Sandro Jäckel ae02415ee8
treewide: remove gnidorah
due to github account removal/deletion and not other mean of contact.
2021-04-30 01:48:19 +02:00

38 lines
1.2 KiB

{ lib, mkDerivation, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, qmake, pkg-config, gtk2 }:
mkDerivation {
pname = "qtstyleplugins";
version = "unstable-2017-03-11";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "qt";
repo = "qtstyleplugins";
rev = "335dbece103e2cbf6c7cf819ab6672c2956b17b3";
sha256 = "085wyn85nrmzr8nv5zv7fi2kqf8rp1gnd30h72s30j55xvhmxvmy";
patches = [
(fetchpatch rec {
name = "0001-fix-build-against-Qt-5.15.patch";
url = "${name}?h=qt5-styleplugins";
sha256 = "j0CgfutqFawy11IqFnlrkfMsMD01NjX/MkfVEVxj1QM=";
(fetchpatch rec {
name = "0002-fix-gtk2-background.patch";
url = "${name}?h=qt5-styleplugins";
sha256 = "qUOkNckrSUEzXY1PUZKfbiCjhNyB5ZBw2IN/j32GKM4=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config qmake ];
buildInputs = [ gtk2 ];
meta = with lib; {
description = "Additional style plugins for Qt5, including BB10, GTK, Cleanlooks, Motif, Plastique";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.lgpl21;
maintainers = [ ];
platforms = platforms.linux;