IxSet
- HAppS-Server
- HAppS-State
- happs-tutorial
- HAppS-Util
- happstack
- happstack-auth
- happstack-authenticate
- happstack-clientsession
- happstack-contrib
- happstack-data
- happstack-dlg
- happstack-facebook
- happstack-fay
- happstack-fay-ajax
- happstack-foundation
- happstack-hamlet
- happstack-heist
- happstack-helpers
- happstack-hstringtemplate
- happstack-ixset
- happstack-jmacro
- happstack-lite
- happstack-monad-peel
- happstack-plugins
- happstack-server-tls-cryptonite
- happstack-state
- happstack-static-routing
- happstack-util
- happstack-yui
- happy-hour
- happybara
- happybara-webkit
- happybara-webkit-server
- HappyTree
- hapstone
- HaPy
- haquery
- haquil
- harchive
- hArduino
- hardware-edsl
- HaRe
- harg
- hark
- harmony
- HarmTrace
- haroonga
- haroonga-httpd
- harpy
- harvest-api
- has
- has-th
- HasCacBDD
- hascar
- hascas
- Haschoo
- HasGP
- hash
- hashable-extras
- hashable-generics
- hashable-orphans
- hashabler
- hashed-storage
- Hashell
- hashflare
- hashring
- hashtables-plus
- hasim
- hask
- hask-home
- haskarrow
- haskbot-core
- haskdeep
- haskeem
- haskeline-class
- haskelisp
- haskell-abci
- haskell-aliyun
- haskell-awk
- haskell-bitmex-client
- haskell-bitmex-rest
- haskell-brainfuck
- haskell-cnc
- haskell-coffee
- haskell-compression
- haskell-course-preludes
- haskell-debug-adapter
- haskell-disque
- haskell-docs
- haskell-eigen-util
- haskell-exp-parser
- haskell-formatter
- haskell-ftp
- haskell-generate
- haskell-go-checkers
- haskell-in-space
- haskell-kubernetes
- haskell-lsp-client
- haskell-ml
- haskell-mpfr
- haskell-names
- haskell-neo4j-client
- haskell-openflow
- haskell-overridez
- haskell-packages
- haskell-pdf-presenter
- haskell-platform-test
- haskell-player
- haskell-plot
- haskell-postal
- haskell-read-editor
- haskell-reflect
- haskell-rules
- haskell-spacegoo
- haskell-src-exts-observe
- haskell-src-exts-prisms
- haskell-src-exts-qq
- haskell-src-exts-sc
- haskell-src-meta-mwotton
- haskell-stack-trace-plugin
- haskell-token-utils
- haskell-tools-ast
- haskell-tools-ast-fromghc
- haskell-tools-ast-gen
- haskell-tools-ast-trf
- haskell-tools-backend-ghc
- haskell-tools-builtin-refactorings
- haskell-tools-cli
- haskell-tools-daemon
- haskell-tools-debug
- haskell-tools-demo
- haskell-tools-experimental-refactorings
- haskell-tools-prettyprint
- haskell-tools-refactor
- haskell-tools-rewrite
- haskell-tor
- haskell-type-exts
- haskell-typescript
- haskell-tyrant
- haskell-xmpp
- haskell2010
- haskell2020
- haskell98
- haskell98libraries
- haskelldb
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-mtl
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-tf
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-transformers
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-lifted
- haskelldb-dynamic
- haskelldb-flat
- haskelldb-hdbc
- haskelldb-hdbc-mysql
- haskelldb-hdbc-odbc
- haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql
- haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3
- haskelldb-hsql
- haskelldb-hsql-mysql
- haskelldb-hsql-odbc
- haskelldb-hsql-postgresql
- haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3
- haskelldb-th
- haskelldb-wx
- haskellish
- HaskellLM
- HaskellNet
- HaskellNet-SSL
- HaskellNN
- Haskelloids
- haskellscrabble
- haskellscript
- HaskellTorrent
- HaskellTutorials
- haskelzinc
- haskeme
- haskey
- haskey-mtl
- haskgame
- haskheap
- haskhol-core
- haskmon
- haskoin
- haskoin-bitcoind
- haskoin-crypto
- haskoin-node
- haskoin-protocol
- haskoin-script
- haskoin-store
- haskoin-store-data
- haskoin-util
- haskoin-wallet
- haskoon
- haskoon-httpspec
- haskoon-salvia
- haskore
- haskore-realtime
- haskore-supercollider
- haskore-synthesizer
- HaskRel
- hasktorch
- hasktorch-codegen
- hasktorch-ffi-th
- hasktorch-ffi-thc
- hasktorch-indef
- hasktorch-signatures
- hasktorch-signatures-partial
- hasktorch-signatures-support
- hasktorch-zoo
- haskus-binary
- haskus-system-build
- haskus-utils
- haskus-utils-compat
- haskus-web
- haskyapi
- haslo
- hasloGUI
- hasparql-client
- hasql-backend
- hasql-class
- hasql-cursor-query
- hasql-cursor-transaction
- hasql-dynamic-statements
- hasql-generic
- hasql-implicits
- hasql-migration
- hasql-optparse-applicative
- hasql-postgres
- hasql-postgres-options
- hasql-queue
- hasql-simple
- hasql-th
- hastache
- hastache-aeson
- haste
- haste-app
- haste-lib
- haste-markup
- haste-prim
- Hate
- hatex-guide
- HaTeX-meta
- HaTeX-qq
- hats
- hatt
- haven
- haverer
- hawitter
- Hawk
- hax
- haxl
- haxl-amazonka
- haxl-facebook
- haxparse
- haxr-th
- haxy
- hayland
- Hayoo
- hayoo-cli
- hback
- hbayes
- hbb
- hbcd
- hbeanstalk
- hbeat
- hbf
- hblas
- hblock
- hburg
- hcad
- HCard
- hcc
- hcg-minus
- hcg-minus-cairo
- hcheat
- hcheckers
- hchesslib
- hcltest
- hcoap
- hcom
- hcoord
- hcron
- hCsound
- hcube
- hdaemonize-buildfix
- hdbc-aeson
- HDBC-mysql
- HDBC-postgresql-hstore
- hdbc-postgresql-hstore
- hdbi
- hdbi-conduit
- hdbi-postgresql
- hdbi-sqlite
- hdbi-tests
- hdevtools
- hdf
- hDFA
- hdiff
- hdigest
- hdirect
- hdis86
- hdiscount
- hdm
- hdo
- hdocs
- hdph
- hdph-closure
- hdr-histogram
- HDRUtils
- headergen
- heapsort
- heart-app
- heart-core
- heatitup
- heatitup-complete
- heavy-log-shortcuts
- heavy-logger
- heavy-logger-amazon
- heavy-logger-instances
- hebrew-time
- hecc
- heckle
- hedgehog-checkers
- hedgehog-checkers-lens
- hedgehog-classes
- hedgehog-gen
- hedgehog-gen-json
- hedgehog-generic
- hedgehog-golden
- Hedi
- hedis-config
- hedis-pile
- hedis-simple
- hedis-tags
- hedn-functor
- hedra
- hein
- heist-aeson
- heist-async
- helics
- helics-wai
- helisp
- helium
- helix
- hell
- hellage
- hellnet
- help-esb
- hemkay
- hemokit
- hen
- henet
- hepevt
- her-lexer
- her-lexer-parsec
- herbalizer
- HerbiePlugin
- heredocs
- herf-time
- Hermes
- hermit
- hermit-syb
- herms
- heroku-persistent
- herringbone
- herringbone-embed
- herringbone-wai
- hesh
- hesql
- hetero-dict
- heterogeneous-list-literals
- heterolist
- hetris
- heukarya
- hevm
- hevolisa
- hevolisa-dph
- hex
- HExcel
- hexchat
- hexif
- hexmino
- hexml-lens
- hexpat-iteratee
- hexpat-pickle-generic
- hexpr
- hexpress
- hexquote
- hext
- heyefi
- heyting-algebras
- hF2
- hfann
- hfd
- hfiar
- HFitUI
- hfmt
- hfoil
- hfov
- hfractal
- HFrequencyQueue
- hfusion
- hg-buildpackage
- hgalib
- hgdbmi
- hgearman
- hGelf
- hgen
- hgeometric
- hgeometry-ipe
- hgeometry-svg
- hgeos
- hgettext
- hgis
- hgithub
- hgom
- hgopher
- HGraphStorage
- hgrep
- hgrib
- hharp
- hhp
- hhwloc
- hi3status
- hiccup
- hichi
- hid-examples
- hidden-char
- hie-core
- hieraclus
- hierarchical-exceptions
- hierarchical-spectral-clustering
- hierarchy
- hiernotify
- Hieroglyph
- higgledy
- HiggsSet
- higherorder
- highjson
- highjson-swagger
- highjson-th
- highlight-versions
- highWaterMark
- hills
- himg
- himpy
- hindent
- hindley-milner
- hinduce-classifier
- hinduce-classifier-decisiontree
- hinduce-examples
- hinquire
- hinstaller
- hint-server
- hinter
- hinterface
- hinvaders
- hinze-streams
- hipbot
- hipchat-hs
- hipe
- Hipmunk-Utils
- hircules
- hirt
- Hish
- hissmetrics
- hist-pl
- hist-pl-dawg
- hist-pl-fusion
- hist-pl-lexicon
- hist-pl-lmf
- hist-pl-types
- historian
- hit
- hit-graph
- hit-on
- HJavaScript
- hjcase
- hjs
- HJScript
- hjson-query
- hjsonpointer
- hjsonschema
- hjugement-cli
- hkd-delta
- hkd-lens
- hkt
- hlatex
- hlbfgsb
- hlcm
- HLearn-algebra
- HLearn-approximation
- HLearn-classification
- HLearn-datastructures
- HLearn-distributions
- hledger-api
- hledger-chart
- hledger-irr
- hledger-vty
- hlibBladeRF
- hlibev
- hlibfam
- HList
- HListPP
- hlivy
- HLogger
- hlogger
- hlongurl
- hls
- hlwm
- hly
- hmark
- hmarkup
- hmatrix-banded
- hmatrix-mmap
- hmatrix-morpheus
- hmatrix-nipals
- hmatrix-sparse
- hmatrix-static
- hmatrix-sundials
- hmatrix-svdlibc
- hmatrix-syntax
- hmatrix-tests
- hmeap
- hmeap-utils
- hmenu
- hmep
- hmk
- hmm
- hmm-hmatrix
- hmm-lapack
- hMollom
- hmp3
- Hmpf
- hmt
- hmt-diagrams
- hmumps
- hnetcdf
- hnix-store-remote
- hnormalise
- ho-rewriting
- hoauth
- hob
- hobbes
- hobbits
- hocilib
- hocker
- hodatime
- hoe
- Hoed
- hOff-display
- hog
- hogg
- hoggl
- hogre
- hogre-examples
- hois
- hol
- hold-em
- hole
- holmes
- Holumbus-Searchengine
- holy-project
- homeomorphic
- hommage
- homoiconic
- homplexity
- HongoDB
- honi
- hoobuddy
- hood
- hood-off
- hood2
- hoodie
- hoodle
- hoodle-builder
- hoodle-core
- hoodle-extra
- hoodle-parser
- hoodle-publish
- hoodle-render
- hoodle-types
- hoogle-index
- hooks-dir
- hoopl
- hoovie
- hopencc
- hopencl
- HOpenCV
- hOpenPGP
- hopenpgp-tools
- hopfield
- hops
- hoq
- horizon
- horname
- hosc-json
- hosts-server
- hothasktags
- hotswap
- hourglass-fuzzy-parsing
- houseman
- hp2any-core
- hp2any-graph
- hp2any-manager
- hpack-convert
- hpack-dhall
- hpaco
- hpaco-lib
- hpage
- hpapi
- hpaste
- hpasteit
- HPath
- hpc-coveralls
- hpc-tracer
- hPDB
- hPDB-examples
- hpdft
- hpg
- HPi
- hpio
- hplaylist
- HPlot
- hpodder
- HPong
- hpqtypes
- hpqtypes-extras
- hprotoc
- hprotoc-fork
- hps
- hps-cairo
- hps-kmeans
- hPushover
- hpygments
- hpylos
- hpyrg
- hpython
- hquantlib
- hquantlib-time
- hR
- hranker
- HRay
- hreq-client
- hreq-conduit
- Hricket
- hricket
- hriemann
- HROOT-core
- HROOT-graf
- HROOT-hist
- HROOT-io
- HROOT-math
- HROOT-tree
- hs-blake2
- hs-brotli
- hs-carbon-examples
- hs-cdb
- hs-conllu
- hs-di
- hs-dotnet
- hs-excelx
- hs-ffmpeg
- hs-fltk
- hs-gchart
- hs-gen-iface
- hs-gizapp
- hs-java
- hs-json-rpc
- hs-logo
- hs-mesos
- hs-nombre-generator
- hs-pattrans
- hs-pgms
- hs-pkg-config
- hs-pkpass
- hs-re
- hs-rs-notify
- hs-scrape
- hs-snowtify
- hs-speedscope
- hs-twitter
- hs-twitterarchiver
- hs-vcard
- hs-watchman
- hs2bf
- Hs2lib
- hs2ps
- hsaml2
- hsay
- hsbackup
- hsbc
- hsbencher
- hsbencher-codespeed
- hsbencher-fusion
- hsc3
- hsc3-auditor
- hsc3-cairo
- hsc3-data
- hsc3-db
- hsc3-dot
- hsc3-forth
- hsc3-graphs
- hsc3-lang
- hsc3-lisp
- hsc3-plot
- hsc3-process
- hsc3-rec
- hsc3-rw
- hsc3-server
- hsc3-sf
- hsc3-sf-hsndfile
- hsc3-unsafe
- hsc3-utils
- hscaffold
- hscamwire
- hscassandra
- hscd
- hsclock
- hscope
- hScraper
- hscuid
- hsdev
- hsdif
- hsdip
- hsdns-cache
- Hsed
- hsenv
- HSet
- hsfacter
- hsfcsh
- hsfilt
- hsforce
- hsgnutls
- hsgnutls-yj
- hsgsom
- HsHaruPDF
- HSHHelpers
- HsHTSLib
- HsHyperEstraier
- hsI2C
- hsignal
- hSimpleDB
- hsinspect-lsp
- HsJudy
- hskeleton
- hslackbuilder
- hslibsvm
- hslinks
- hslogger-reader
- hslogger-template
- hslogstash
- hsluv-haskell
- hsmagick
- HSmarty
- hsmodetweaks
- Hsmtlib
- hsmtpclient
- hsnock
- hsns
- hsnsq
- hsntp
- HSoM
- hsoptions
- HSoundFile
- hsoz
- hsp-cgi
- hsparql
- HsParrot
- hspear
- hspec-expectations-match
- hspec-expectations-pretty
- hspec-experimental
- hspec-hashable
- hspec-jenkins
- hspec-monad-control
- hspec-pg-transact
- hspec-setup
- hspec-shouldbe
- hspec-structured-formatter
- hspec-test-sandbox
- hspec-webdriver
- hspec2
- hspecVariant
- HsPerl5
- hspkcs11
- hspread
- hspresent
- hsprocess
- hsql
- hsql-mysql
- hsql-odbc
- hsql-postgresql
- hsql-sqlite3
- hsqml
- hsqml-datamodel
- hsqml-datamodel-vinyl
- hsqml-demo-manic
- hsqml-demo-morris
- hsqml-demo-notes
- hsqml-demo-samples
- hsqml-morris
- hsreadability
- hsrelp
- hsseccomp
- hsSqlite3
- hssqlppp
- hssqlppp-th
- hstar
- hstatistics
- hstats
- hstatsd
- hstest
- hstidy
- hstorchat
- hstox
- hstradeking
- HStringTemplateHelpers
- hstyle
- hstzaar
- hsubconvert
- hsudoku
- HsWebots
- hswip
- hsx
- hsx-jmacro
- hsx-xhtml
- hsXenCtrl
- hsyscall
- hsyslog-tcp
- hszephyr
- HTab
- hTalos
- htar
- htdp-image
- hTensor
- htestu
- HTicTacToe
- htiled
- htlset
- html-charset
- html-kure
- html-parse
- html-rules
- html-tokenizer
- hts
- htsn
- htsn-import
- htssets
- http-attoparsec
- http-client-auth
- http-client-lens
- http-client-request-modifiers
- http-client-restricted
- http-client-session
- http-client-streams
- http-conduit-browser
- http-directory
- http-dispatch
- http-enumerator
- http-grammar
- http-io-streams
- http-kinder
- http-listen
- http-monad
- http-pony
- http-pony-serve-wai
- http-proxy
- http-querystring
- http-response-decoder
- http-server
- http-shed
- http-wget
- http2-client
- http2-client-exe
- http2-client-grpc
- http2-grpc-proto-lens
- http2-grpc-proto3-wire
- https-everywhere-rules
- https-everywhere-rules-raw
- httpspec
- htune
- htvm
- htzaar
- huck
- HueAPI
- huff
- huffman
- hugs2yc
- hulk
- HulkImport
- human-parse
- human-text
- hums
- HUnit-Diff
- hunit-gui
- hunit-rematch
- hunp
- hunspell-hs
- hunt-searchengine
- hunt-server
- hup
- hurdle
- hurl
- hurriyet
- husk-scheme
- husk-scheme-libs
- husky
- hutton
- huttons-razor
- huzzy
- hvega-theme
- hw-all
- hw-balancedparens
- hw-ci-assist
- hw-dsv
- hw-eliasfano
- hw-json
- hw-json-lens
- hw-json-simd
- hw-json-simple-cursor
- hw-json-standard-cursor
- hw-kafka-avro
- hw-rankselect
- hw-simd
- hw-succinct
- hw-xml
- hwall-auth-iitk
- hweblib
- hwhile
- hworker
- hworker-ses
- hwormhole
- hws
- hwsl2
- hwsl2-bytevector
- hwsl2-reducers
- hx
- hxmppc
- hxournal
- hxt-pickle-utils
- hxthelper
- hxweb
- hyahtzee
- hyakko
- hybrid
- hydra-hs
- hydra-print
- Hydrogen
- hydrogen
- hydrogen-cli
- hydrogen-cli-args
- hydrogen-data
- hydrogen-multimap
- hydrogen-parsing
- hydrogen-prelude
- hydrogen-prelude-parsec
- hydrogen-syntax
- hydrogen-util
- hyena
- hylide
- hylolib
- hylotab
- hyloutils
- hyper
- hyper-extra
- hyper-haskell-server
- hyperdrive
- hyperfunctions
- hyperion
- hyperloglogplus
- hyperpublic
- hypher
- hzulip
- i18n
- I1M
- i3blocks-hs-contrib
- i3ipc
- iap-verifier
- ib-api
- iban
- ical
- iCalendar
- IcoGrid
- iconv-typed
- ide-backend
- ide-backend-common
- ide-backend-server
- ideas
- ideas-math
- ideas-math-types
- ideas-statistics
- idempotent
- identicon-style-squares
- identifiers
- idiii
- idna2008
- IDynamic
- ieee-utils
- iexcloud
- ifcxt
- ig
- ige
- ige-mac-integration
- ignore
- igraph
- igrf
- ihaskell
- ihaskell-aeson
- ihaskell-basic
- ihaskell-blaze
- ihaskell-charts
- ihaskell-diagrams
- ihaskell-display
- ihaskell-gnuplot
- ihaskell-graphviz
- ihaskell-hatex
- ihaskell-hvega
- ihaskell-inline-r
- ihaskell-juicypixels
- ihaskell-magic
- ihaskell-parsec
- ihaskell-plot
- ihaskell-rlangqq
- ihaskell-widgets
- ihttp
- illuminate
- imagepaste
- imap
- imapget
- imbib
- imgur
- imgurder
- imj-animation
- imj-base
- imj-game-hamazed
- imj-measure-stdout
- imj-prelude
- imm
- imparse
- imperative-edsl
- imperative-edsl-vhdl
- ImperativeHaskell
- impl
- implicit-logging
- implicit-params
- importify
- imports
- impossible
- imprint
- improve
- INblobs
- inch
- inchworm
- incremental-computing
- incremental-maps
- increments
- indentation
- indentation-core
- indentation-parsec
- indentation-trifecta
- index-core
- indexation
- IndexedList
- indextype
- indices
- indieweb-algorithms
- indigo
- inf-interval
- infer-upstream
- infernal
- infernu
- infinity
- infix
- InfixApplicative
- inflist
- informative
- ini-qq
- inilist
- initialize
- inject-function
- inline-java
- inline-r
- inserts
- inspector-wrecker
- instana-haskell-trace-sdk
- instance-map
- instant-aeson
- instant-bytes
- instant-deepseq
- instant-generics
- instant-hashable
- instant-zipper
- instapaper-sender
- instinct
- int-multimap
- integer-pure
- integreat
- intel-aes
- interlude-l
- InternedData
- internetmarke
- intero
- interpol
- interpolatedstring-qq
- interpolatedstring-qq-mwotton
- interpolatedstring-qq2
- interruptible
- interval
- IntFormats
- intro-prelude
- introduction
- introduction-test
- intset
- invertible-grammar
- invertible-hlist
- invertible-syntax
- io-capture
- io-choice
- io-reactive
- ioctl
- ion
- iostring
- iothread
- iotransaction
- ip
- ip2location
- ip2proxy
- ipatch
- ipc
- ipfs
- ipld-cid
- ipopt-hs
- ipprint
- iptables-helpers
- iptadmin
- IPv6DB
- Irc
- irc-dcc
- irc-fun-bot
- irc-fun-client
- irc-fun-color
- irc-fun-messages
- irc-fun-types
- ircbot
- iri
- iridium
- iron-mq
- ironforge
- irt
- isdicom
- isevaluated
- ismtp
- IsNull
- iso8601-duration
- isobmff
- isobmff-builder
- isohunt
- isotope
- itcli
- itemfield
- iter-stats
- iteratee
- iteratee-compress
- iteratee-mtl
- iteratee-parsec
- iteratee-stm
- iterIO
- iterio-server
- iterm-show-diagrams
- iterm-show-JuicyPixels
- ivor
- ivory
- ivory-backend-c
- ivory-bitdata
- ivory-eval
- ivory-examples
- ivory-hw
- ivory-opts
- ivory-quickcheck
- ivory-serialize
- ivory-stdlib
- ivy-web
- ixdopp
- ixmonad
- ixshader
- iyql
- j2hs
- jack-bindings
- JackMiniMix
- jackminimix
- jacobi-roots
- jaeger-flamegraph
- jail
- jalaali
- jalla
- jarfind
- jarify
- jason
- java-bridge
- java-bridge-extras
- java-character
- java-reflect
- javascript-bridge
- Javasf
- javasf
- Javav
- javav
- jbi
- jcdecaux-vls
- Jdh
- jdi
- jenga
- jenkinsPlugins2nix
- jespresso
- jinquantities
- jmacro
- jmacro-rpc
- jmacro-rpc-happstack
- jmacro-rpc-snap
- jml-web-service
- jmonkey
- jni
- jobqueue
- jobs-ui
- join
- join-api
- joinlist
- jonathanscard
- jot
- jpeg
- js-good-parts
- jsaddle-hello
- jsaddle-wkwebview
- JsContracts
- jsmw
- json-assertions
- json-ast-json-encoder
- json-ast-quickcheck
- json-b
- json-builder
- json-bytes-builder
- JSON-Combinator
- JSON-Combinator-Examples
- json-directory
- json-encoder
- json-enumerator
- json-extra
- json-fu
- json-incremental-decoder
- json-litobj
- json-pointer-hasql
- json-python
- json-rpc-client
- json-schema
- json-sop
- json-syntax
- json-togo
- json-tokens
- json-tracer
- json2
- json2-hdbc
- json5hs
- jsonextfilter
- JsonGrammar
- jsonresume
- jsonrpc-conduit
- jsons-to-schema
- jsonsql
- jsontsv
- jsonxlsx
- jspath
- juandelacosa
- judge
- judy
- juicy-gcode
- JuicyPixels-blp
- JuicyPixels-canvas
- JunkDB
- JunkDB-driver-gdbm
- JunkDB-driver-hashtables
- jupyter
- JuPyTer-notebook
- JustParse
- jvm
- jvm-batching
- jvm-binary
- jvm-parser
- jvm-streaming
- JYU-Utils
- kademlia
- kafka-client
- kafka-client-sync
- kafka-device
- kafka-device-glut
- kafka-device-joystick
- kafka-device-leap
- kafka-device-spacenav
- kafka-device-vrpn
- kaleidoscope
- Kalman
- kalman
- kangaroo
- kansas-lava
- kansas-lava-cores
- kansas-lava-papilio
- kansas-lava-shake
- karakuri
- karps
- katip-datadog
- katip-elasticsearch
- katip-kafka
- katip-rollbar
- katip-scalyr-scribe
- katip-syslog
- katt
- katydid
- kawaii
- kawhi
- kazura-queue
- kd-tree
- kdesrc-build-extra
- keccak
- keera-hails-i18n
- keera-hails-mvc-environment-gtk
- keera-hails-mvc-model-lightmodel
- keera-hails-mvc-model-protectedmodel
- keera-hails-mvc-solutions-gtk
- keera-hails-reactive-cbmvar
- keera-hails-reactive-fs
- keera-hails-reactive-gtk
- keera-hails-reactive-htmldom
- keera-hails-reactive-network
- keera-hails-reactive-polling
- keera-hails-reactive-wx
- keera-hails-reactive-yampa
- keera-hails-reactivelenses
- keera-hails-reactivevalues
- kerry
- Ketchup
- keter
- kevin
- keyed
- keyring
- keysafe
- keystore
- keyvaluehash
- keyword-args
- khph
- kicad-data
- kickass-torrents-dump-parser
- kickchan
- kif-parser
- kit
- kmeans-par
- kmeans-vector
- kmp-dfa
- knead
- knead-arithmetic
- knit-haskell
- knots
- koellner-phonetic
- kontra-config
- korfu
- kqueue
- kraken
- krapsh
- Kriens
- krpc
- ks-test
- ktx
- kubernetes-client
- kubernetes-client-core
- kuifje
- kure
- kure-your-boilerplate
- kurita
- KyotoCabinet
- l-bfgs-b
- L-seed
- labeled-graph
- laborantin-hs
- labsat
- labyrinth
- labyrinth-server
- lagrangian
- laika
- lambda-bridge
- lambda-calculator
- lambda-canvas
- lambda-devs
- lambda-options
- lambda-toolbox
- lambda2js
- lambdaBase
- lambdabot
- lambdabot-core
- lambdabot-haskell-plugins
- lambdabot-irc-plugins
- lambdabot-misc-plugins
- lambdabot-novelty-plugins
- lambdabot-reference-plugins
- lambdabot-social-plugins
- lambdabot-trusted
- lambdabot-utils
- lambdabot-zulip
- lambdacms-core
- lambdacms-media
- lambdacube
- lambdacube-bullet
- lambdacube-compiler
- lambdacube-core
- lambdacube-edsl
- lambdacube-engine
- lambdacube-examples
- lambdacube-gl
- lambdacube-ir
- lambdacube-samples
- LambdaDesigner
- lambdaFeed
- LambdaHack
- LambdaINet
- Lambdajudge
- lambdaLit
- LambdaNet
- LambdaPrettyQuote
- LambdaShell
- lambdatex
- lambdatwit
- Lambdaya
- lambdaya-bus
- lambdiff
- lame
- lame-tester
- lang
- language-bash
- language-boogie
- language-c-comments
- language-c-inline
- language-conf
- language-csharp
- language-css
- language-dart
- language-dockerfile
- language-ecmascript-analysis
- language-eiffel
- language-elm
- language-gcl
- language-go
- language-guess
- language-hcl
- language-java-classfile
- language-kort
- language-lua
- language-lua-qq
- language-lua2
- language-mixal
- language-ninja
- language-oberon
- language-objc
- language-ocaml
- language-openscad
- language-pig
- language-python
- language-python-colour
- language-python-test
- language-qux
- language-rust
- language-sh
- language-spelling
- language-sqlite
- language-sygus
- language-thrift
- language-typescript
- language-vhdl
- language-webidl
- lapack
- lapack-carray
- lapack-comfort-array
- lapack-ffi
- large-hashable
- Lastik
- lat
- latest-npm-version
- latex-formulae-hakyll
- latex-formulae-pandoc
- launchdarkly-server-sdk
- launchpad-control
- lawless-concurrent-machines
- layered-state
- layers
- layers-game
- layout
- layout-bootstrap
- layouting
- lazy-hash
- lazy-hash-cache
- lazy-io-streams
- lazy-priority-queue
- lazyarray
- lazyboy
- lazyset
- LazyVault
- ld-intervals
- lda
- ldap-client
- ldapply
- LDAPv3
- ldif
- leaf
- leaky
- lean
- leanpub-wreq
- leapseconds
- learn
- learn-physics-examples
- Learning
- leetify
- legion
- legion-discovery
- legion-discovery-client
- legion-extra
- leksah-server
- lendingclub
- lens-accelerate
- lens-core
- lens-filesystem
- lens-labels
- lens-prelude
- lens-simple
- lens-text-encoding
- lens-time
- lens-toml-parser
- lens-tutorial
- lens-typelevel
- lens-utils
- lensref
- lentil
- level-monad
- Level0
- levmar
- levmar-chart
- lex-applicative
- lfst
- lgtk
- lha
- lhae
- lhc
- lhe
- lhs2TeX-hl
- lhslatex
- LibClang
- libconfig
- libcspm
- libexpect
- libGenI
- libhbb
- libinfluxdb
- libjenkins
- liblastfm
- liblawless
- liblinear-enumerator
- libltdl
- libmodbus
- libmolude
- liboath-hs
- liboleg
- libpafe
- libpq
- libraft
- librandomorg
- librato
- libsodium
- libssh2
- libssh2-conduit
- libsystemd-daemon
- libsystemd-journal
- libtagc
- libxls
- libxml-enumerator
- libxslt
- licensor
- lie
- life-sync
- lifted-base-tf
- lifted-protolude
- lifted-stm
- lifter
- ligature
- lightning-haskell
- lightstep-haskell
- lighttpd-conf
- lighttpd-conf-qq
- lilypond
- Limit
- limp-cbc
- linda
- linden
- line-bot-sdk
- linear-accelerate
- linear-algebra-cblas
- linear-circuit
- linear-code
- linear-maps
- linear-opengl
- linear-vect
- linearEqSolver
- linearmap-category
- linearscan
- linearscan-hoopl
- LinearSplit
- lines-of-action
- LinkChecker
- linkchk
- linkcore
- linked-list-with-iterator
- linkedhashmap
- linode
- linode-v4
- linux-blkid
- linux-cgroup
- linux-inotify
- linux-kmod
- linux-perf
- linux-ptrace
- linx-gateway
- lio
- lio-eci11
- lio-fs
- lio-simple
- lipsum-gen
- liquid
- liquid-fixpoint
- liquidhaskell
- liquidhaskell-cabal
- Liquorice
- list-fusion-probe
- list-mux
- list-prompt
- list-remote-forwards
- list-t
- list-t-attoparsec
- list-t-html-parser
- list-t-http-client
- list-t-libcurl
- list-t-text
- list-tries
- list-tuple
- list-zip-def
- list-zipper
- listenbrainz-client
- listlike-instances
- ListT
- liszt
- lit
- literals
- LiterateMarkdown
- little-logger
- live-sequencer
- ll-picosat
- llsd
- llvm
- llvm-analysis
- llvm-base
- llvm-base-types
- llvm-base-util
- llvm-data-interop
- llvm-dsl
- llvm-extension
- llvm-extra
- llvm-ffi
- llvm-ffi-tools
- llvm-general
- llvm-general-pure
- llvm-general-quote
- llvm-hs
- llvm-hs-pretty
- llvm-ht
- llvm-pkg-config
- llvm-pretty
- llvm-pretty-bc-parser
- llvm-tf
- llvm-tools
- lmonad
- lmonad-yesod
- load-balancing
- load-font
- local-address
- local-search
- localize
- located
- located-monad-logger
- loch
- locked-poll
- log
- log-elasticsearch
- log-postgres
- log-utils
- log2json
- log4hs
- logentries
- logger
- logging-effect-extra
- logging-effect-extra-file
- logging-effect-extra-handler
- logging-facade-journald
- Logic
- logic-classes
- LogicGrowsOnTrees
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-network
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes
- logicst
- logict-state
- logplex-parse
- lojban
- lojbanParser
- lojbanXiragan
- lojysamban
- lol
- lol-apps
- lol-benches
- lol-calculus
- lol-cpp
- lol-repa
- lol-tests
- lol-typing
- loli
- longboi
- lookup-tables
- loop-effin
- loop-while
- looper
- loops
- loopy
- lord
- lorem
- lorentz
- loris
- loshadka
- lostcities
- loup
- lowgl
- lp-diagrams
- lp-diagrams-svg
- ls-usb
- lscabal
- LslPlus
- lsystem
- ltext
- ltk
- lua-bc
- luachunk
- luautils
- lucid-colonnade
- lucienne
- Lucu
- luhn
- lui
- luis-client
- luka
- luminance
- luminance-samples
- lushtags
- luthor
- lvish
- lvmlib
- lxc
- lxd-client
- lye
- Lykah
- lz4-conduit
- lzma-enumerator
- lzma-streams
- lzo
- maam
- mac
- macaroon-shop
- macbeth-lib
- machinecell
- machines-amazonka
- machines-binary
- machines-bytestring
- machines-directory
- machines-encoding
- machines-io
- machines-process
- machines-zlib
- macho
- maclight
- macos-corelibs
- macosx-make-standalone
- madlang
- mage
- magic-tyfams
- magic-wormhole
- magicbane
- MagicHaskeller
- magico
- magma
- mahoro
- maid
- mail-pool
- mailchimp
- mailchimp-subscribe
- MailchimpSimple
- mailgun
- majordomo
- majority
- make-hard-links
- make-monofoldable-foldable
- make-package
- makedo
- makefile
- mallard
- manatee
- manatee-anything
- manatee-core
- manatee-curl
- manatee-editor
- manatee-filemanager
- manatee-imageviewer
- manatee-ircclient
- manatee-mplayer
- manatee-pdfviewer
- manatee-processmanager
- manatee-template
- manatee-terminal
- manatee-welcome
- mandulia
- mangopay
- manifold-random
- manifolds
- map-exts
- mapalgebra
- Mapping
- mappy
- marionetta
- markdown-kate
- markdown-pap
- markdown2svg
- marked-pretty
- markov-processes
- markov-realization
- markup
- marmalade-upload
- marquise
- mars
- marvin
- marvin-interpolate
- marxup
- masakazu-bot
- massiv
- massiv-io
- massiv-test
- master-plan
- matchable
- matchable-th
- matchers
- math-grads
- math-interpolate
- math-metric
- math-programming-glpk
- math-programming-tests
- mathblog
- mathflow
- mathlink
- matrix-as-xyz
- matrix-market
- matrix-sized
- matsuri
- maude
- maxent
- maxent-learner-hw
- maxent-learner-hw-gui
- maxsharing
- maybench
- MaybeT
- MaybeT-monads-tf
- MaybeT-transformers
- MazesOfMonad
- MBot
- mbox-tools
- mbug
- MC-Fold-DP
- mcl
- mcm
- mcmaster-gloss-examples
- mcmc-samplers
- mcmc-synthesis
- mcpi
- mdapi
- mdcat
- mDNSResponder-client
- mdp
- mealstrom
- MeanShift
- Measure
- mecab
- mech
- Mecha
- Mechs
- mechs
- mediabus
- mediabus-fdk-aac
- mediabus-rtp
- mediawiki
- medium-sdk-haskell
- mega-sdist
- mellon-core
- mellon-gpio
- mellon-web
- melody
- memcache
- memcache-conduit
- memcache-haskell
- memcached-binary
- memis
- memo-ptr
- memoization-utils
- memorypool
- menoh
- menshen
- merkle-patricia-db
- messagepack-rpc
- messente
- meta-misc
- meta-par
- meta-par-accelerate
- metadata
- MetaHDBC
- metaheuristics
- MetaObject
- metaplug
- metar
- metar-http
- metric
- Metrics
- metricsd-client
- metronome
- mezzo
- mezzolens
- MFlow
- mgeneric
- Mhailist
- MHask
- mi
- Michelangelo
- miconix-test
- micro-recursion-schemes
- microaeson
- microbase
- microformats2-parser
- microformats2-types
- microgroove
- microlens-each
- micrologger
- microsoft-translator
- MicrosoftTranslator
- mida
- midi-music-box
- midi-utils
- midimory
- midisurface
- mighttpd
- mighty-metropolis
- mikmod
- mikrokosmos
- miku
- milena
- mime-directory
- minecraft-data
- minesweeper
- miniforth
- minilens
- minilight
- minilight-lua
- minimung
- minions
- minioperational
- miniplex
- minirotate
- ministg
- minst-idx
- mios
- mirror-tweet
- miso-action-logger
- miso-examples
- miss
- miss-porcelain
- missing-py2
- MissingPy
- mix-arrows
- mixed-strategies
- mixpanel-client
- mkbndl
- mkcabal
- ml-w
- mlist
- mltool
- mm2
- mmtf
- mmtl
- mmtl-base
- moan
- Mobile-Legends-Hack-Cheats
- modelicaparser
- modify-fasta
- modsplit
- modular-prelude
- modular-prelude-classy
- modularity
- module-management
- modulespection
- modulo
- Moe
- moe
- MoeDict
- moesocks
- mohws
- mole
- mollie-api-haskell
- monad-abort-fd
- monad-atom
- monad-atom-simple
- monad-branch
- monad-dijkstra
- monad-exception
- monad-finally
- monad-fork
- monad-http
- monad-interleave
- monad-levels
- monad-lgbt
- monad-log
- monad-logger-syslog
- monad-lrs
- monad-mersenne-random
- monad-metrics-extensible
- monad-mock
- monad-open
- monad-parallel-progressbar
- monad-param
- monad-persist
- monad-ran
- monad-recorder
- monad-state
- monad-statevar
- monad-ste
- monad-stlike-io
- monad-stlike-stm
- monad-supply
- monad-task
- monad-timing
- monad-tx
- monad-unify
- monad-var
- monad-wrap
- monadacme
- MonadCatchIO-mtl
- MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign
- MonadCatchIO-transformers
- MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign
- MonadCompose
- monadic-recursion-schemes
- monadiccp
- monadiccp-gecode
- Monadius
- MonadLab
- monadLib-compose
- monadloc-pp
- monadlog
- Monadoro
- monadplus
- monads-fd
- MonadStack
- monarch
- Monaris
- Monatron
- Monatron-IO
- mondo
- monetdb-mapi
- money
- mongoDB
- mongodb-queue
- mongrel2-handler
- monitor
- monky
- mono-foldable
- Monocle
- monoid
- monoid-absorbing
- monoid-owns
- monoidplus
- monoids
- monopati
- monte-carlo
- monus
- monzo
- moo
- morfette
- morfeusz
- morley
- morpheus-graphql-cli
- morpheus-graphql-client
- morphisms-functors
- morphisms-functors-inventory
- morphisms-objects
- morte
- mosaico-lib
- moto
- moto-postgresql
- motor-diagrams
- motor-reflection
- mount
- movie-monad
- mp
- mpdmate
- mpi-hs
- mpi-hs-binary
- mpi-hs-cereal
- mpi-hs-store
- mpppc
- mprelude
- mpretty
- mpris
- mprover
- mps
- mptcp-pm
- mpvguihs
- mqtt
- mqtt-hs
- mrifk
- mrm
- ms
- msgpack
- msgpack-aeson
- msgpack-binary
- msgpack-idl
- msgpack-rpc
- msgpack-rpc-conduit
- msh
- msi-kb-backlit
- MSQueue
- MTGBuilder
- mtgoxapi
- mtl-c
- mtl-evil-instances
- mtl-extras
- mtl-tf
- mtlx
- mtp
- mu-avro
- mu-grpc-client
- mu-grpc-common
- mu-grpc-server
- mu-kafka
- mu-protobuf
- MuCheck
- MuCheck-Hspec
- MuCheck-HUnit
- MuCheck-QuickCheck
- MuCheck-SmallCheck
- mud
- muesli
- mulang
- multext-east-msd
- multi-cabal
- multi-instance
- multi-trie
- multiaddr
- multiarg
- multibase
- multifocal
- multihash
- multihash-serialise
- multilinear
- multilinear-io
- multipass
- multipath
- multiplate-simplified
- multiplicity
- multipool-persistent-postgresql
- multirec
- multirec-alt-deriver
- multirec-binary
- multisetrewrite
- multivariant
- Munkres-simple
- muon
- murder
- murmur
- murmurhash3
- mushu
- music-graphics
- music-parts
- music-pitch
- music-preludes
- music-score
- music-sibelius
- music-suite
- music-util
- musicbrainz-email
- musicScroll
- musicxml
- musicxml2
- mustache-haskell
- mutable
- mutable-iter
- MutationOrder
- mute-unmute
- mvar-lock
- mvc
- mvc-updates
- mvclient
- mwc-random-accelerate
- mxnet
- mxnet-dataiter
- mxnet-examples
- mxnet-nn
- mxnet-nnvm
- my-package-testing
- my-test-docs
- myanimelist-export
- myo
- MyPrimes
- mysnapsession
- mysnapsession-example
- mysql-effect
- mysql-haskell
- mysql-haskell-nem
- mysql-haskell-openssl
- mysql-simple-quasi
- mysql-simple-typed
- mystem
- myTestlll
- mywatch
- myxine-client
- mzv
- n-tuple
- n2o-protocols
- n2o-web
- NaCl
- nagios-plugin-ekg
- nakadi-client
- named-lock
- namelist
- nano-hmac
- nano-md5
- nanocurses
- nanomsg
- nanomsg-haskell
- nanoparsec
- NanoProlog
- nanovg
- nanovg-simple
- nanq
- naperian
- NaperianNetCDF
- naqsha
- narc
- nat-sized-numbers
- nationstates
- nats-client
- nats-queue
- natural
- natural-number
- NaturalLanguageAlphabets
- naver-translate
- nbt
- NearContextAlgebra
- neat
- needle
- neet
- nehe-tuts
- neither
- neko-lib
- Neks
- nemesis-titan
- nerf
- nero
- nero-wai
- nero-warp
- nest
- nested-routes
- nested-sequence
- NestedFunctor
- nestedmap
- net-spider
- net-spider-cli
- net-spider-pangraph
- net-spider-rpl
- net-spider-rpl-cli
- netclock
- netcore
- netease-fm
- netlines
- netrium
- netspec
- netstring-enumerator
- nettle
- nettle-frp
- nettle-netkit
- nettle-openflow
- netwire-input-javascript
- netwire-vinylglfw-examples
- network-address
- network-anonymous-i2p
- network-anonymous-tor
- network-api-support
- network-arbitrary
- network-attoparsec
- network-bitcoin
- network-builder
- network-bytestring
- network-carbon
- network-connection
- network-dns
- network-enumerator
- network-hans
- network-house
- network-interfacerequest
- network-messagepack-rpc-websocket
- network-minihttp
- network-msgpack-rpc
- network-netpacket
- network-protocol-xmpp
- network-rpca
- network-server
- network-service
- network-simple-sockaddr
- network-simple-wss
- network-socket-options
- network-stream
- network-topic-models
- network-transport-amqp
- network-transport-inmemory
- network-transport-tcp
- network-uri-json
- network-uri-static
- network-voicetext
- network-wai-router
- network-websocket
- networked-game
- neural
- neural-network-blashs
- neural-network-hmatrix
- newhope
- newports
- newsletter
- newsletter-mailgun
- newt
- newtype-deriving
- newtype-th
- newtype-zoo
- next-ref
- nextstep-plist
- nfc
- NGrams
- ngrams-loader
- ngx-export-tools-extra
- niagra
- nibblestring
- nice-html
- nicovideo-translator
- nikepub
- Ninjas
- nirum
- nitro
- nix-delegate
- nix-deploy
- nix-eval
- nix-freeze-tree
- nix-tools
- nixfromnpm
- nixpkgs-update
- nkjp
- nlp-scores
- nlp-scores-scripts
- nm
- NMap
- nntp
- no-role-annots
- noether
- nofib-analyse
- nofib-analyze
- noise
- nom
- Nomyx
- Nomyx-Core
- Nomyx-Language
- Nomyx-Rules
- Nomyx-Web
- non-empty-zipper
- NonEmpty
- nonempty-lift
- NonEmptyList
- normalization-insensitive
- NoSlow
- not-gloss-examples
- notcpp
- notifications-tray-icon
- notmuch-haskell
- notmuch-web
- NoTrace
- now-haskell
- np-extras
- np-linear
- nptools
- ntp-control
- ntrip-client
- null-canvas
- nullary
- nullpipe
- NumberSieves
- NumberTheory
- numerals
- numerals-base
- numeric-ode
- numeric-qq
- numeric-ranges
- numerical
- numhask-array
- numhask-hedgehog
- numhask-histogram
- numhask-prelude
- numhask-range
- numhask-space
- numhask-test
- Nussinov78
- Nutri
- nylas
- nymphaea
- oanda-rest-api
- oasis-xrd
- oauth2-jwt-bearer
- oauthenticated
- obd
- obdd
- oberon0
- obj
- Object
- objectid
- ObjectIO
- objective
- ocaml-export
- ochan
- octane
- octohat
- octopus
- Octree
- oculus
- odbc
- odd-jobs
- OddWord
- oden-go-packages
- oeis2
- off-simple
- ogmarkup
- ohloh-hs
- oi
- oidc-client
- ois-input-manager
- olwrapper
- om-actor
- om-elm
- om-fail
- omaketex
- ombra
- Omega
- omega
- omnifmt
- on-a-horse
- on-demand-ssh-tunnel
- onama
- oneormore
- online-csv
- onpartitions
- OnRmt
- onu-course
- op
- opaleye-classy
- opaleye-sqlite
- open-haddock
- open-pandoc
- open-signals
- open-typerep
- open-witness
- OpenAFP
- OpenAFP-Utils
- openapi-petstore
- openapi-typed
- opench-meteo
- OpenCL
- OpenCLRaw
- OpenCLWrappers
- opencv-raw
- opendatatable
- OpenGLCheck
- opengles
- openid-connect
- OpenSCAD
- opensoundcontrol-ht
- openssh-github-keys
- openssh-protocol
- opentelemetry-extra
- opentelemetry-http-client
- opentelemetry-lightstep
- opentelemetry-wai
- opentheory-char
- opentok
- opentype
- OpenVG
- OpenVGRaw
- openweathermap
- Operads
- operate-do
- operational-extra
- opml-conduit
- opn
- optima
- optima-for-hasql
- optimal-blocks
- optimization
- optimusprime
- optional
- options-time
- optparse-applicative-simple
- optparse-enum
- optparse-helper
- orbits
- orc
- orchestrate
- OrchestrateDB
- orchid
- orchid-demo
- order-maintenance
- order-statistics
- orders
- Ordinary
- ordrea
- oref
- organize-imports
- orgmode
- origami
- orizentic
- OrPatterns
- osc
- oscpacking
- oset
- Oslo-Vectize
- osm-conduit
- osm-download
- oso2pdf
- osx-ar
- ot
- otp-authenticator
- ottparse-pretty
- overload
- overloaded
- overloaded-records
- overture
- pack
- package-description-remote
- package-o-tron
- package-vt
- packdeps
- packed
- packed-dawg
- packed-multikey-map
- packedstring
- packer-messagepack
- packman
- packunused
- pacman-memcache
- pads-haskell
- pagarme
- PageIO
- pagure-hook-receiver
- Paillier
- pam
- pan-os-syslog
- panda
- pandoc-emphasize-code
- pandoc-filter-graphviz
- pandoc-include
- pandoc-japanese-filters
- pandoc-lens
- pandoc-markdown-ghci-filter
- pandoc-placetable
- pandoc-plantuml-diagrams
- pandoc-plot
- pandoc-pyplot
- pandoc-sidenote
- pandoc-unlit
- PandocAgda
- pang-a-lambda
- pangraph
- panpipe
- pansite
- pantry-tmp
- papa
- papa-base
- papa-base-export
- papa-base-implement
- papa-export
- papa-implement
- papa-include
- papa-prelude
- papa-prelude-core
- papa-prelude-lens
- papa-prelude-semigroupoids
- papa-prelude-semigroups
- papa-semigroupoids
- papa-semigroupoids-implement
- paphragen
- pappy
- paprika
- paragon
- Paraiso
- Parallel-Arrows-Eden
- parallel-tasks
- parallel-tree-search
- parameterized
- parameterized-utils
- paranoia
- parco
- parco-attoparsec
- parco-parsec
- parcom-lib
- parconc-examples
- pareto
- parquet-hs
- Parry
- parse-help
- parseargs
- parsec-free
- parsec-parsers
- parsec-pratt
- parsec1
- parsec2
- parsec3
- parseerror-eq
- parsek
- parsely
- parser-combinators-tests
- parser-helper
- parser241
- parsergen
- parsestar
- parsimony
- partage
- partial-lens
- partial-records
- partial-semigroup
- partial-semigroup-hedgehog
- partial-semigroup-test
- partly
- passage
- passman
- PasswordGenerator
- passwords
- pasta
- pastis
- pasty
- patat
- patches-vector
- path-text-utf8
- Pathfinder
- pathfindingcore
- PathTree
- patronscraper
- pattern-trie
- patterns
- paypal-adaptive-hoops
- paypal-api
- paypal-rest-client
- pb
- pb-next
- pbc4hs
- pcap-enumerator
- pcd-loader
- pcf
- pcf-font
- pcf-font-embed
- pcre-light-extra
- pdf-slave
- pdf-slave-template
- pdf-toolbox-content
- pdf-toolbox-core
- pdf-toolbox-document
- pdf-toolbox-viewer
- pdfname
- pdfsplit
- pdftotext
- pdynload
- peakachu
- PeanoWitnesses
- pec
- pecoff
- pedestrian-dag
- peg
- peggy
- pencil
- penny
- penny-bin
- penny-lib
- penrose
- peparser
- perceptron
- peregrin
- perf
- perf-analysis
- PerfectHash
- perfecthash
- perhaps
- periodic
- perm
- permutation
- permutations
- permute
- PermuteEffects
- persist2er
- Persistence
- persistent-audit
- persistent-cereal
- persistent-database-url
- persistent-documentation
- persistent-equivalence
- persistent-hssqlppp
- persistent-iproute
- persistent-map
- persistent-migration
- persistent-mongoDB
- persistent-mysql-haskell
- persistent-protobuf
- persistent-ratelimit
- persistent-redis
- persistent-relational-record
- persistent-template-classy
- persistent-vector
- persistent-zookeeper
- persona
- persona-idp
- pesca
- peyotls
- peyotls-codec
- pez
- pg-harness
- pg-recorder
- pg-store
- pg-transact
- pgdl
- pgsql-simple
- pgstream
- phasechange
- phaser
- phoityne
- phone-numbers
- phone-push
- phooey
- photoname
- phraskell
- Phsu
- phybin
- pi-calculus
- pi-forall
- pi-hoole
- pia-forward
- pianola
- picedit
- pickle
- picologic
- picoparsec
- pictikz
- pier
- pier-core
- piet
- pig
- pinboard
- pinboard-notes-backup
- pinch
- pinchot
- pine
- ping
- pinpon
- Pipe
- pipe-enumerator
- pipes-async
- pipes-attoparsec-streaming
- pipes-bgzf
- pipes-brotli
- pipes-bzip
- pipes-cacophony
- pipes-cereal
- pipes-cereal-plus
- pipes-conduit
- pipes-core
- pipes-courier
- pipes-errors
- pipes-extra
- pipes-files
- pipes-illumina
- pipes-interleave
- pipes-io
- pipes-key-value-csv
- pipes-lzma
- pipes-mongodb
- pipes-p2p
- pipes-p2p-examples
- pipes-protolude
- pipes-rt
- pipes-s3
- pipes-shell
- pipes-sqlite-simple
- pipes-text
- pipes-transduce
- pipes-vector
- pipes-zeromq4
- pisigma
- Piso
- pit
- pitchtrack
- pivotal-tracker
- pixelated-avatar-generator
- pkcs10
- pkcs7
- pkggraph
- pkgtreediff
- plailude
- plan-applicative
- plan-b
- planar-graph
- planet-mitchell
- planet-mitchell-test
- plankton
- plat
- platinum-parsing
- PlayingCards
- plist
- plist-buddy
- plocketed
- plot
- plot-gtk
- plot-gtk-ui
- plot-gtk3
- Plot-ho-matic
- plot-lab
- plots
- PlslTools
- plugins
- plugins-auto
- plugins-multistage
- plur
- plural
- plzwrk
- png-file
- pngload
- pngload-fixed
- pocket
- pocket-dns
- point-octree
- pointedalternative
- pointful
- pointless-haskell
- pointless-lenses
- pointless-rewrite
- pokemon-go-protobuf-types
- poker-eval
- pokitdok
- polar-configfile
- polar-shader
- polh-lexicon
- Pollutocracy
- poly-control
- polydata
- polydata-core
- polynomial
- polysemy-RandomFu
- polysemy-webserver
- polysemy-zoo
- polyseq
- polytypeable
- polytypeable-utils
- pomodoro
- pomohoro
- ponder
- pong-server
- pontarius-xmpp
- pool
- pool-conduit
- pop3-client
- popenhs
- popkey
- poppler
- porcupine-core
- porcupine-http
- porcupine-s3
- portager
- porte
- PortFusion
- ports
- poseidon
- poseidon-postgis
- posix-acl
- posix-realtime
- posix-waitpid
- posplyu
- postcodes
- postgres-embedded
- postgres-tmp
- postgres-websockets
- postgresql-lo-stream
- postgresql-named
- postgresql-pure
- postgresql-query
- postgresql-simple-bind
- postgresql-simple-named
- postgresql-simple-opts
- postgresql-simple-queue
- postgresql-simple-sop
- postgresql-simple-typed
- postgresql-syntax
- postgresql-typed
- postgresql-typed-lifted
- postgrest-ws
- postie
- postmark
- postmaster
- potato-tool
- potoki
- potoki-cereal
- potoki-conduit
- potoki-core
- potoki-hasql
- potoki-zlib
- powermate
- powerpc
- powerqueue
- powerqueue-distributed
- powerqueue-levelmem
- powerqueue-sqs
- PPrinter
- pqc
- pqueue-mtl
- practice-room
- praglude
- preamble
- precursor
- pred-set
- pred-trie
- predicate-class
- predicate-typed
- prednote
- prednote-test
- prefork
- pregame
- preliminaries
- prelude-generalize
- prelude-plus
- preprocess-haskell
- preprocessor
- preql
- presburger
- present
- press
- presto-hdbc
- pretty-compact
- pretty-diff
- pretty-ghci
- pretty-ncols
- prettyprinter-graphviz
- prettyprinter-vty
- preview
- prim
- prim-array
- prim-ref
- primes-type
- primitive-extras
- primitive-indexed
- primitive-maybe
- primitive-simd
- primitive-stablename
- PrimitiveArray-Pretty
- primula-board
- primula-bot
- pringletons
- print-debugger
- printcess
- Printf-TH
- prints
- priority-queue
- PriorityChansConverger
- ProbabilityMonads
- probable
- proc
- process-conduit
- process-iterio
- process-leksah
- process-listlike
- process-progress
- process-qq
- process-streaming
- processing
- processmemory
- procrastinating-variable
- procstat
- producer
- prof-flamegraph
- prof2dot
- prof2pretty
- profunctor-monad
- profunctor-optics
- progress
- progress-meter
- progress-reporting
- progressbar
- progression
- progressive
- proj4-hs-bindings
- project-m36
- projectile
- prolog
- prolog-graph
- prolog-graph-lib
- prologue
- prometheus-effect
- promise
- pronounce
- proof-combinators
- propane
- propellor
- Proper
- properties
- property-list
- proplang
- prosper
- proteome
- proto-lens-combinators
- proto-lens-descriptors
- proto-lens-jsonpb
- proto3-suite
- protobuf-native
- protocol-buffers
- protocol-buffers-descriptor
- protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork
- protocol-buffers-fork
- protolude-lifted
- proton-haskell
- prototype
- prove-everywhere-server
- provenience
- proxy-kindness
- proxy-mapping
- psc-ide
- pseudo-boolean
- pseudo-trie
- ptr
- publicsuffixlistcreate
- publish
- pubnub
- pubsub
- puffytools
- pugixml
- Pugs
- pugs-compat
- pugs-DrIFT
- pugs-hsregex
- PUH-Project
- punkt
- Pup-Events
- Pup-Events-Demo
- Pup-Events-Server
- puppetresources
- pure-cdb
- pure-io
- pure-priority-queue
- pure-priority-queue-tests
- purebred-email
- purescript
- purescript-iso
- purescript-tsd-gen
- push-notifications
- push-notify
- push-notify-apn
- push-notify-ccs
- push-notify-general
- pusher-haskell
- pusher-ws
- pushme
- putlenses
- puzzle-draw
- puzzle-draw-cmdline
- pvd
- pyffi
- pyfi
- python-pickle
- q4c12-twofinger
- qc-oi-testgenerator
- qd
- qd-vec
- qed
- qhull-simple
- qif
- QLearn
- qr-imager
- qr-repa
- qsem
- QuadEdge
- QuadTree
- quantfin
- quantum-arrow
- quantum-random
- qudb
- Quelea
- quenya-verb
- queryparser
- queryparser-demo
- queryparser-hive
- queryparser-presto
- queryparser-vertica
- questioner
- queuelike
- quick-schema
- QuickAnnotate
- quickbench
- quickbooks
- quickcheck-arbitrary-template
- quickcheck-combinators
- quickcheck-poly
- quickcheck-property-comb
- quickcheck-property-monad
- quickcheck-regex
- quickcheck-relaxng
- quickcheck-rematch
- quickcheck-report
- quickcheck-state-machine
- quickcheck-state-machine-distributed
- quickcheck-webdriver
- QuickCheckVariant
- QuickPlot
- quickpull
- quickset
- Quickson
- quicktest
- quickwebapp
- quipper-core
- quipper-rendering
- quiver
- quiver-binary
- quiver-bytestring
- quiver-cell
- quiver-csv
- quiver-enumerator
- quiver-groups
- quiver-http
- quiver-instances
- quiver-interleave
- quiver-sort
- quokka
- quoridor-hs
- qux
- R-pandoc
- raaz
- rad
- radian
- radium
- radium-formula-parser
- radix
- rados-haskell
- raft
- rail-compiler-editor
- rails-session
- rainbow-tests
- raketka
- rakhana
- rakuten
- ralist
- rallod
- raml
- rand-vars
- randfile
- rando
- random-access-list
- random-derive
- random-eff
- random-effin
- random-hypergeometric
- random-stream
- RandomDotOrg
- Range
- range-space
- rangemin
- rank1dynamic
- Ranka
- rapid
- rapid-term
- rasa
- rasa-example-config
- rasa-ext-bufs
- rasa-ext-cmd
- rasa-ext-cursors
- rasa-ext-files
- rasa-ext-logger
- rasa-ext-slate
- rasa-ext-status-bar
- rasa-ext-style
- rasa-ext-views
- rasa-ext-vim
- rascal
- Rasenschach
- rational-list
- rattle
- rattletrap
- raven-haskell-scotty
- raw-feldspar
- rawr
- raz
- razom-text-util
- rbr
- rc
- rclient
- rdioh
- react-flux
- react-flux-servant
- react-haskell
- react-tutorial-haskell-server
- reaction-logic
- reactive-bacon
- reactive-balsa
- reactive-banana
- reactive-banana-automation
- reactive-banana-bunch
- reactive-banana-gi-gtk
- reactive-banana-sdl
- reactive-banana-sdl2
- reactive-banana-threepenny
- reactive-banana-wx
- reactive-fieldtrip
- reactive-glut
- reactive-jack
- reactive-midyim
- reactive-thread
- reactor
- read-bounded
- read-ctags
- read-io
- readline
- readline-statevar
- readme-lhs
- readpyc
- readshp
- really-simple-xml-parser
- reasonable-lens
- record
- record-aeson
- record-encode
- record-gl
- record-preprocessor
- record-syntax
- records
- records-th
- recursors
- reddit
- redis
- redis-hs
- redis-io
- redis-simple
- redland
- Redmine
- reduce-equations
- reedsolomon
- reenact
- Ref
- ref
- ref-mtl
- refcount
- Referees
- references
- refh
- reflection-extras
- reflex-animation
- reflex-backend-socket
- reflex-backend-wai
- reflex-basic-host
- reflex-dom-retractable
- reflex-dom-svg
- reflex-dynamic-containers
- reflex-fsnotify
- reflex-ghci
- reflex-gloss
- reflex-gloss-scene
- reflex-libtelnet
- reflex-orphans
- reflex-process
- reflex-sdl2
- reflex-test-host
- reflex-transformers
- reflex-vty
- reformat
- refresht
- refurb
- reg-alloc
- reg-alloc-graph-color
- regex-deriv
- regex-dfa
- regex-generator
- regex-parsec
- regex-pcre-text
- regex-pderiv
- regex-posix-unittest
- regex-tdfa-pipes
- regex-tdfa-quasiquoter
- regex-tdfa-rc
- regex-tdfa-text
- regex-tdfa-unittest
- regex-tdfa-utf8
- regex-tre
- regex-type
- regex-wrapper
- regex-xmlschema
- regexp-tries
- regexpr-symbolic
- regexqq
- regional-pointers
- regions
- regions-monadsfd
- regions-monadstf
- regions-mtl
- register-machine-typelevel
- registry
- registry-hedgehog
- regress
- regular
- regular-extras
- regular-web
- regular-xmlpickler
- reheat
- rehoo
- rei
- reified-records
- reify
- relacion
- relation
- relational-postgresql8
- relative-date
- relevant-time
- reload
- remark
- remarks
- remote
- remote-debugger
- remote-json
- remote-json-client
- remote-json-server
- remote-monad
- remotion
- repa-array
- repa-bytestring
- repa-convert
- repa-devil
- repa-eval
- repa-flow
- repa-linear-algebra
- repa-plugin
- repa-series
- repa-stream
- repa-v4l2
- repl
- RepLib
- replica
- replicant
- ReplicateEffects
- repo-based-blog
- repr
- representable-functors
- representable-tries
- reprinter
- reproject
- req-conduit
- req-oauth2
- req-url-extra
- request-monad
- require
- reserve
- reservoir
- resin
- resistor-cube
- resolve
- resolve-trivial-conflicts
- resource-effect
- resource-embed
- resource-pool-catchio
- resource-simple
- respond
- rest-client
- rest-core
- rest-example
- rest-gen
- rest-happstack
- rest-snap
- rest-stringmap
- rest-types
- rest-wai
- restful-snap
- restricted-workers
- restyle
- rethinkdb
- rethinkdb-client-driver
- rethinkdb-model
- rethinkdb-wereHamster
- retrie
- retryer
- reverse-geocoding
- reversi
- ReviewBoard
- rewrite
- rewrite-inspector
- rewriting
- rezoom
- rfc
- rfc-env
- rfc-http-client
- rfc-prelude
- rfc-psql
- rfc-redis
- rfc-servant
- rhythm-game-tutorial
- ribbit
- RichConditional
- ridley
- ridley-extras
- riemann
- riff
- ring-buffer
- ring-buffers
- riot
- risc-v
- risc386
- riscv-isa
- Ritt-Wu
- rivers
- rivet
- rivet-migration
- rivet-simple-deploy
- RJson
- rl-satton
- Rlang-QQ
- rlglue
- rlwe-challenges
- rmonad
- RNAdesign
- RNAdraw
- RNAFold
- RNAFoldProgs
- RNAlien
- RNAwolf
- rncryptor
- rng-utils
- rob
- robin
- robots-txt
- roc-cluster
- roc-cluster-demo
- rock
- rocksdb-query
- roku-api
- rollbar
- rollbar-hs
- roller
- RollingDirectory
- ron
- ron-rdt
- ron-schema
- ron-storage
- rope
- rose-trees
- rose-trie
- roshask
- rosmsg
- rosmsg-bin
- rosso
- rotating-log
- rounding
- roundtrip
- roundtrip-aeson
- roundtrip-string
- roundtrip-xml
- route-planning
- rowrecord
- rpc
- rpc-framework
- rpf
- rpm
- rrule
- rsagl
- rsagl-frp
- rsagl-math
- rspp
- rss-conduit
- rss2irc
- rstream
- rtcm
- RtMidi
- rtnetlink
- rtorrent-rpc
- rts-loader
- ruby-marshal
- ruby-qq
- ruin
- ruler
- ruler-core
- rungekutta
- runmany
- runtime-arbitrary
- rws
- RxHaskell
- s-expression
- S3
- SableCC2Hs
- safe-buffer-monad
- safe-coerce
- safe-failure-cme
- safe-freeze
- safe-globals
- safe-lazy-io
- safe-length
- safe-plugins
- safe-printf
- safecopy-migrate
- safecopy-store
- safeint
- safepath
- safer-file-handles
- safer-file-handles-bytestring
- safer-file-handles-text
- saferoute
- sai-shape-syb
- sajson
- sak
- salak-toml
- Salsa
- saltine-quickcheck
- salvia
- salvia-demo
- salvia-extras
- salvia-protocol
- salvia-sessions
- salvia-websocket
- samtools
- samtools-conduit
- samtools-enumerator
- samtools-iteratee
- sandlib
- sandman
- sarasvati
- sarsi
- sasl
- sat
- sat-micro-hs
- satchmo
- satchmo-backends
- satchmo-examples
- satchmo-funsat
- satchmo-minisat
- satchmo-toysat
- Saturnin
- savage
- sax
- SBench
- sbvPlugin
- sc2-lowlevel
- sc2-proto
- sc2-support
- sc3-rdu
- scalable-server
- scaleimage
- SCalendar
- scalendar
- scalp-webhooks
- scan-vector-machine
- scc
- scenegraph
- scgi
- schedevr
- schedule-planner
- scheduler
- schedyield
- schema
- schemas
- schematic
- scholdoc
- scholdoc-citeproc
- scholdoc-texmath
- scholdoc-types
- sci-ratio
- SciBaseTypes
- scidb-hquery
- scientific-notation
- SciFlow
- SciFlow-drmaa
- scion
- scion-browser
- scons2dot
- scope
- scope-cairo
- scottish
- scotty-binding-play
- scotty-blaze
- scotty-fay
- scotty-format
- scotty-hastache
- scotty-resource
- scotty-rest
- scotty-session
- scotty-view
- scp-streams
- scrabble-bot
- scrapbook
- scrape-changes
- ScratchFs
- script-monad
- SCRIPTWriter
- scrobble
- Scurry
- scythe
- scyther-proof
- sde-solver
- sdl2-cairo-image
- sdl2-compositor
- sdl2-fps
- sdr
- seakale
- seakale-postgresql
- seakale-tests
- sec
- secdh
- seclib
- second-transfer
- secp256k1
- secp256k1-legacy
- secret-santa
- secret-sharing
- secrm
- secure-sockets
- secureUDP
- sednaDBXML
- selectors
- SelectSequencesFromMSA
- selenium
- selenium-server
- self-extract
- selinux
- semantic-source
- Semantique
- semdoc
- semi-iso
- semialign-extras
- semibounded-lattices
- Semigroup
- semigroupoids-syntax
- semigroups-actions
- semiring
- semiring-num
- sendgrid-haskell
- sendgrid-v3
- sensei
- sensenet
- sensu-run
- sentence-jp
- sentry
- seonbi
- seqaid
- SeqAlign
- seqloc
- seqloc-datafiles
- sequent-core
- sequor
- serialize-instances
- serokell-util
- serpentine
- serv
- serv-wai
- servant-aeson-specs
- servant-auth-cookie
- servant-auth-hmac
- servant-auth-token
- servant-auth-token-acid
- servant-auth-token-api
- servant-auth-token-leveldb
- servant-auth-token-persistent
- servant-auth-token-rocksdb
- servant-avro
- servant-client-namedargs
- servant-csharp
- servant-db
- servant-db-postgresql
- servant-dhall
- servant-ede
- servant-errors
- servant-examples
- servant-exceptions
- servant-generate
- servant-generic
- servant-github
- servant-github-webhook
- servant-haxl-client
- servant-hmac-auth
- servant-http-streams
- servant-http2-client
- servant-iCalendar
- servant-jquery
- servant-jsonrpc
- servant-jsonrpc-client
- servant-jsonrpc-server
- servant-kotlin
- servant-matrix-param
- servant-namedargs
- servant-nix
- servant-pandoc
- servant-pool
- servant-postgresql
- servant-proto-lens
- servant-pushbullet-client
- servant-py
- servant-quickcheck
- servant-reason
- servant-reflex
- servant-router
- servant-scotty
- servant-server-namedargs
- servant-smsc-ru
- servant-streaming
- servant-streaming-client
- servant-streaming-docs
- servant-streaming-server
- servant-swagger-tags
- servant-waargonaut
- servant-zeppelin
- servant-zeppelin-client
- servant-zeppelin-server
- servant-zeppelin-swagger
- server-generic
- serversession-backend-acid-state
- serversession-backend-persistent
- serversession-backend-redis
- serversession-frontend-yesod
- services
- ses-html-snaplet
- SessionLogger
- sessions
- sessiontypes
- sessiontypes-distributed
- set-of
- set-with
- setdown
- setoid
- setters
- sexp
- sexp-grammar
- sexpr-parser
- sext
- SFML-control
- sfmt
- sfnt2woff
- SFont
- SG
- sgd
- SGdemo
- sgf
- SGplus
- sgrep
- sh2md
- sha-streams
- sha1
- shade
- shadower
- shake-bindist
- shake-cabal-build
- shake-extras
- shake-minify
- shake-pack
- shake-path
- shake-persist
- shakebook
- shaker
- shakespeare-babel
- shakespeare-sass
- shannon-fano
- shapefile
- shapely-data
- shared-buffer
- shared-fields
- she
- shelduck
- shell-pipe
- Shellac
- Shellac-compatline
- Shellac-editline
- Shellac-haskeline
- Shellac-readline
- shellish
- shellmate
- shellmate-extras
- shimmer
- shine-examples
- shivers-cfg
- shoap
- shopify
- shortcut-links
- shorten-strings
- ShortestPathProblems
- show-prettyprint
- showdown
- Shpadoinkle
- Shpadoinkle-backend-pardiff
- Shpadoinkle-backend-snabbdom
- Shpadoinkle-backend-static
- Shpadoinkle-html
- Shpadoinkle-router
- Shpadoinkle-widgets
- shpider
- shuffle
- si-clock
- sibe
- sifflet
- sifflet-lib
- sigma-ij
- signals
- signed-multiset
- silvi
- simd
- simgi
- simple
- simple-actors
- simple-atom
- simple-bluetooth
- simple-c-value
- simple-conduit
- simple-config
- simple-css
- simple-download
- simple-effects
- simple-eval
- simple-firewire
- simple-genetic-algorithm
- simple-index
- simple-log-syslog
- simple-logger
- simple-logging
- simple-money
- simple-neural-networks
- simple-nix
- simple-pascal
- simple-pipe
- simple-postgresql-orm
- simple-rope
- simple-server
- simple-session
- simple-stacked-vm
- simple-tabular
- simple-tar
- simple-ui
- simple-units
- simple-vec3
- simple-zipper
- simpleargs
- simpleconfig
- SimpleGL
- simpleirc
- simpleirc-lens
- SimpleLog
- simplenote
- simpleprelude
- SimpleServer
- simplesmtpclient
- simseq
- singleton-dict
- singleton-typelits
- singnal
- singular-factory
- sink
- siphon
- siren-json
- sirkel
- sixfiguregroup
- sized-grid
- sized-types
- sized-vector
- sizes
- sjsp
- skeletal-set
- skeleton
- skeletons
- skell
- skemmtun
- skews
- skulk
- skylark-client
- skylighting-lucid
- skype4hs
- slack
- slack-notify-haskell
- slack-web
- slave-thread
- sliceofpy
- slidemews
- Slides
- slim
- slip32
- sloane
- slot-lambda
- sloth
- slug
- slynx
- small-bytearray-builder
- smallarray
- smallcheck-laws
- smallcheck-lens
- smallcheck-series
- smallpt-hs
- smallstring
- smap
- smartcheck
- smartconstructor
- smartGroup
- smartword
- smcdel
- sme
- smerdyakov
- smiles
- smith-cli
- smith-client
- Smooth
- smsaero
- smt-lib
- SmtLib
- smtlib2
- smtlib2-debug
- smtlib2-pipe
- smtlib2-quickcheck
- smtlib2-timing
- smtp-mail-ng
- SMTPClient
- smtps-gmail
- smuggler
- smuggler2
- snake
- snake-game
- snap-accept
- snap-auth-cli
- snap-blaze-clay
- snap-configuration-utilities
- snap-error-collector
- snap-extras
- snap-loader-dynamic
- snap-loader-static
- snap-routes
- snap-stream
- snap-templates
- snap-testing
- snap-utils
- snap-web-routes
- snaplet-acid-state
- snaplet-actionlog
- snaplet-amqp
- snaplet-auth-acid
- snaplet-coffee
- snaplet-css-min
- snaplet-customauth
- snaplet-environments
- snaplet-fay
- snaplet-hasql
- snaplet-haxl
- snaplet-hdbc
- snaplet-hslogger
- snaplet-i18n
- snaplet-influxdb
- snaplet-mandrill
- snaplet-mongoDB
- snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic
- snaplet-mysql-simple
- snaplet-oauth
- snaplet-persistent
- snaplet-postgresql-simple
- snaplet-postmark
- snaplet-purescript
- snaplet-recaptcha
- snaplet-redis
- snaplet-redson
- snaplet-rest
- snaplet-riak
- snaplet-sass
- snaplet-scoped-session
- snaplet-sedna
- snaplet-ses-html
- snaplet-sqlite-simple
- snaplet-sqlite-simple-jwt-auth
- snaplet-stripe
- snaplet-tasks
- snaplet-typed-sessions
- snaplet-wordpress
- snappy-conduit
- snappy-iteratee
- sndfile-enumerators
- sneakyterm
- SNet
- snipcheck
- snm
- snmp
- snorkels
- snow-white
- snowflake-core
- snowflake-server
- snowtify
- Snusmumrik
- SoccerFun
- SoccerFunGL
- socket-activation
- socket-io
- socket-sctp
- socket-unix
- socketed
- socketio
- sockets
- socketson
- sodium
- soegtk
- softfloat-hs
- solga
- solga-swagger
- solr
- sonic-visualiser
- Sonnex
- SoOSiM
- sorted
- sorting
- sorty
- souffle-haskell
- sound-collage
- sounddelay
- soundgen
- source-code-server
- SourceGraph
- sousit
- soyuz
- SpaceInvaders
- spacepart
- SpacePrivateers
- spake2
- spanout
- sparkle
- sparrow
- sparse
- sparse-lin-alg
- sparsebit
- sparsecheck
- sparser
- spata
- special-functors
- special-keys
- specialize-th
- species
- spectral-clustering
- speculation
- speculation-transformers
- speechmatics
- speedy-slice
- spelling-suggest
- sphero
- sphinx
- sphinx-cli
- sphinxesc
- spice
- SpinCounter
- spir-v
- spiros
- splay
- splaytree
- splines
- split-morphism
- splitter
- splot
- Spock
- Spock-api-ghcjs
- Spock-api-server
- Spock-auth
- Spock-core
- Spock-digestive
- Spock-lucid
- Spock-worker
- spoonutil
- spoty
- Sprig
- sprinkles
- spritz
- sproxy
- sproxy-web
- sproxy2
- spsa
- spy
- sql-simple
- sql-simple-mysql
- sql-simple-pool
- sql-simple-postgresql
- sql-simple-sqlite
- sqlcipher
- sqlite
- sqlite-simple-errors
- sqlite-simple-typed
- sqlvalue-list
- sqsd-local
- squeal-postgresql
- sr-extra
- srcinst
- sscan
- sscgi
- ssh
- ssh-tunnel
- sshd-lint
- sssp
- sstable
- st2
- stable-heap
- stable-maps
- stable-marriage
- stable-memo
- stable-tree
- stack-bump
- stack-fix
- stack-hpc-coveralls
- stack-lib
- stack-network
- stack-prism
- stack-run
- stack-run-auto
- stack-type
- stack-wrapper
- stack2cabal
- stack2nix
- stackage
- stackage-build-plan
- stackage-cabal
- stackage-cli
- stackage-curator
- stackage-metadata
- stackage-query
- stackage-sandbox
- stackage-setup
- stackage-to-hackage
- stackage-types
- stackage-upload
- stackage2nix
- standalone-derive-topdown
- standalone-haddock
- starling
- stash
- Stasis
- state
- state-bag
- state-plus
- state-record
- stateful-mtl
- stateWriter
- static
- static-canvas
- static-closure
- static-tensor
- static-text
- statistics-dirichlet
- statistics-fusion
- statistics-hypergeometric-genvar
- stats
- statsd
- statsd-client
- statsdi
- statvfs
- stb-image-redux
- stc-lang
- stdata
- stdf
- stdio
- steambrowser
- stego-uuid
- stemmer
- stemmer-german
- stepwise
- stern-brocot
- stgi
- stm-chunked-queues
- stm-containers
- stm-firehose
- stm-hamt
- stm-promise
- stm-stats
- stm-supply
- STM32-Zombie
- stmcontrol
- stochastic
- StockholmAlignment
- Stomp
- storable
- storable-static-array
- storablevector-streamfusion
- store-streaming
- stp
- str
- Strafunski-ATermLib
- Strafunski-Sdf2Haskell
- StrappedTemplates
- stratum-tool
- stratux
- stratux-demo
- stratux-websockets
- stream
- stream-fusion
- stream-monad
- streamdeck
- streamed
- streaming-brotli
- streaming-cassava
- streaming-conduit
- streaming-fft
- streaming-lzma
- streaming-png
- streaming-process
- streaming-sort
- streamproc
- strelka
- strict-data
- strict-tuple-lens
- StrictBench
- StrictCheck
- strictly
- string-isos
- string-quote
- string-typelits
- stringlike
- stringtable-atom
- stripe
- stripe-core
- stripe-haskell
- stripe-http-client
- stripe-http-streams
- stripe-tests
- strongswan-sql
- structural-induction
- structural-traversal
- structured-mongoDB
- structures
- stt
- stunclient
- stunts
- stutter
- stylish-cabal
- stylist
- stylized
- sub-state
- subhask
- subleq-toolchain
- submark
- subsample
- substring-parser
- subwordgraph
- successors
- suffix-array
- suffixarray
- SuffixStructures
- sugarhaskell
- suitable
- summoner
- summoner-tui
- sump
- sunlight
- sunroof-compiler
- sunroof-examples
- sunroof-server
- super-user-spark
- superbubbles
- superbuffer
- supercollider-ht
- supercollider-midi
- superconstraints
- superevent
- supermonad
- supero
- supervisor
- supervisors
- supplemented
- surjective
- sv
- sv-svfactor
- svfactor
- svg-builder-fork
- svg2q
- svgcairo
- svgutils
- svm-light-utils
- svm-simple
- svndump
- swagger-petstore
- swagger-test
- swapper
- swearjure
- swf
- swift-lda
- sws
- syb-extras
- syb-with-class-instances-text
- SybWidget
- syfco
- sylvia
- sym
- sym-plot
- symantic
- symantic-http-test
- symantic-lib
- symantic-xml
- symbiote
- symbolic-link
- symengine
- symengine-hs
- sync
- sync-mht
- syncthing-hs
- syntactic
- syntax
- syntax-attoparsec
- syntax-example
- syntax-example-json
- syntax-pretty
- syntax-printer
- syntax-trees
- syntax-trees-fork-bairyn
- SyntaxMacros
- syntaxnet-haskell
- synthesizer
- synthesizer-llvm
- sys-process
- Sysmon
- system-canonicalpath
- system-command
- system-extra
- system-inotify
- system-lifted
- system-linux-proc
- system-locale
- system-random-effect
- systemstats
- t-regex
- t3-client
- t3-server
- ta
- table
- table-layout
- table-tennis
- tableaux
- Tables
- tables
- tablestorage
- Tablify
- tabloid
- tabs
- tag-bits
- tag-stream
- tagged-exception-core
- tagged-list
- tagged-th
- tagged-timers
- taglib-api
- tagsoup-ht
- tagsoup-megaparsec
- tagsoup-navigate
- tagsoup-parsec
- tagsoup-selection
- tagstream-conduit
- tai64
- takahashi
- Takusen
- takusen-oracle
- tal
- tamarin-prover
- tamarin-prover-term
- tamarin-prover-theory
- tamarin-prover-utils
- Tape
- tapioca
- tar-bytestring
- target
- tart
- task
- task-distribution
- taskell
- TaskMonad
- tasty-auto
- tasty-fail-fast
- tasty-groundhog-converters
- tasty-hedgehog-coverage
- tasty-integrate
- tasty-jenkins-xml
- tasty-laws
- tasty-lens
- tasty-mgolden
- tasty-quickcheck-laws
- tasty-stats
- tateti-tateti
- Taxonomy
- TaxonomyTools
- TBit
- tbox
- tcache-AWS
- tccli
- tcod-haskell
- tcp
- tcp-streams-openssl
- tdd-util
- tds
- TeaHS
- teams
- teeth
- telegram
- telegram-api
- telegram-bot
- telegram-bot-simple
- telegram-raw-api
- telegram-types
- teleport
- teleshell
- tellbot
- tempi
- template-default
- template-haskell-util
- template-hsml
- template-yj
- templateify
- templatepg
- tempodb
- temporal-csound
- tempus
- tensor
- tensor-safe
- tensorflow
- tensorflow-core-ops
- tensorflow-logging
- tensorflow-opgen
- tensorflow-ops
- termbox
- termbox-banana
- termbox-bindings
- terminal-text
- termination-combinators
- termplot
- terntup
- terrahs
- tersmu
- test-fixture
- test-framework-doctest
- test-framework-quickcheck
- test-framework-sandbox
- test-framework-skip
- test-framework-testing-feat
- test-pkg
- test-sandbox
- test-sandbox-compose
- test-sandbox-hunit
- test-sandbox-quickcheck
- test-shouldbe
- test-simple
- testbench
- testCom
- TestExplode
- testloop
- testpack
- testpattern
- testrunner
- TeX-my-math
- tex2txt
- texbuilder
- text-all
- text-and-plots
- text-ansi
- text-containers
- text-format-heavy
- text-generic-pretty
- text-icu-normalized
- text-lens
- text-lips
- text-locale-encoding
- text-markup
- text-normal
- text-offset
- text-plus
- text-position
- text-register-machine
- text-time
- text-trie
- text-utf8
- text-utils
- text-xml-qq
- text-zipper-monad
- text1
- textmatetags
- textocat-api
- textual
- tfp-th
- tftp
- tga
- th-alpha
- th-build
- th-context
- th-dict-discovery
- th-fold
- th-format
- th-instances
- th-kinds
- th-kinds-fork
- th-pprint
- th-sccs
- th-tc
- th-to-exp
- th-traced
- th-typegraph
- thank-you-stars
- theatre
- thentos-cookie-session
- Theora
- theoremquest
- theoremquest-client
- thih
- thimk
- Thingie
- thorn
- threadmanager
- threepenny-editors
- threepenny-gui-contextmenu
- threepenny-gui-flexbox
- thrift
- throttled-io-loop
- through-text
- thumbnail-plus
- thumbnail-polish
- tic-tac-toe
- tickle
- TicTacToe
- tictactoe3d
- tidal-midi
- tidal-serial
- tidal-vis
- tie-knot
- tiempo
- tiger
- tightrope
- tighttp
- timberc
- time-extras
- time-exts
- time-http
- time-io-access
- time-machine
- time-qq
- time-quote
- time-recurrence
- time-series
- time-series-lib
- time-w3c
- time-warp
- timecalc
- timemap
- timeout
- timeout-with-results
- timeparsers
- TimePiece
- timeplot
- timeprint
- timer-wheel
- timeseries
- timespan
- timeutils
- timezone-olson-th
- timezone-unix
- tintin
- tiny-scheduler
- TinyLaunchbury
- tinyMesh
- tinytemplate
- TinyURL
- tinyXml
- tip-haskell-frontend
- tip-lib
- titan
- titan-debug-yampa
- titan-record-yampa
- Titim
- tkhs
- tkyprof
- tldr
- tls-extra
- tlynx
- tmp-postgres
- tn
- to-haskell
- to-string-class
- to-string-instances
- toboggan
- todo
- todos
- tofromxml
- toilet
- token-search
- tokenify
- tokenizer-streaming
- tokstyle
- toktok
- tokyocabinet-haskell
- tokyotyrant-haskell
- tomato-rubato-openal
- toml
- tonatona-google-server-api
- tonatona-persistent-postgresql
- too-many-cells
- toodles
- Top
- top
- topkata
- torch
- total-map
- TotalMap
- touched
- Tournament
- toxcore
- toxcore-c
- toxiproxy-haskell
- toysolver
- tpar
- tpb
- tptp
- trace
- trace-call
- trace-function-call
- traced
- tracetree
- tracing
- tracked-files
- tracker
- trackit
- traction
- tracy
- traildb
- trajectory
- transactional-events
- transf
- transfer-db
- transformations
- TransformeR
- transformers-abort
- transformers-compose
- transformers-convert
- transformers-lift
- transformers-runnable
- TransformersStepByStep
- transient
- transient-universe
- transient-universe-tls
- translatable-intset
- translate
- translate-cli
- trasa
- trasa-client
- trasa-extra
- trasa-form
- trasa-server
- trasa-th
- travis
- travis-meta-yaml
- trawl
- traypoweroff
- treap
- tree-monad
- tree-render-text
- tree-traversals
- TreeCounter
- treemap-html
- treemap-html-tools
- TreeStructures
- Treiber
- tremulous-query
- TrendGraph
- trhsx
- triangulation
- TrieMap
- tries
- trigger
- trim
- trimpolya
- tripLL
- trivia
- tropical
- tropical-geometry
- true-name
- truelevel
- trurl
- tsession
- tsession-happstack
- tsp-viz
- tsparse
- tsuntsun
- tsvsql
- tsweb
- ttask
- ttn-client
- tttool
- tubes
- tuntap
- tuntap-simple
- tup-functor
- tuple-gen
- tuple-lenses
- tuple-morph
- tuple-ops
- tupleinstances
- turing-machines
- turing-music
- turingMachine
- turtle-options
- tweak
- tweet-hs
- twentefp-eventloop-graphics
- twentefp-eventloop-trees
- twentefp-graphs
- twentefp-rosetree
- twentefp-trees
- twentefp-websockets
- twentyseven
- twfy-api-client
- twhs
- twidge
- twilight-stm
- twilio
- twill
- twine
- twirp
- twitter
- twitter-conduit
- twitter-enumerator
- twitter-feed
- twitter-types
- twitter-types-lens
- tx
- txt
- txtblk
- tyfam-witnesses
- typalyze
- type-assertions
- type-cache
- type-cereal
- type-combinators
- type-combinators-quote
- type-combinators-singletons
- type-digits
- type-eq
- type-indexed-queues
- type-int
- type-interpreter
- type-level-bst
- type-level-natural-number-induction
- type-level-natural-number-operations
- type-list
- type-ord
- type-ord-spine-cereal
- type-prelude
- type-sets
- type-settheory
- type-spine
- type-structure
- type-sub-th
- type-tree
- typeable-th
- TypeClass
- typed-encoding
- typed-encoding-encoding
- typed-streams
- typed-wire
- typedflow
- typedquery
- typehash
- TypeIlluminator
- typelevel
- typelevel-tensor
- TypeNat
- typeparams
- typerep-map
- types-compat
- typesafe-precure
- typescript-docs
- typograffiti
- tyro
- u2f
- uber
- uberlast
- ucam-webauth
- ucam-webauth-types
- uconv
- udp-conduit
- udp-streaming
- uhc-light
- uhc-util
- uhexdump
- uhttpc
- ui-command
- ulid
- unagi-bloomfilter
- unamb-custom
- unbound
- unbound-generics
- unbound-kind-generics
- unbounded-delays-units
- unboxed-containers
- unbreak
- unfix-binders
- unfoldable
- unfoldable-restricted
- uni-events
- uni-graphs
- uni-htk
- uni-posixutil
- uni-reactor
- uni-uDrawGraph
- uni-util
- unicode-normalization
- unicode-prelude
- unicode-show
- unicode-symbols
- uniform-io
- union
- union-map
- uniqueid
- uniquely-represented-sets
- units-attoparsec
- unittyped
- unitym-yesod
- universal-binary
- universe-th
- unix-fcntl
- unix-handle
- unix-process-conduit
- unjson
- unlifted-list
- unm-hip
- unordered-containers-rematch
- unordered-graphs
- unordered-intmap
- unpack-funcs
- unpacked-either
- unpacked-maybe
- unpacked-maybe-numeric
- unpacked-these
- unpacked-validation
- unparse-attoparsec
- unroll-ghc-plugin
- unsafely
- unscramble
- unsequential
- unused
- uom-plugin
- up
- Updater
- uploadcare
- upskirt
- ureader
- urembed
- uri
- uri-conduit
- uri-enumerator
- uri-enumerator-file
- uri-parse
- uri-template
- uri-templater
- url-decoders
- url-generic
- URLb
- urlcheck
- urldecode
- UrlDisp
- urldisp-happstack
- urlencoded
- urlpath
- urn
- urn-random
- urxml
- usb
- usb-enumerator
- usb-hid
- usb-id-database
- usb-iteratee
- usb-safe
- users-mysql-haskell
- users-persistent
- utf8-prelude
- utf8-validator
- UTFTConverter
- util-exception
- util-plus
- util-primitive
- util-primitive-control
- util-universe
- uu-cco
- uu-cco-examples
- uu-cco-hut-parsing
- uu-cco-uu-parsinglib
- uuagc
- uuagc-bootstrap
- uuagc-cabal
- uuagc-diagrams
- uuid-aeson
- uuid-bytes
- uvector
- uvector-algorithms
- uxadt
- v4l2
- v4l2-examples
- vabal
- vabal-lib
- vacuum
- vacuum-cairo
- vacuum-graphviz
- vacuum-opengl
- vacuum-ubigraph
- valid-names
- validate-input
- validated-types
- Validation
- validations
- validationt
- value-supply
- vampire
- var
- varan
- variable-precision
- variables
- variation
- vault-tool-server
- vault-trans
- vaultaire-common
- vcache
- vcache-trie
- vcard
- vcatt
- vcf
- vcsgui
- vcswrapper
- Vec-Boolean
- Vec-OpenGLRaw
- Vec-Transform
- vect-floating
- vect-floating-accelerate
- vect-opengl
- vector-bytestring
- vector-circular
- vector-clock
- vector-conduit
- vector-endian
- vector-fftw
- vector-functorlazy
- vector-heterogenous
- vector-instances-collections
- vector-random
- vector-read-instances
- vector-space-map
- vector-space-opengl
- vector-space-points
- vector-static
- vector-text
- vectortiles
- venzone
- Verba
- verbalexpressions
- verdict
- verdict-json
- verifiable-expressions
- verify
- verilog
- verismith
- versioning
- versioning-servant
- vflow-types
- vfr-waypoints
- vgrep
- vhd
- vhdl
- vicinity
- ViennaRNA-extras
- viewprof
- views
- vigilance
- Villefort
- vimus
- vintage-basic
- vinyl-gl
- vinyl-json
- vinyl-named-sugar
- vinyl-operational
- vinyl-plus
- vinyl-utils
- vinyl-vectors
- virthualenv
- visibility
- vision
- visual-graphrewrite
- visual-prof
- visualize-cbn
- vitrea
- vivid
- vivid-osc
- vivid-supercollider
- vk-aws-route53
- voicebase
- vorbiscomment
- vowpal-utils
- voyeur
- vpq
- vte
- vtegtk3
- vty-examples
- vty-menu
- vty-ui
- vty-ui-extras
- waargonaut
- wacom-daemon
- waddle
- wahsp
- wai-cli
- wai-devel
- wai-git-http
- wai-graceful
- wai-handler-devel
- wai-handler-scgi
- wai-handler-snap
- wai-handler-webkit
- wai-hmac-auth
- wai-lens
- wai-lite
- wai-logger-buffered
- wai-logger-prefork
- wai-make-assets
- wai-middleware-auth
- wai-middleware-cache
- wai-middleware-cache-redis
- wai-middleware-catch
- wai-middleware-consul
- wai-middleware-content-type
- wai-middleware-crowd
- wai-middleware-delegate
- wai-middleware-etag
- wai-middleware-headers
- wai-middleware-hmac-client
- wai-middleware-preprocessor
- wai-middleware-rollbar
- wai-middleware-route
- wai-middleware-static-caching
- wai-middleware-travisci
- wai-request-spec
- wai-responsible
- wai-route
- wai-router
- wai-routes
- wai-routing
- wai-secure-cookies
- wai-session-alt
- wai-session-mysql
- wai-session-postgresql
- wai-static-cache
- wai-thrift
- wai-throttler
- waitfree
- waitra
- waldo
- wallpaper
- warc
- warp-dynamic
- warp-static
- warp-systemd
- warped
- WashNGo
- wasm
- watchdog
- watcher
- watchit
- WaveFront
- wavefront-obj
- wavesurfer
- wavy
- weak-bag
- weather-api
- web-css
- web-encodings
- web-inv-route
- web-mongrel2
- web-output
- web-page
- web-push
- web-rep
- web-routes-quasi
- web-routes-regular
- web-routes-transformers
- web-routing
- web3
- webapi
- webapp
- WebBits
- WebBits-Html
- WebBits-multiplate
- webcloud
- WebCont
- webcrank
- webcrank-dispatch
- webcrank-wai
- webdriver-angular
- webdriver-snoy
- webdriver-w3c
- WeberLogic
- webfinger-client
- webkit-javascriptcore
- Webrexp
- webserver
- webshow
- websockets-rpc
- webwire
- weighted
- weighted-regexp
- welshy
- werewolf
- werewolf-slack
- Wheb
- wheb-mongo
- wheb-redis
- wheb-strapped
- while-lang-parser
- whim
- whiskers
- whitespace
- whois
- why3
- WikimediaParser
- wikipedia4epub
- wild-bind-indicator
- wild-bind-task-x11
- windns
- windowslive
- winerror
- winio
- Wired
- wires
- wiring
- witty
- wkt
- wkt-geom
- wl-pprint-ansiterm
- wl-pprint-extras
- wl-pprint-terminfo
- WL500gPControl
- WL500gPLib
- wlc-hs
- WMSigner
- wobsurv
- woe
- woffex
- wol
- wolf
- word2vec-model
- WordAlignment
- wordify
- WordNet
- WordNet-ghc74
- wordpass
- wordsearch
- work-time
- workdays
- Workflow
- workflow-extra
- workflow-osx
- workflow-pure
- workflow-types
- workflow-windows
- wp-archivebot
- wraxml
- wrecker
- wrecker-ui
- wreq-patchable
- wreq-sb
- wright
- writer-cps-full
- writer-cps-lens
- writer-cps-monads-tf
- writer-cps-morph
- ws
- wsdl
- wsedit
- wshterm
- wss-client
- wstunnel
- wtk
- wtk-gtk
- wu-wei
- wumpus-basic
- wumpus-core
- wumpus-drawing
- wumpus-microprint
- wumpus-tree
- wxAsteroids
- WXDiffCtrl
- wxdirect
- wxFruit
- WxGeneric
- wxhnotepad
- wxSimpleCanvas
- wxturtle
- wyvern
- x-dsp
- X11-extras
- X11-rm
- X11-xdamage
- X11-xfixes
- x86-64bit
- xchat-plugin
- xcp
- xdcc
- xdot
- Xec
- xenstore
- xfconf
- xformat
- xhaskell-library
- xhb
- xhb-atom-cache
- xhb-ewmh
- xilinx-lava
- xine
- xing-api
- xkbcommon
- xkcd
- xleb
- xls
- xlsior
- xlsx
- xlsx-tabular
- xlsx-templater
- xml-catalog
- xml-conduit-decode
- xml-conduit-stylist
- xml-enumerator
- xml-enumerator-combinators
- xml-extractors
- xml-html-conduit-lens
- xml-monad
- xml-parsec
- xml-pipe
- xml-prettify
- xml-push
- xml-query
- xml-query-xml-conduit
- xml-query-xml-types
- xml-tydom-conduit
- xml-tydom-core
- xml2json
- xml2x
- XmlHtmlWriter
- xmltv
- xmms2-client
- xmms2-client-glib
- xmonad-bluetilebranch
- xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch
- xmonad-contrib-gpl
- xmonad-eval
- xmonad-vanessa
- xmonad-windownames
- xmpipe
- xor
- xorshift-plus
- Xorshift128Plus
- xournal-builder
- xournal-convert
- xournal-parser
- xournal-render
- xournal-types
- xrefcheck
- xsact
- XSaiga
- xsd
- xslt
- xtc
- xxhash
- y0l0bot
- yabi-muno
- Yablog
- yackage
- YACPong
- yahoo-finance-api
- yahoo-finance-conduit
- yahoo-web-search
- yajl
- yajl-enumerator
- yall
- yam
- yam-config
- yam-datasource
- yam-logger
- yam-redis
- yam-servant
- yam-transaction
- yam-transaction-odbc
- yam-transaction-postgresql
- yam-web
- yaml-pretty-extras
- yaml-rpc
- yaml-rpc-scotty
- yaml-rpc-snap
- YamlReference
- Yampa
- yampa-canvas
- yampa-glfw
- yampa-gloss
- yampa-glut
- yampa-sdl2
- yampa-test
- yampa2048
- YampaSynth
- yandex-translate
- yaop
- yap
- yarr
- yarr-image-io
- yavie
- yaya-test
- yaya-unsafe-test
- ycextra
- yeamer
- yeller
- yeshql
- yeshql-core
- yeshql-hdbc
- yeshql-postgresql-simple
- yesod-angular
- yesod-angular-ui
- yesod-articles
- yesod-auth-account
- yesod-auth-account-fork
- yesod-auth-basic
- yesod-auth-bcrypt
- yesod-auth-bcryptdb
- yesod-auth-deskcom
- yesod-auth-fb
- yesod-auth-hmac-keccak
- yesod-auth-kerberos
- yesod-auth-ldap
- yesod-auth-ldap-mediocre
- yesod-auth-ldap-native
- yesod-auth-nopassword
- yesod-auth-oauth2
- yesod-auth-pam
- yesod-auth-smbclient
- yesod-auth-zendesk
- yesod-bootstrap
- yesod-colonnade
- yesod-comments
- yesod-content-pdf
- yesod-continuations
- yesod-crud
- yesod-crud-persist
- yesod-datatables
- yesod-dsl
- yesod-examples
- yesod-fast-devel
- yesod-fay
- yesod-fb
- yesod-form-richtext
- yesod-gitrev
- yesod-goodies
- yesod-ip
- yesod-job-queue
- yesod-links
- yesod-lucid
- yesod-mangopay
- yesod-markdown
- yesod-paginate
- yesod-pagination
- yesod-paypal-rest
- yesod-platform
- yesod-pnotify
- yesod-pure
- yesod-purescript
- yesod-raml
- yesod-raml-bin
- yesod-raml-docs
- yesod-raml-mock
- yesod-recaptcha
- yesod-routes
- yesod-routes-flow
- yesod-routes-typescript
- yesod-rst
- yesod-s3
- yesod-sass
- yesod-session-redis
- yesod-static-angular
- yesod-static-remote
- yesod-test-json
- yesod-tls
- yesod-vend
- yesod-worker
- yet-another-logger
- YFrob
- yggdrasil
- yhccore
- yi
- yi-contrib
- yi-core
- yi-dynamic-configuration
- yi-emacs-colours
- yi-frontend-pango
- yi-frontend-vty
- yi-fuzzy-open
- yi-ireader
- yi-keymap-cua
- yi-keymap-emacs
- yi-keymap-vim
- yi-language
- yi-misc-modes
- yi-mode-haskell
- yi-mode-javascript
- yi-monokai
- yi-snippet
- yi-solarized
- yi-spolsky
- yices
- yjftp
- yjftp-libs
- yoda
- Yogurt
- Yogurt-Standalone
- yoko
- york-lava
- yql
- yst
- yu-auth
- yu-core
- yu-launch
- yu-tool
- yu-utils
- yuuko
- yxdb-utils
- z3-encoding
- z85
- zabt
- zampolit
- zbar
- zendesk-api
- zenhack-prelude
- zeno
- zephyr
- zerobin
- zeromq-haskell
- zeromq3-conduit
- zeromq3-haskell
- zeromq4-clone-pattern
- zeromq4-conduit
- zeromq4-patterns
- zeroth
- zettelkast
- zifter
- zifter-cabal
- zifter-git
- zifter-google-java-format
- zifter-hindent
- zifter-hlint
- zifter-stack
- zigbee-znet25
- zip-conduit
- zipedit
- zipkin
- zipper
- zippo
- ziptastic-client
- ziptastic-core
- zlib-enum
- zm
- ZMachine
- zmcat
- zmidi-score
- zoneinfo
- zoom
- zoom-cache
- zoom-cache-pcm
- zoom-cache-sndfile
- zoom-refs
- zsh-battery
- zsyntax
- ztail
- ztar
- zuramaru
- Zwaluw
- zxcvbn-dvorak
- zxcvbn-hs