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<h1 align="center">Fab City OS Core Helm Chart for Kubernetes ⚓️</h1>
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Welcome to the Helm chart for Fab City OS Core! This chart is designed to be a lightweight way to configure the Fab City OS Core official Docker images.
Fab City OS Core is a central component of the digital infrastructure of a Fab City. It can be easily installed and used by users as part of the Fab City Software Kit. This component enables the efficient production and marketing of Open Source Hardware at all levels of the value chain of distributed production.
## About the **INTERFACER** Project
The goal of the INTERFACER project is to build the open-source digital infrastructure for Fab Cities.
Our vision is to promote a green, resilient, and digitally-based mode of production and consumption that enables the greatest possible sovereignty, empowerment and participation of citizens all over the world.
We want to help Fab Cities to produce everything they consume by 2054 on the basis of collaboratively developed and globally shared data in the commons.
To know more [DOWNLOAD THE WHITEPAPER](https://www.interfacerproject.eu/assets/news/whitepaper/IF-WhitePaper_DigitalInfrastructureForFabCities.pdf).
## Table of Contents <!-- omit in toc -->
- [About the **INTERFACER** Project](#about-the-interfacer-project)
- [🚀 Getting Started](#-getting-started)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Install a Kubernetes distribution](#install-a-kubernetes-distribution)
- [Install kubectl](#install-kubectl)
- [Install helm](#install-helm)
- [Add the helm repository](#add-the-helm-repository)
- [💾 Install Fab City OS Core](#-install-fab-city-os-core)
- [🔧 Configuration](#-configuration)
- [Uninstalling](#uninstalling)
- [📖 Documentation](#-documentation)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [👤 Contributing](#-contributing)
- [🌐 Links](#-links)
- [💼 License](#-license)
## 🚀 Getting Started
Kubernetes (K8s), is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. You can run a Fab City OS Core instance inside your Kubernetes cluster, either if you want to expose it to the outside world or just let some other applications use it inside your cluster and take advantage of the instant and powerful search engine.
First of all, you will need a Kubernetes cluster up and running. If you are not familiar with how Kuberentes works or need some help with this step, please check the [Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/).
### Prerequisites
If you use the [nix package manager](https://nixos.org/), the following components will be automatically installed for you. Otherwise, please install these components manually before deploying the application.
#### Install a Kubernetes distribution
Before deploying this application, it is important to have a Kubernetes 1.19+ distribution installed.
We recommend using a lightweight Kubernetes distribution like [k3s](https://k3s.io/) for optimal performance and resource utilization.
#### Install kubectl
`kubectl` is the most commonly used CLI to manage a Kubernetes cluster. The installation instructions are [available here](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/).
#### Install helm
`helm` is a Command Line Interface which will automate chart management and installation on your Kubernetes cluster. To install Helm, follow the [Helm installation instructions](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/).
#### Add the helm repository
To make use of the charts, you may add the repository:
helm repo add fab-city-os-core-beta https://gitlab.fabcity.hamburg/api/v4/projects/248/packages/helm/beta
helm repo update fab-city-os-core-beta
### 💾 Install Fab City OS Core
After the repo is added all charts can be installed via:
helm install fab-city-os-core fab-city-os-core-beta/fab-city-os-core
### 🔧 Configuration
Check out the [values.yaml](./values.yaml) for recommended configurations to use in your environment. You can also find more details about [components](#components) configurations.
### Uninstalling
To uninstall/delete the Fab City OS Core deployment:
helm uninstall fab-city-os-core
## 📖 Documentation
See our [Documentation](https://interfacerproject.github.io/interfacer-docs/).
## Troubleshooting
- [zenflows](https://github.com/interfacerproject/zenflows)
- [zenflows-crypto](https://github.com/interfacerproject/zenflows-crypto)
- [zenflows-inbox](https://github.com/interfacerproject/zenflows-inbox)
- [zenflows-wallet](https://github.com/interfacerproject/zenflows-wallet)
- [interfacer-gui](https://github.com/interfacerproject/interfacer-gui)
- [interfacer-proxy](https://github.com/interfacerproject/interfacer-proxy)
## 👤 Contributing
Any new contribution is more than welcome in this project! If you want to know more about the development workflow or want to contribute, please visit our [contributing guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for detailed instructions!
## 🌐 Links
- https://interfacerproject.eu/
- https://fabcity.hamburg/
## 💼 License
[AGPL-3.0](./LICENSE). © 2023 Fab City Hamburg e. V.